Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 242

The entire venue was silent for a long time, as if in a quiet exclusive space.

Before coming, many viewers thought this was a suspenseful battle, so most people bet Sendi to win.

In the picture of their brain supplement, it should be that Sendi used the arson feast to frequently push Luo into the desperate situation, and then won the battle victory with Sendi-style ko techniques.

However, the fact before them was that Luo punched Sendi into the ring.

The diffused smoke did not disperse, and the battle was not over before Sendi’s situation was seen.

Referee quickly reacted and ran to where Sandy landed, and wanted to check the situation.

There are only two winning styles, one is accumulated, and the other is ko. Falling out of the ring will not affect the game.

Everywhere in the world, those who know how to read, as observers, saw the wave of mental power that flickered in the wave of flames.


Except for Sambica and Bisji, everyone else reached the same judgment.

At the moment before the tide of flame suddenly disappeared, the thin, round-shaped chanting field shrunk, and then the flame disappeared instantly, and no spark was left, and then Luo punched Sendi badly.

I can’t think of how Luo used the circle to extinguish the flames for a while, but they all know that the battle is not over yet.

Although Sandy’s attack method is exaggerated, as a powerhouse below the main level, Mind Power’s skills are still qualified.

Although Sandy was distracted by the sudden disappearance of the flames, at the critical moment, the gas of Luo this fist was weakened in time.

The onlookers could see that the subject’s Luo was also very clear. He first glanced at the gasoline and blood splashing on the ring, and then looked towards the fumes in the distance.

“Transforming the body based on the principle of a cow’s stomach? You can store gasoline in the stomach and use it at any time.”

The liquid spit out when Sundy flew out was not only blood, but also gasoline.

Luo didn’t even have to sniff seriously, he could smell gasoline more than bloody.

The venue was quiet for a while, and finally there was a sound.

The commentary reacted, and immediately said: “Sendi was beaten by Luo with a powerful punch. Referee is checking on the status of Sendi. If Sendi is also in a fight, then Luo will score 2 points!”

There are only two results now. One is Sendi and the other is Luo.

Before the game, it was so hard to publicize this game. Winning by the weaker side can attract eyeballs, but if the battle ends immediately, the contrast will exceed the limit.

Regardless of the organizer, the audience who bet Sendi won silently prayed that Sendi could stand up and then drop Luo.

Sandy withstood Luo’s punch. He was not ko, but was seriously injured.

“The gas stored in the stomach is gone, then it can only …”

Sendi stood up and walked slowly out of the smoke. Near the abdomen, directly below his chest, there was a marked recessed punch mark, and his lips were covered with blood marks, which matched the red beard.

“Can you continue?” Seeee stepped out of the smoke and sent a daily greeting from referee.

Sendi ignored the referee, step by step back to the ring.

He used this slow walk to think about how Luo put out the flames, but he couldn’t think of a result.

Referee looks at Sandy’s back, compared to the gesture of scoring, signaled that Luo had scored 2 points, and the audience saw that Sandy stood up and boiled again.

“An arrow at the end of its flight.” Luo could see that Sandy was seriously injured, and the next round no matter what kind of offensive Sandy took, the battle would end.

“Sendy stood up! The game went on! But Luo took the lead and scored 2 points!” Said the commentary.

Sendi returned to the ring, breathing a bit difficult, but also a battle.

He stared at Luo, biting hard on the blood-stained teeth, which drove the Qi to cover the whole body, perhaps because of injuries, and the flow of Qi was unstable.

Sendi can change the nature of gas into gasoline, and burn it in case of fire, and leave the gas in the enemy’s body to continue to burn, even the water can’t be extinguished.

Burning thoughts, not simply combustion, this is Sendi’s thoughts.

The burning thing was originally from him, so there was no need for gasoline.

The petrol stored in the stomach is just a blinding method he created using the special structure of his body.

Now, the gasoline stored in the inside of the body was blown out by Luo in one punch.

There is a term called playing with fire **, which is also a weakness of Sandy.

The consciousness of turning into gasoline, after burning, is indiscriminate to the enemy and me, so when Sendi uses chanting, he needs to be cautiously.

The gas flowing in the body gradually converged on the dark sharp claw, and wrapped around it in a ‘week’ situation.

When referee just returned to the ring, Sendi took the initiative to attack with a serious injury.


The sharp claw of 3 blades rubbed a bit, and after making a harsh noise, sparks sputtered, causing a sharp flame to rise above the sharp claw.

This sharp claw on hand is a weapon that Sendi made painstaking efforts to absorb heat, but the body will not become fragile because of this, and still have a hard quality. The insulation near the hand has added insulation Special ore.

Therefore, using mental power as the fuel for continuous combustion can allow sharp claw to continuously absorb heat without hurting Sandy’s own hands.

“You who don’t use weapons, don’t want to block my paws!”

Sendi roared in his heart, rushed to Luo’s body, raised his hand and traced “ red ” to Luo’s face!

“The movement has become so sluggish, let alone breath, and even the reading power is chaotic.”

Luo stepped back on the small broken steps, and said while avoiding the heat-struck claws of Sandy.

The trajectories of flames are intertwined, covering Luo’s body, but no trajectory can touch Luo.

Slow action, this is Luo’s evaluation, but in the eyes of outsiders, the speed of this two-claw pinch is not slow at all, although it is out of rhythm, it also has a great threat.

When the sharp claw burning with fire broke through the air, although it did not hurt Luo, under the control of Sandy, each claw hit could bring a flower-like flame, and fell relentlessly to Luo’s body .

However, the spark that couldn’t be underestimated went out before touching Luo’s body.

After Sandy noticed this, her heartbeat gradually accelerated!


Luo saw the change in the eyes of Sandy and said indifferently.

The words didn’t fall, and Sandy, who kept on swinging his claws and attacking Luo, rose up in vain, because the square slate beneath his feet flew in the air, taking him up with him.

“What happened! The slate at the feet of Sendi actually flew up! Did Luo do anything?” The commentary tone was full of surprise.

When the slate emptied, Luo stopped suddenly, and the slate was like a basketball thrown backwards, pushing Sendi over his head.

The next moment, Luo turned around like a lightning, kicked in a volley on the slab, shattered the thick slab, and turned it into a block of enchanted stones, like a shotgun, blasted in the back of Sendi and back. Back.

“Bang bang …!”

Sendi was seriously wounded. At this time, he was hit by those many wrapped stones. Only a mouthful of blood sprayed out in the air. He lost his consciousness and fell to the ring.

“Unexpectedly, Sandy was lifted off by a slate. Luo caught this opportunity and knocked down Sandy again!”

The commentary’s voice filled with fierce tone echoed in the venue.

This time, I’m afraid I can’t stand up.

Both the audience at the scene and the audience in front of the TV understood it.

Luo and Sendi … there is a clear power gap.

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