Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 260

Silva only felt familiar with the four fonts in that book, and Zeno’s response was obviously to recognize the four Chinese fonts.

“hand of God.”

Zeno double-handed was placed on the back of the hand, and he actually read the term in Chinese. He quickly glanced at Silva and asked, “Are you a modernist?”

“I’m not sure,” Silva’s eyes flickered. “But this book is really materialized, and before the book was materialized, he had a rusty knife.”

“Really …” Zeno looks at the broken arm pinched by Luo on the screen, leaving out the weird phenomenon without bleeding, and the cut was indeed smooth. Indifferently said, “That broken arm was cut by a rusty knife?”

“Yes.” Silva nodded.

“Isn’t there a conclusion yet?” Zeno asked.

“No, he has also used the capabilities of the Emitter and the control system, and only broke the opponent’s defense with that rusty knife. It may be related to the ability of the Enhancer, but it is not ruled out because of the characteristics of modern weapons. Silva explained.

In this battle, Luo’s ability to use is too diverse, and the ability to destroy the flame at the last moment, it is difficult for Silva to make a clear judgment.

Oh? “Zeno raised an eyebrow, and said unexpectedly,” Can’t you see it with your eyesight and experience? ” “

The terrifying aspects of Zoldyck’s family are not assassination skills, nor combat skills, nor superb Mind Power skills, but sophisticated and rich experience!

Silva’s experience is still a little different than Zeno, but it is also different from ordinary people. As long as you watch a mental battle as an onlooker, it should not be difficult to judge the department.

“I can’t see it.” Silva nodded, and there’s nothing to admit.

Zeno was even more surprised, saying, “Interesting, right … who is he?”

“… “

Silva said nothing for a moment and then said, “He is Luo.”


When Zeno heard it, it sounded familiar, but it was also good for others, but it was not bad, and he quickly remembered who Luo was.

“This boy is the one Illumi mentioned?”

“Um.” Silva Kaidou.

“It’s strange that there is a doorway, no wonder Illumi will mention him deliberately.” Zeno groaned and asked, “Is the battle recorded?”

“Yes,” Silva said.

“Let’s see that again,” Zeno said as he walked down to Silva and sat down, staring at the screen.

Silva glanced at Zeno, and he knew that Dad was mostly interested in those 4 fonts.

“It is very rare to be able to embody two kinds of items, and the words in this book …” Zeno’s eyes were full of search.

The realized items often come from the users themselves. In other words, Luo definitely knows this typeface, so these four words will only appear in books.

“Daddy.” Silva looked towards Zeno.

“It’s the same language.” Zeno knew what Silva wanted to ask and directly Kaidou: “But it’s not surprising that outsiders can master this language.”

After speaking, it is to focus on the screen.

Seeing this, Silva could only look towards the screen. Regarding this typeface, he had once sat in the book of Grandpa’s collection, Satomi, but did not learn it seriously.

At this point, the audience in the venue gradually lost their voices, looking at Luo single-handed, pinching An Tongmu’s broken arm, with different expressions.

Above the ring, Luo used the power of the hand of God to keep cutting An Tongmu’s anger.

He cut his gas in one hand, holding a book in one hand, and waited for An Tongmu’s decision afterwards.

Abandoning his arm to protect his body, or to ignore it, ends up being killed by Luo.

Arms and fate, this multiple-choice question does not need to think, but after all, it is not 3 hands, it is not so easy to choose.

This was the case with Antong. He hesitated for about 5 seconds, and was cut off by Luo.

In the end, An Tongmu removed the mental output from the broken arm, which meant that he gave up his left arm.

Luo saw that the broken arm was in an absolute state, and did not know what kind of politeness was. Single-handed opened and automatically turned to the page of Antongmu, and then took a photo of the broken arm, and instantly put the broken arm into the book, then removed the book .

His movements were simple and efficient. In the eyes of outsiders, the split second that the book touched with the broken arm disappeared.

“You’re done.” Luo looks at An Tong Mu, differently said.

The voice did not fall, and a large amount of blood spewed out from the broken arm of An Tongmu, causing some audiences in the venue to exclaim.


In the auditorium, Bi Siji touched the chin and cut off An Tongmu’s left arm in 80 rounds. After only about 1 rounds, he could defeat An Tongmu.

On the ring, An Tongmu lightly groaned, his face flashed pale, contracting the muscles at the wound of the broken arm, in an attempt to slow down the bleeding speed, and at the same time backed away, pulling farther away.

Must stop bleeding …

An Tongmu wants to stop bleeding as soon as possible, but Luo will let An Tongmu go with his heart. At the same time he removes the book, he summon Allah out of the flame tattoo, and rushes towards An Tongmu in his hand.


An Tongmu’s face became unsightly. He felt a deep crisis. He tore off the body’s clothes with the right hand of the thumb and tail, and wanted to live tightly around the wound as a bandage.

However, Luo waved Allah and cut out 3 sword qi towards him at once.

An Tongmu moved left and right, flashed through the three sword qi, leaving a large ‘z’ blood stain on the ring. It was blood flowing from the broken arm. The muscle contraction alone could not stop the blood completely. Bandages are also needed.

Realizing that Luo wanted to interfere with hemostasis, despite his resentment, An Tongmu was helpless, and he could only do his best to take the opportunity to complete the hemostasis measures.

In this way, Luo did not hesitate in the downwind, and made An Tongmu miserable steadily.

An Tongmu threw down a large amount of blood on the ring to make painful hemostatic measures for 10000 minutes. At this time, his face paled a lot, bloody aura became very pale, and a trace of arrogance in the cold face disappeared long ago .

Before the battle began, he firmly believed that he could use his strengths to crush Luo. He never thought he would end up in this end.

Look pale, this is a sign of excessive blood loss, and coupled with a missing arm, Antongmu is clearly invincible.

Luo rushed to An Tongmu and drove the sword away. Although he lost too much blood, he still struggled to avoid the long sword that was frequently cut.

The long knife that seemed to be covered in rust and other stains was a sharp weapon that could easily cut off his mental defense, and if he was cut again, it was really complete.

Allah’s sharpness makes An Tongmu, who has lost his arm, become intimidating, and has no momentum from the previous attack.

Luo’s Blade Technique is well-formed, and the solid foundation reveals a heavy meaning. In the face of Taijutsu’s not weak Andongmu, it is difficult to achieve results.

However, besides waving his sword, Luo will occasionally make a punch or kick, crushing Antong Mu.

An Tongmu suffered Luo several times in the course of defense, and finally realized that if he continued this way, it would only be a chronic death.

“Can’t win.”

He secretly gritted his teeth and came to a conclusion.

Then he thought hard in his heart: Since he can’t win, even if he is dead, he wants to pull you together!

Restrictions and vows!

An Tongmu’s whole body floated to death, at the same time, his body’s turbulent gas suddenly increased, causing a strong wind, driving Luo back! .


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