Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 270

Netero President played away … so Luo won the game, but the double-handed injury was quite serious, which was the consequence of a hard goal.

At the expense of injury, you have to win a game such as Competitor. Half of the reasons are due to winning, and the other half is because Luo does not want to lose.

That unwillingness to lose is the same for anyone.

When the game reaches the Late Stage, turning against defeat is the most enjoyable experience. At that time, Luo saw the dawn of victory, so he desperately caught the rays of light.

At the end of the game, several Machi people entered the field and looked at the injuries on Luo double-handed. They could not understand Luo’s approach. It was just a recreational game …

Regarding Caito, Luo won’t mention it in front of everyone, and Netero doesn’t need to talk about this after the game. 2 people know it well.

Machi, they don’t know about it, they can’t figure it out.

Luo’s hand was injured, and Netero’s plan to play until dawn was defeated, and in addition to losing the game, he could only focus on the others.

It was also a game of ball-playing. Buha, Uvogin and Nobunaga were forced to stay in the martial arts room for Netero to vent.

Luo returned to the room, and because Sambika was not there, he contacted the doctor at Sky Competitor Field to come and deal with Luo with a double-handed injury.

Bisji and Machi stood aside, quietly looking at the doctor busy.

Every day in the Sky Competitor field was injured, the doctor was very good at this, and Luo was treated properly.

When the doctor left, Luo, Bisji, and Machi remained in the room.

Luo lifted a bag that looked like a sister-in-law and looked at it, thinking that hurting his hand was really a big trouble.

“Don’t be so reckless next time,” Bisji said.

Luo smiled slyly and said, “No loss.”

“En?” Bisji seemed to hear the voice-over.

Luo just smiled and didn’t talk. He also didn’t expect how to exercise that request, anyway, for an unlimited period of time, and later thought of reuse.

The smile of Bi Shiji looks at Luo, and then associate Luo with the double-handed injury, but also hard to catch the ball, and win the victory with a near-devious style, most of what can be obtained.

In other words, Luo might have made a private bet with President.

“If you win, President will give you a hunter license?” Bissy asked tentatively.

With this guess, she thought of the stakes related to the hunter’s license.

“It’s not a hunter’s license.” Luo heard that Byakugan turned over, and it was a hunter’s license. That kind of thing can be easily obtained with his current ability. Why use a shortcut?

“What else is that?” Bi Siji asked.

“Hehe.” Luo thief said with a smile: “A requirement of unlimited duration!”

Surprised by Siji, didn’t expect Netero President to bet so much, and even if he bet big, dare to let the water go!

She felt that this bet was too underconsidered as President, and thinking of it, she asked curiously, “What if President wins?”

Luo was silent for a while and then said, “If President wins, I’ll have to accept his hunter license.”

“… “

Bisji almost vomited blood.

Netero President … too much fun.

After 2 days, Bisji still left.

Although communication and transportation are very developed, and he can be contacted at any time, Luo is still very reluctant. He has become accustomed to Bi Siji’s help as an elder.

However, according to Bisji: She is not a nanny, and she will leave sooner or later after she is done.

After leaving Bisjiji, Luo returned to the Sky Competitor field, Netero President was still there, but no one was playing with him, because several people were afraid of playing, and he was hiding from him at this time.

In the room, Netero looks at Luo opened the door and walked in, saying, “Bisji is gone.”

Luo nodded, go to the sofa and sit down.

“What do you want to ask?” Netero was holding a glass of juice and drinking it, after 2 days, raised his head.

“Didn’t expect for the time being, or give me a deputy President Dangdang?” Luo played with a smile.

“Yes.” Netero’s eyes lightened, decisively Kaidou.

It was not only difficult to see Netero, but also so decisive, Luo’s mouth Kakuzu twitched, helplessly said: “I’m kidding, I can’t think of any requirements for the time being, I will mention it when I think of it.”

“Juvenile, take advantage of this opportunity,” Netero said with a beard, seduced.

Netero’s request for a joke about Luo was highly desirable, but after getting in touch with the past few days, he probably understands Luo’s style, not to mention vice president, it is a difficult problem for Luo to become a member of the Tenth Earth Branch.

Some time ago, persuading Jin to become a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches also took him a lot of effort. Now it is better, and there is another one.

“Take it down, I won’t do the hard work.” Luo pouted.

The Hunters Association currently does not have the role of Deputy President, and, as a President of Netero, you can easily imagine the disaster of the Deputy President.

Netero originally came to find Luo to play. No, he came to contact Luo personally, then opened the back door for Luo, and sent Luo a hunter license directly, but it failed.

There are also 2 vacancies in the Tenth Earthly Branch. Netero wants to make Luo one of them. There is a saying, a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first. As long as Luo becomes a member of the tenth Earthly Branch, he can always let Luo accompany him. He plays.

However, he also knew that the matter was fine grinding, and not to mention that Luo had not yet obtained a hunter license, how to get Luo to agree was also a trouble.

“Are you planning to participate in this year’s Hunter test?” Thinking of this, Netero didn’t want to go any further, and went directly to the topic of teleportation.

“If there is no accident, you should go.” Luo thought to himself that he would basically take the test as long as he was not involved in foreign affairs.

Netero nodded, drank the drink in the cup in one breath.


At this time, Netero’s cell phone rang.

Netero took out his mobile phone and squeezed it with his middle index finger. After a certain distance between his ears, it turned on.

鈥淧resident !鈥?/p>

After being connected, a loud and grieving voice came from the phone!

This voice is from Doumen. After sneaking off Netero, he gave Netero a few days with interest, and only came to Netero today.

Because if Netero came to look for it immediately after sneaking away, it would be self-defeating.

Netero opened his dead eyes and waited until Doumen’s opening roar ended. Then he put the phone to his ear and said, “Oh, it’s Doudou.”

At the other end of the phone, Doumianren wanted to die, and said angrily, “I’m already on the tarmac on the top of the Sky Competitor, please come back with me immediately.”

“So coincident? I just happened to be back at the association.” Netero calmly.

“You … thought I could believe?” Doumen’s head was full of black lines.

Dou Nian Ren may be too excited, so that the mobile phone does not need to be hands-free, and Luo can hear it clearly at this time. At this time, he sees Netero’s unscrupulous blindness and feels speechless.

In the interior of the Urubian mainland, there is a large city called Ambow. Half a month ago, a suspected flu virus broke out and spread to the surrounding areas with lightning speed.

When the danger was discovered, the local authorities immediately launched countermeasures, but in the end they were helpless and could only apply temporary isolation.

As a virus hunter, Sambika accompanied two other hunters in the association to go deep into the hard-hit area of 鈥嬧€婣mbow three days ago.

At this moment, more than a dozen people stood in a tent, each wearing epidemic prevention clothing, and Sambica was among them.

Everyone gathered around a table with a World map on it, and an island with a special shape surrounded by red pens.

The topic of discussion is not the virus, but the island.

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