Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 269

The score is 4 to 1. If Luo loses another goal, Netero President will get the match point first.

The 4th ball was lost, making Luo understand that only double-handed can catch the ball.

If you use the field, you can block the ball, but you can’t catch the ball, because the field is widely controlled, there is no double-handed to be fine.

“This ball must be scored.”

Luo glanced down at the volleyball, and his enthusiasm for winning revealed his ambition.

With his straight arm holding the ball facing Netero President, he does not seem to intend to adopt an orthodox serving style or a killing style.

The essence of this game relies more on the diversified use of mental power, but the technology related to the ball is secondary.

Seeing Luo’s special serve style, Netero immediately thought of the Emitter ability that Luo had used in the ring.

“It really makes better use of” hair “.” Netero thought to himself.

Just then, the ball suddenly moved.

Luo kept his palms still and used the Emitter ability to directly strike the ball out.

If the ball is served in the style of racket, then the contact between the palm and the ball is as short as a dragonfly. It is difficult to infuse the mind with such a short time and achieve the desired effect.

Like Luo, using ‘hair’ in a stationary state, although there is less assistance from hitting the ball with the palm of your hand, it can make your mind work better.

The ball, instead of heading, flew to the left of Netero.

Netero kicked on one foot, and when the ball was close to the ball, he was already in position and then caught the ball with double-handed.

At this moment, Luo gathered his eyes and watched how Netero handled the ball.

“The flow of qi seems to be very slow, but it can keep up with the rotating speed of my qi.”

“Turn the Qi in the same direction, while protecting the ball, gradually wear off the rotation of the Qi.”

Luo sees Netero’s style of handling the ball, it looks a lot like fishing.

At first I am following the direction of the fish wandering, patiently waiting for the fish’s stamina to run out, then pulling the rod sharply, turning the direction of the reading force, and completely holding the ball with the opposite force.

In addition, Netero President’s mental flow seems slow and quiet, but the sense of existence is far better than his own anger. There is a sense of sight of a person who walks slowly but sprints faster.

Is this how to handle the ball?

But it’s so easy to see … why is there a feeling of being undercover? Is it an illusion?

Luo looked away and landed on Netero’s face, a serious expression.

“Do you want to use the same approach as Netero President?”

Luo always feels that there is something wrong, and now that I understand the principle, why should I follow the book? You can make good use of your own characteristics and catch the ball in different styles.

Just as Luo figured it out, the Netero President served and it was still a ball that should not be underestimated.

Luo spiritual is highly concentrated, because the ball comes from the front, he doesn’t have to move, he just needs to stand in place to catch the ball.

He reached out double-handed and caught the ball steadily. On the rotation of gas, he adopted a method different from Netero President.


Using the characteristics of the hand of God, he gradually removed the qi from the volleyball along the direction of qi’s rotation. From a distance, the separated qi flew like a piece of paper.

Within 5 seconds, the ball stopped and did not explode, and its appearance was as good as ever.

“Good boy.”

Netero praised.

It was Luo’s offensive turn. He chose to double-handed to hold the ball this time. He also pushed the ball out in a static motion.

The volleyball, like an arrow shuttle, crossed a distance of nearly 50 meters and landed to the right of Netero’s field.

Netero reached the place where the ball arrived at a fairly fast speed, still catching the ball easily, but when he just received the ball, the ball suddenly exploded.

4 to 2.

“Goal 2.” Luo smiled insidiously.

Netero didn’t care. He took a new ball to the basket and returned to the court with the same serve as before.

Luo has fully grasped how to catch the ball, and this time he still received the ball easily.

He then double-handed again to hold the ball and serve it!


After the ball was caught by Netero, it exploded and the score became 4 to 3.

Luo shook his fist vigorously when he saw this, and was excited, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

Netero took another new ball. In the attacking round, it was caught by Luo again. When he switched to Luo serve, Netero failed to defend again.

4 to 4.

Netero conceded 3 goals in a row, but looking at his reaction was nothing at all.

Luo injected 3 strands of gas with different rotation directions into these 2 balls, and adjusted the speed of these 2 strands of gas by fine adjustment.

So when Netero just received the ball, he intervened in the air, the ball couldn’t bear it, and it exploded.


Touching these 3 goals in person, Netero has determined the fact that Luo has brought Emitter’s characteristics to 100%.

In fact, Zeno watched the video of the game replayed by Luo and An Tongmu, but still couldn’t see what department Luo belonged to. If he wanted a clear answer, he would have to contact him in person.

At this time Netero, he got the answer through these 3 goals, but even so, he still didn’t think Luo was as simple as Emitter.

It’s Netero’s turn to serve, he no longer throws the ball, but holds the ball in the right hand, and then injects most of the air into the volleyball in a ‘hard’ style, emitting dazzling rays of light.

He raised his arm, fished it back, and then threw it vigorously.

The ball flew towards Luo with a series of booming sounds.

call out!

The ball crashed into Luo’s double-handed, and a Strength that was dozens of times stronger than before was passed to Luo’s body through volleyball.

“en? !”

The speed of Luo’s elimination is far behind, and his body is like a rootless duckweed. He is pushed by this Strength and slides backward.

It has been sliding a long distance, which contains the ball of horror Strength. It suddenly broke away from the control of Luo double-handed, flew to the right, smashed the wall like lightning, and spared no effort to go farther away .

At the same time, Luo fell to the ground.

pēng pēng pēng…!

After seven sounds, the volleyball smashed through seven walls and flew to the sky outside the Competitor field, disappearing into the night in a blink of an eye.

“The 5th goal, you lose the next goal.” Netero said with a smile.

Luo glanced at Netero first, then raised a slightly red and swollen double-handed and frowned, not speaking.

What a joke, how do you catch this formidable power ball?

The situation just now was actually that he deliberately let the ball go out of hand. At that time, he thought that the hand would most likely be broken if the ball was not let go. Therefore, he released the ball based on his judgment.

Starting from the 5th goal, Netero obviously abandoned the method of seize every opportunity and adopted the most direct and overbearing style.

That ball not only did not explode, it also successfully forced Luo to let go and broke through 7 walls.

Despite this result, Netero still did not do his best, after all, this is not a life-and-death duel, there is no need to achieve that level.

Except for those who were calmer than Siji, the others were stunned.

After Luo got up and returned to the field, Netero threw the new ball over, and friendly reminded: “It’s better not to serve the same way as before.”

Luo took the ball and thought about it silently.

In the horrible case of Strength just now, the ball didn’t explode. This plan Netero has a way to allow the ball to carry extremely strong formidable power while also ensuring that it will not be destroyed.

Is it a ‘week’ comparable to the Strength output …

If this is the case, then the previous 3 goals of seize every opportunity did have a great chance of failing. If the ball was caught by Netero President, once again, he would lose the ball.

“You can’t let Netero President get the ball, you have the chance to score.”

Without any basis, Luo had such a guess, and at the same time he had no confidence in this guess.

He believes that if he wants to score, he must not let Netero hit the ball, and in this direction, think about how to score.

Seeing that Luo didn’t serve, Netero was thinking, and was very forgiving. He didn’t urge to serve, and he was also curious about what style Luo wanted to use to overcome the difficulties.

“With the response of Netero President and Speed, no matter how difficult Kakuzu is, as long as the speed of the ball cannot exceed the response of Netero President, there is absolutely no chance at all.”

“Also, the speed at which I serve is obviously not faster than the response speed of Netero President.”

“So how do you win?”


Suddenly, Luo suddenly flashed his brains, inexplicably thinking of the battle between Zeno and Chrollo in the Yorknew auction building.

He remembers that Zeno’s leading dramas can be freely manipulated after being released. If this feature can be put on volleyball, maybe the chicken can be stolen in Netero’s hands …

The combination of Emitter and operating system!

“Maybe it works!”

Luo had a good idea, double-handed the ball and made a serve.

Netero expression is calm, waiting for Luo’s serve.

“It doesn’t need to be too complicated, just change the trajectory of the ball suddenly.” Thinking of this, Luo gathered gas and blasted the ball, hitting Netero directly.

“Is this situation still positive? Courage is commendable.”

Seeing the ball coming forward, Netero murmured in his heart, posing, ready to catch the threat-free ball.

The speed of the ball’s flight was very fast, and it came to Netero’s eyes.

“Come around!”

Luo’s eyes were frozen, manipulating the volleyball before he was caught by the Netero President, and turned into an ‘l’-shaped flight track in vain.


Netero glanced at Kakuzu peripheral vision, surprised at the ball turning to the left.

At that moment, Netero subconsciously wanted to use the ‘100-style Guanyin’ to remedy the ball, and he had just made a starting gesture and quickly dropped it.

He suppressed the idea at the crucial moment and gave up the ball.

He thought to himself, even if he lost the ball, it just flattened the score, and the next ball was his serve, and he was completely confident that Luo could not catch the ball.

The ball flew to the wall on the left, bumped and bounced to the ground, and bounced several times in succession before slowly stopping.


Luo fisted hard, excited, “That’s 5 to 5!”

With 4 goals from Netero, Luo pulled the score to the match point and got a chance to win.

“You are too happy, think about how to catch my next goal.”

Seeing Luo being so excited, Netero hit a little bit with a loud voice. He has already got the ball and is ready to end the draw.

On the side, Bi Siji’s eyes moved around the body of two people, thinking in his heart: Although the President released water, it was really not easy for Luo to stick to this point.

Seeing that Netero President was ready to serve, Luo suppressed his inner excitement. He was very clear that only by catching the ball from Netero President could he be closer to victory.

“Must catch it!”

At this moment, Luo’s desire to win was completely blown.

Netero served, the same formidable power as the last ball, and flew to Luo like Meteor, and the direction was also positive.

Luo just lifted the double-handed to catch the ball, but was still pushed backwards by the force of the ball.

“This time … I will never let go!”

Knowing the consequences of hard-wired this horrible ball, Luo who wants to win this game can’t control that many.

Anyway, he has to take the ball!

With this conviction, he didn’t let go when he died, and was hit by the ball on the edge of the wall, and did not let the ball off his hands.

“Would you rather injure your hand, but force it next?” Netero looks at this scene, mouth Kakuzu raise upwards, showing a smile.

Ka ka …

The hands broke, and pain came, but Luo just frowned and had no other response.

Soon, eight of the ten hands were broken, but the good news is that the formidable power of the ball began to weaken.

chi chi…!

Over time, Luo double-handed’s injury became more serious, and the potential energy of the ball also weakened at the same time, and finally quieted in Luo’s double-handed.


Luo’s gaze fell on the ball, ignoring the rather tragic palm, and suddenly he smiled contentedly, then slowly walked into the field.

Seeing that Luo did not hesitate to make a double-handed injury, he also had to take the ball. The faces of the Machi people who watched were simultaneously changed. I wonder if it was just a pastime after dinner.

The reason is only clear to the two in question.

“A hand injury is like this, how do you want to receive the next ball?” Netero said, suddenly thinking of a serious problem, Luo’s hand injury was like this, wouldn’t he not be able to accompany him until dawn?

Rather than the final decision, Netero paid more attention to this issue. I really don’t know if his winning spirit was temporarily offline. I still think there is no suspense in this victory. I think it should be the latter.

“As long as you can’t catch the ball, I win, and naturally I don’t have to catch the next ball.” Luo calmly said.

“Oh? You are actually confident.” Netero raised an eyebrow.

A ball that can change direction is like a cheater in this game, however, Netero can use the 100-style Kwanzu of the deadless Kwanzu to throw the ball back.

If Luo still wants to repeat the situation of the previous goal, then Netero will definitely fight back with a 100-style Guanyin this time, and then win the victory.

Luo seemed to see victory, a big smile appeared on his face, and asked, “President, have you lost?”

“Lost.” Netero indifferently said.

In life, there are countless things related to winning or losing, and it is not surprising that you have won or lost.

“Then … please lose again,” Luo said seriously.

Netero narrowed his eyes and waited silently for Luo’s serve.

After Luo had finished speaking, it was time to serve.

At the last goal of the match point, he did not use his gas to increase the Speed ​​and formidable power of the ball, but just slowly threw the ball to Netero President with the injured palms.

Looks at this weak ball, Netero’s eyes are incomprehensible, and next second his face darkens.

After throwing the ball into the air, Luo condensed a needle-like air bomb, and later took over at a super fast speed, stabbing the volleyball that had flown over a distance of 4 ten meters.

So, Netero just reacted, and the ball about ten meters away from him suddenly exploded in the air.

“Your boy, you’re cheating!” Netero stared at the split second, and he felt a little bit of pain in the split second.

Not to mention this cheating style, that the stylus was even used by Luo to eliminate the breath, and Netero’s attention was focused on the ball, which did not notice that Luo later took the stylus.

He didn’t realize the problem until the needle was about to hit the ball.

“Goal 6!”

Luo didn’t care about Netero’s questioning, but just announced the result with a smile.

Netero saw his distressed pats head and played off.

“The scoring conditions are set by you, as long as you don’t let the opponent receive the ball, will you not deny it?” Luo said seriously.

“You won.” Netero grinned.

Judging from the rules of the game, Luo’s approach is not a fraud, but a trick. At least from the rules, it is indeed that Luo has won. Netero has no reason to argue.

Anyway, this kid … how does it look like Kim’s way?

Suddenly, Netero seemed to see the shadow of Jin in Luo’s body.

Aside, Bi Siji covered her face. Although she didn’t know what the scoring rules were before, she looked at those many balls and probably guessed.

Then, Luo ’s last goal was simply … who made the President too confident and would lose the game if he didn’t let the water go.

“Play off …”

Even if there are 1000 words and 10000 words, it is not as good as converging on the short sentence in Bisji’s heart.

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