Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 259

As soon as An Tongmu debuted, naturally more than half of the fans in the venue cheered.

The burly figure, calm expression, experienced atmosphere, and the metallic luster of the finger tiger, reveal the ruggedness consistent with his temperament. The disadvantage is that the right hand has no 3 hands.

It is the Enhancer itself, and the main attack method is double fist. At this time, a good-selling finger tiger is put on it, which is more deterrent.

After all, An Tongmu is a master-level figure who has been in the Sky Competitor field for many years. He has a lot of loyal audiences. After his debut, the cheers on the scene are not just.

Explaining the helpless girl, first asked the audience to be low-key, and then called out Luo’s name.

As the commentary’s voice fell, Luo stepped out from the other side, and expression walked calmly onto the ring.

An Tongmu looks at Luo 2 With his empty hand, there was a touch of coldness in the bottom of his eyes, and he said, “Do you think of yourself very high, or do you look down on me?”

He knew that Luo used a knife. In most of the previous games, Luo did not bring a knife to the ring. Mostly he thought that his previous opponent was not worth using a knife. However, the current opponent is him, and the battle is a deathmatch.

However, Luo didn’t even bring a knife.

Hearing what An Tongmu said, Luo just raised the double-handed and shook his fist, and said nothing.

Seeing Luo’s response, An Tongmu was coldly smiled, and he didn’t bother to talk too much. He had already decided Luo’s way of death, which was to twist his neck directly.

Luo didn’t bring a knife?

He brought it, but it didn’t happen.

Time goes back 2 months.

Luo made an excessive request with Bisji during training.

He asked Bisji to transform, and then used his fleshhy body to help him test the sharpness of Allah.

This request is like one person holding a blade and found another person and asked: I want to try this knife is not good enough, can you cut me a few times?

The point is not yet, but several times!

Bi Siji agreed, and gave Luo full trust.

This trust is also a precious treasure that Luo got from Bisji.

The information that Allah with the hand of God can cut off the defense of consciousness is important to Luo. With Bisji as a reference, it is easy to get the answer.

After that test, Bisji’s name occupied one page of the book, and Luo reached a corresponding conclusion.

Now, Allah has become a trump card for Luo’s victory over Andong Mu.

On the platform, two people stand 2 meters apart, and the referee stands between the two people.

“Please pay attention to the conditions of victory: the death of the other party.”

Referee raised his right hand, first glanced at An Tongmu, then glanced at Luo, and then announced the start of the game, then quickly retreated.

In the deathmatch mode, referee does not have to work hard to reduce the death rate of the players. After the announcement of the game, he only needs to call 666 outside the ring.

“The game has begun! An Tongmu moved towards Luo and rushed straight. This is the usual move of An Tongmu. He used this trick to ‘ram’ his opponent!”

“But our Luo player is standing still. Does he want to use his skills again to use the slate to resist the opponent’s offensive?”

At the first match, a lot of narration accumulated by the commentary erupted directly, and a few words were said in a brain, for fear that the battle would soon end.

On the platform, An Tongmu made a sideways posture, like a Mercedes-Benz train, rushing towards Luo, 100 meters away.

When Luo saw this, he raised his hand and condensed his gas.

If you want to test, the speed of the munition is fast and the energy consumed is relatively small, but Luo chose to consume more energy, only because the opponent is An Tong Mu.

The disc-shaped Qiyuan chop was thrown to Antong by Luo. The latter saw this, but had no intention to dodge. After judging the trajectory of Qiqi chop, he gathered most of the Qi on his left shoulder, ready to be hard. Resistant to downturn.

He made this judgment for two reasons.

One is that he knows that Luo ’s mind is a bit special and does not have impact, but has a significant penetration of the defense of mind, and the other is that he has confidence in his defense of mind, and is unwilling to be blocked by the momentum.

“Trusted? Wrong …”

Luo’s gaze fixed, without raising the feet of the slightest hesitation, four slabs echoed around him.

At the same time, Qi Yuan chopped on An Tongmu’s left shoulder, but even An Tongmu’s momentum could not be slowed down, and it was divided into 2 halves, fell to the ground, and cut 2 deep trenches. mark.

The use of ‘flow’ to mobilize air volume has resisted Qi Yuan Cho, and because Qi Yuan Cho does not have the characteristics of impact, the momentum is not affected. Everything is just as An Tongmu judges.

This choice may not be considered gambling, because An Tongmu is full of confidence.

An Tongmu, like a wild cow, came in a moment.

Luo controlled the slate, and was able to infuse his mind to fly away. An Tongmu had already intruded into the attack range. He roared, shattered the slate, and rushed to Luo’s body.


An Tongmu stepped into the ground with his right foot, and his mental energy was released, which produced a jet-like effect, pushing his body, accelerating the transient momentary explosive force, and fiercely hit Luo’s body.

At a critical moment, Luo ventured into the field, laying air resistance on the track of Andongmu’s collision, while flashing to the right.

The collision of An Tongmu was delayed by resistance, rubbing Luo’s body, and Luo was not hit by the front, but was still blown out by the generated wind shock, and almost fell out of balance and fell to the ground.

An Tongmu’s explosive power is too horrible. It seems to have something to do with his thoughts. If Luo didn’t see the right thing, he would quickly expand the field and use the resistance to delay the buffer, otherwise he would never escape.

This intensive collision is equivalent to An Tongmu’s most aggressive attack in the opening. There is no need to resist it, but to hide.

After a crash, An Tongmu rushed to the edge of the platform to stop, bent his knees and squatted, patted his left hand on the ground, and returned fiercely, rushing towards Luo, who was just standing.

Get close and punch!

As if carrying a fist with a force of 1000 jun strength shook a piece of strong wind, making a loud cracking sound over the ring.

Luo’s frontal battle strength is not what he used to be. His current physical quality is also considered to be strong. The use of ‘flow’ has also changed from shallow to deep. Seeing that An Tongmu comes down, he never gives in.

At this kind of moment, if you retreat, you will be overwhelmed by An Tongmu, so as to seize the rhythm point and operate a situation of suppression.

Luo cannot retreat, and there is no need to retreat.

He squatted slightly, avoiding An Tongmu’s right fist, then lifted his hook, and punched the right hand arm straight to An Tongmu, who threw the right hand away from this fist, and then Counterattack calmly.

The bodies of two people were entangled immediately, and the endless dull collision sounds rang through the audience, straightening to cover the noise of the audience.

In just one minute, Luo and An Tongmu fought for more than 30 rounds.

Because An Tongmu ’s fist wears a finger tiger, Luo tries to avoid fighting with An Tongmu as much as possible. He always wants to take the opportunity to counterattack while he is avoiding. However, An Tongmu ’s experience is so sophisticated that he blocks his every time. offensive.

Offensive sharp, not one drop of water can leak out…

This is Luo’s impression of Andong’s offensive, which is different from Uvogin’s style that does not consider defense.

Luo originally wanted to use the “trap method” to create more opportunities when counterattacking the attack, but after more than a dozen rounds of entanglement, he found that he didn’t have the energy to distract himself from doing that kind of small action.

An Tongmu regards mindpower as fuel for injection, and often speeds up Speed ​​and increases Attack Power in vain, like a gift box with a bomb, which brings Luo a lot of trouble.


An Tongmu’s face was slightly heavy. After fighting, he realized that Luo’s growth speed this year was indeed horrible. Leaving aside physical fitness, he used the technique of “flow” to keep up with his offensive.

A year ago, Ming Liu’s ‘liu’ will not be used, but now he is so skilled and calm.

This aptitude …

Andong’s killing intent will become more intense!

In the last battle, Luo lacked positive battle strength and could only seize every opportunity. That method was only a chronic death. Now, he has the ability to fight against An Tongmu, but he cannot easily win An Tongmu. Toddler.

After nearly 50 rounds of confrontation, Luo realized that the method of stability could not pry off the defense of Andongmu. In the split second, he thought of Uvogin’s approach in battle.

“bang bang bang!”

Wherever the 2 people went, the hard slate first became a shallow crack, and then evolved into a crack. Every time you stepped over, the slate there shattered. Within a moment, most of the slabs became unrecognizable.

This is the 230th floor of the Competitor ring. The higher the level, the higher the quality of the materials used in the ring. It can still be affected by the battle and destroyed in everything like tofu.

Fortunately, the quality of the floors is hard enough. Otherwise, if you continue to fight like this, maybe you will penetrate the floor and fall to the 229th floor.

For more than 50 rounds of fighting, the situation is not clear enough. Even experienced Bisji will not see who has a big advantage for a while.

“With Luo’s current strength, if you say the right grinding blade stone, no one is more suitable than Antong Kisara.” Bisji Ning Shen looks at the battle between the two sides on the ring, “As long as Luo wins this battle …”

In the seat next to them, the faces of Uvogin, Machi, Nobunaga, and Bhajan were very serious. After seeing the struggle between Luo and An Tongmu, they subconsciously substituted themselves in and got a weak answer.

The thoughts released during the collision between the limbs looked extremely dazzling. Even with this onslaught, Uvogin was not sure to persist for more than 30 rounds, even 20 rounds.

On the ring, the fierce confrontation between them increased the number of rounds to 60 rounds at once.

Just then, there was a slight change in Luo’s offensive. He no longer emulated An Tongmu’s oppressive offensive, but gradually gained the momentum to let go.

It is a good choice to be steady and stable, but it does not apply to the deadlock. You must make changes and focus on the offensive …!

Luo suddenly opened up the field and put on resistance in Minnet on Monday, which means that he divided the value of 100 points into 30 points or more.

The resistance controlled in the field can delay Andongmu’s offensive, but also makes Luo’s attack and defense value up to about 70 points.


An Tongmu was very keen, and immediately noticed the formation of resistance. At the same time, he noticed that the flow of thoughts in Luo body was weakened, and it was immediately clear.

He only has a one-sided understanding of Luo’s Mind Power, but at the moment, he can see the clue. Luo is sacrificing part of the energy that the body can mobilize to build a resistance environment that is conducive to himself.


“The focus is not on Speed, but on whether it can cause harm!”

A chill appeared deep in the bottom of An Tongmu’s eyes. In his opinion, it is meaningless to delay his Speed. As long as the limb collided, his mental energy value was higher than Luo’s mental energy value, and then he could be harmed!

The confrontation between the two sides suddenly heated up.

Antongmu did not mind the consumption of energy, and kept using gas as the fuel of propulsion, so as to speed up the rhythm of the offense and want to suppress Luo, but in fact, the resistance that always formed against him was indeed a trouble.

However, after Luo created an environment of resistance, An Tongmu has seen the rays of light of victory, but he did not at all noticed Luo’s trump card.

Resistance in the field is a factor that instantly changes the offensive situation.

An Tongmu was affected by resistance, which weakened the offensive by a few points and lowered the pace. However, he also got the absolute initiative, that is, he could hurt Luo, but Luo could not hurt him.

Conversely, Luo lost the key to victory, but seized the rhythm point.

On both sides, there are gains and losses. On the bright side, it is An Tongmu’s advantage that is more obvious. After all, at the moment of the Luo field, his spear can penetrate Luo’s shield, but Luo’s spear cannot penetrate his shield. .

This is the most critical gap and the most intuitive manifestation of skill ‘flow’.

If the mobilized air is not as strong as the enemy, it can only be beaten.

For such an important matter, wouldn’t Luo know that, in order to seize the rhythm point, he did make his spear unable to penetrate the shield of An Tongmu. With the same skills on both sides, it means that he lost the key to victory.

However, not only did he have a spear, he also had a rusty knife called ‘Allah’!

The number of rounds of attack has exceeded 80, and there are no half intact slabs on the ring, and the referee who is far away from the ring is afraid. This level of battle, let alone standing on the ring, is standing beside the ring, and must be splashed. The rocks were dead.

“Bring in!”

Luo thought to himself that he lost his spear and finally brought An Tongmu into his rhythm, and then …

At this time, An Tongmu who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai did not know that Luo had gradually revealed the trump card.

On the commentary table, the girl in charge of the commentary was numb, and she always felt that her commentary had fallen into an endless loop, that is, you punched him!

Just then, the situation changed suddenly!

Luo finally overwhelmed An Tongmu with the offensive created by Speed. Then, his right hand suddenly came up with a rusty knife. When everyone did not respond, he slashed to An Tongmu’s neck. .

Expanding the field, reducing the speed of An Tongmu’s attack with resistance, but also reducing its own Attack Power, but the oath of Allah is itself an enhanced attack!

This knife was also unexpected by An Tongmu.

“That sword … is a weapon of the present?”

An Tongmu’s eyes flashed with astonishment, and he only raised his left arm and ran across the trajectory of the sword.


Slightly mosquito-like.

The blade of covered in rust and other stains cut off An Tongmu’s elbow and cut off most of his left arm.

At the same time, Antong Mu quickly retreated, which was the correct move after the arm was cut off, because the sword could break through his defense.


After An Tongmu opened his distance, he stared at Luo, having unspeakable bitter suffering.

Why wouldn’t he think that the rusty knife was actually a weapon of Luo’s appearance? However, Luo’s ability is obviously not in line with the modernization department.


Luo smiled indifferently, pulled An Tongmu’s broken arm back, and at the same time took Allah back into the black cat’s flame tattoo, and then he summoned out a book.

The next thing is simple, whether An Tongmu gives up his left arm, or if Luo keeps cutting his energy, he finally loses the battle.

This situation seems to be back to a year ago, but at this time, Luo was so full of energy that the moment he cut off An Tongmu’s arm, he knew he had won.

Seeing that Luo suddenly changed out a blade, and then cut off An Tongmu’s arm, the audience in the venue stopped.

At the same time, withering.

Sitting on a soft collapse, Silva looks at the huge screen in front of it, which is the broadcast of the battle between Luo and An Tong Mu.

When Luo summon published the book that wrote “Hand of God”, Silva took a moment’s notice, and always found the font familiar.

Just then, the door opened and Zeno came in. He received a troublesome mission and wanted Silva to execute it together.


Seeing Zeno come in, Silva raised her hand to the screen.

What Zeno wanted to say was immediately pressed, he looked at the screen, and the lens just turned to Luo body.


Zeno whispered in shock.

His gaze fell on Luo’s book, exactly the four words.

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