Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 273

Something delicious, come on …?

Luo opened his dead fish eyes and silently looked at Doumen, the latter was seen to have a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

“Is that what President said?” Luo asked.

Doudou people were nodded and said, “Just this sentence.”

“I understood.”

Luo responded and then asked, “Doudou, do you want to stay and eat before you leave?”

“Ah?” Doumen was choked.

“If you don’t stay for dinner, you can go back to life directly,” Luo said.

Doumen understood it and said, “Are you … not going?”

“Don’t go, if it’s a kid, who believes it?” Luo murmured.

That sentence is like … there is something delicious, come to the bowl.

Doudou Nianren smiled awkwardly, hesitated for a moment, and said, “President shouldn’t be kidding this time, it’s really delicious.”

Luo didn’t believe it.

“Before I came, I saw Lin Nie.” Doumen explained.

“Lin Nie …?”

This Chinese-sounding name, Luo is still very impressive. If you remember correctly, it should be a frequent guest of the judges of the food competition, and the most senior food hunter of the Hunters Association.

“I know her.” Luo looks at Doumen.

“Then you don’t have to doubt it, do you?” Doumen said.

“Does President’s talk about delicious food be related to her?” Luo asked.

“Um.” Doumen was nodded.

“Let’s go now?” Luo changed his mind. Since it was related to the most senior food hunter, he had to go there for anything, maybe it was really delicious.

“If it’s convenient for you, it’s better to go now.” One of the order requirements Doudoun people get is that the sooner the better.


Luo thought that he could notify other people on his mobile phone after he got on the spaceship, and in addition, he didn’t need to do any preparation, he could leave immediately.

Seeing Luo’s promise, Doumianren secretly sighed in relief in his heart.

2 people left the room and headed in the direction of the elevator.

In the hallway, Machi came forward, and when he saw Luo and Doumen, he stopped and asked, “Are you going out?”

“Um.” Luo nodded.

“Where to go?”

Luo glanced at Doumen and said, “President asked me to come to him and come back in a few days.”

Machi purse one’s lip, without the slightest hesitation, said, “I want to follow.”

It’s not asking if you can follow, but it’s a direct indication that you want to follow.

Hearing Machi’s words, the Doumian people suddenly felt awkward, because the President only said that Luo was invited.

Luo also found it difficult, but did not want to disappoint Machi. He looked at Doudou Ren and said, “I want to bring Machi.”

“I’ll ask for it first.”

In desperation, Doumen could only call President, but President agreed very decisively, and seemed to care nothing.

So, a group of 3 people came to the top of the building and boarded the spaceship.

After boarding the spaceship, Luo sent a text message to them, telling them that they and Machi were going to the association for a few days.

At noon the day after tomorrow, spaceship came to the huge private airport exclusively owned by the Hunters Association. Although there are less than 1000 professional hunters in the Hunters Association, the number of spaceships can be as high as 100 ships or more. Therefore, the area of ​​the airport is not small.

After arriving at the destination, Doudou Nian led Luo and Machi into the building of the association, and the atmosphere of the modern office was everywhere.

Luo actually didn’t look strange, and Machi should be the first time to come into contact with such a company-like environment, and he couldn’t close his eyes and look around.

Netero is waiting for them in the quiet room on the top floor, and the elevator on the ground floor cannot reach the top floor. You can only reach the top floor by going to the 42nd floor office area and then turning to the exclusive elevator.

Doumen people took 2 people to take the elevator to the 42nd floor, and then walked to the elevator dedicated to the top floor.

When walking towards the exclusive elevator, Luo suddenly noticed an undisguised peeping glance. Between walking, looking back towards the place where the glance was cast was the office area.

I saw a young blond man in an orange striped suit, sitting on a chair, holding a pen in his hand while spinning, and at the same time open and aboveboard looked at Luo, even though Luo turned his head and looked towards him, There was no intention to evade, and a gentle smile was maintained on his face.

Paris Stone?

Luo just glanced over and decisively turned his head away, unwilling to look at this guy more, and the glance from Paris Stone, like the sunlight through a magnifying glass, has been focused on Luo’s back.

In Hunter x Hunter World, the appearance of Mind Power people seems to be aging very slowly. Unless you change your appearance by yourself, your 30s may not be different from your 20s.

Luo only looked at Paris Stone, and instantly recognized his identity. Regardless of the dress, the blond hair and the face did not change from ten years later, and he was still a young man in his twenties.

The question is, why did Paris Stone notice him?

“Anyway, I don’t come often, no matter what.” Luo thought, and walked into the elevator with Doumen.

In the office area, Paris Stone stopped the pen-turning motion and stared at the turn of Kakuzu, who was looking for the exclusive elevator.

“Well …” When he was silent, Pariston slowly converged on his smile, turning into a disappointed expression. On closer inspection, it was enough to send cold shivers down one’s spine.

This look didn’t last long, and changed to a gentle smile in a few seconds.

“Mr. Paris Stone, I, I also have work to do.” At this moment, behind came a shy female voice.

Upon hearing his voice, Paris Stone looked back and saw a coquettish girl in uniform standing at a loss.

“Not good, you are busy.”

Paris Stone Shi Ran got up and gave up his seat to the subdued girl, and was out of the office area.

At the same time, in the quiet room on the top floor of the building, three elderly people were sitting around a low table. Of the three elderly people, the spiritual appearance of Netero looked young, while the other two elderly people had a sense of twilight entering the earth at any time.

If you want to subdivide the differences, it may only be related to the speed of the action.

The other two old men are highly skilled Mind Power masters, one is Lin Nie and the other is Maha. Both are Netero’s old friends.

As the saying goes, people do not use it when they are old, but this word does not apply to these three old people. Even if it is the old age, its strength should not be underestimated.

For example, if they were killed by life and death, Luo would meet them, and they would only be killed by instant.

“Here it is.” Maha, who was very casual, opened her eyes slightly and engaged in his assassination industry. She was very sensitive to the sound. She wanted to hear the sound and came to judgment.

“Let ’s get started, you’re welcome.” Netero slowly lowered his tea cup and smiled.

Lin Nie didn’t speak, but she followed Netero’s requirements and released her aura.

All of a sudden, the three Old Man released a gas field unbearable by ordinary Mind Power and headed towards the quiet room.

Almost at that split second, Machi, who was moving towards the quiet room, was like a frightened kitten, with a subconscious exit back a long distance.

Luo’s reaction was not so exaggerated, but his face was sober.

At the moment when the aura was formed, Luo and Machi were the first to be affected. In addition, Mind Power inside the building felt it.

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