Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 241

One hour before the match, there were no seats in the venue, and the live broadcast started one hour earlier.

At this time, there were a lot of spectators on the first floor of the Sky Competitor field. They were all people who didn’t grab the tickets and could only sit or stand, crowded in front of the various displays.

In the city, even the businesses that sell TVs turn on all the TVs and broadcast live broadcasts in the venue, let alone the huge display screens hanging on the building.

In the broadcast, a beautifully dressed woman in uniform is holding a wireless microphone and standing at the highest periphery of the auditorium. This is the staff responsible for the inner Qi atmosphere.

“Look at the audience. It’s less than an hour from the start of the game, but the venue is full!”

“Luo, who has been promoted to the 2th floor with a victory record, is currently a highly acclaimed dark horse, but the person he will face today is the arsonist Sendi who has won 100 wins!”

“After all the one to emerge victorious, let’s wait and see!”

“So, before the game, please watch the wonderful battle video of Luo and Sendi!”

Teleportation the picture to the video, the hot field girl took up the microphone and walked towards the commentary.

She is not a narrator, but needs to communicate with the narrator frequently to ensure that there is no situation on the court.

Thanks to the wonderful editing, some time was lost, and the rebroadcast picture turned to the street.

Following the camera, we can see that many passers-by stop in front of various outdoor TVs, waiting for the start of the game.

The camera begins to look for passers-by and ask who the other party supports, and the audience on the field and the audience in front of the TV are watching this scene.

“Sendy of course!”


“Because Sandy has already won 9 wins, the owner is very close.”

Randomly asked a lot of passers-by to ask, and the result was support for Sendi one-sided.

There were TVs in the contestants’ lounge, and Luo saw the live broadcast on TV, but there was no response.

Bu Haji, who was also in the lounge, was very angry, begging Luo to bring down Sandy, and Luo laughed bitterly at this.

Bi Siji looks at Luo, saying: “You have already watched the edited combat video. Although you don’t see what Sundy’s thoughts are, you probably have the bottom of your heart.”

“Well, I don’t really want to see it.” Luo shrugged, who knows the organizer will release the clips.

Bi Siji sighed: “This way, the difficulty will be reduced.”

Originally, he wanted Luo to fight against Sendi in a zero-information situation. As a result, the organizers came to this stump, which made Bisji’s plan a mess.

From the edited video, we can see that some of Sandy’s main offensive methods, not to mention the sharp claw as a weapon, are the same as the arsonist’s Title, which is the flame!

I don’t know what method Sendi used to spit gasoline, and then ignite gasoline as an attack method, and his idea seems to greatly increase the formidable power and range of the flame.

At first glance, Taijutsu who left Sendi aside, the fire-breathing action was like an acrobatic actor, but when his thoughts were injected into the flames, it became very scary.

Participants who lost in his hands basically suffered severe burns, but as long as they have money, treating burns is not a problem.

Luo understands what Bisji means, because the value of this battle has been greatly reduced because he knows how to attack Sandy.

He said with a smile: “It’s okay. This is just a warm-up for First Stage. There will be many opportunities in the future.”

He has decided to participate in the fighting Olympics, but before that, he must first win ten wins and then defeat Andong.

As for the arsonist, Sandy, to be honest, after watching the video, he would not despise, but he could not feel the slightest threat.

Bisjid nodded, saying: “All my belongings are held in your body. If you lose, don’t come to see me.”

Prahabha and Sambika glanced at each other, in fact they also held their house in Luo body.

“…” Luo was silent.

Owing to the gap between the qualifications of the two sides, the odds opened today are quite rare.

Bishiji, they understand Luo’s true strength, and understand that after this battle, in Luo’s game, they may not be able to make such a comparison of odds.

Time passed and it was time for the game.

The atmosphere was silent for a long time, and as if the powder was ignited, layers of sound burst out.

“Everyone has been waiting for a long time, please have Mr. Sandy on the stage!” The commentator shouted loudly on the commentary stage!

A sturdy man slowly walked out from the underpass and stood on the ring, but it was Sendi.

Today, his appearance is exactly the same as yesterday, but with one more weapon, the dark sharp claw on the double-handed, exuding a cold atmosphere.

After seeing the appearance of Sendi, the cheering in the field was wave after wave.

As long as Sendi wins this game today, there will be a chance to impact the position of the leader. In other words, Sendi is one of the strong candidates for the future leader. More importantly, 90% of the audience has bet on Sendi. Win.

“Sendy’s popularity is as high as ever, listen to the cheers in this audience! The audience is boiling!”

“So, Mr. Luo is coming next!”

On the other side, Luo slowly walked out towards the platform.

When it was his turn, the cheering at the scene was obviously weaker.

Although many audiences have become Luo’s fans from the bottom, he is a newcomer after all, and the fan base is far less than that of Sendi who has not mixed up for many years, which is why the odds gap is large.

Luo stepped onto the ring and confronted Sandy.

Seeing Luo reaching the 2 100th floor without using weapons, a flash of chill flashed in Sandy’s eyes.

Weapons are prohibited below the 2th level, but any weapon is allowed above the 100th level.

In this rule, even if you bring a fire extinguisher specifically for Sandy, Luo is not prepared.

On the face of it, Luo did not bring anything. In fact, his weapon was hidden in a Silver Flame tattoo on the back of his hand, but he did not intend to use Allah in this battle.

On the ring, the referee opened double-handed to let both sides stand.

“Any weapon is allowed, please bet 2 dignity and reputation!”

Referee starts with an opening statement that I have to say every time. After that, my eyes move around the body of the two people, without immediately shouting to start.

The huge display hanging on the wall of the court gave Luo and Sendi a silent confrontation.

“Oh, it’s finally a moment of 10000 attention! When the referee shouts out, the battle will start immediately!” Shouted the commentary.

The audience responded to the enthusiastic cheers, and at the same time, most people around the world looked at this scene through television, including computers, mobile phones, and even radios, to receive live commentary.

The media and Sky Competitor field worked hard to publicize and did get good results. This can be considered a long-lost event.

Everyone who knows Luo is located around the world by broadcasting looks at the platform on the field.

Even Netero shrugged off the matter temporarily, sitting in a quiet room and looking at the live broadcast, and Doumen accompanied him.

“President is really concerned about Luo.” Luo Nianren looks at the picture of Luo, calm in his heart.

on site.

The referee stepped back 5 steps, and the move heralded the start of the game.

Then he double-handed and shouted, “Get started!”

As soon as the words came down, he quickly retreated and jumped off the ring.

Depending on the strength of the contestants, the referee usually chooses to stay on the ring, or directly jump off the ring. Today’s participant is Sandy, and the referee will definitely not stay on the ring.

“The game has begun! But neither side has immediately moved!”

After referee stepped down from the ring, Luo immediately used his strength and smooth air to wrap his body. On the contrary, Sandy also used his strength.

Among the audience who are watching the live broadcast, there are masters like Netero President and Silva who, after seeing the key used by Luo, are all lightly nodded.

“It seems to teach better than Siji.”

Netero is holding a cup of tea and Kakuzu smiles.

On the ring, Sendi is in a slowly fluctuating aura, looks at Luo, said with a sneer: “You are my important stepping stone, rest assured, I will keep you alive.”

After speaking, Sendi suddenly moved, rushed towards Luo, and ran up his chest as he ran.

“Sendy’s preemptive strike! But Luo has nothing to do. You must know that Sandy is the man who owns the arsonist Title!” The commentary’s voice went through the audience.

Seeing Luo, he stood still, and Sandy coldly snorted in his heart. He had clearly seen the official video clips posted by the official, but he was still so magnificent!

Luo knew what Sandy wanted to do, and what the bulging chest represented, and because he knew it, he was indifferent.

“The gasoline is ignited, and the range and formidable power are increased by mental force. Although it is stronger than ordinary flames, it is only flames after all.” Luo stood on the spot and put on an attacking posture.

At this moment, Sandy suddenly spit out gasoline, and then tilted his head, spraying a fan-shaped water mist.

After petrol was sprayed out, Sendi’s bulging chest retracted, and the dark icy two claws stroked in the air, sparking a little spark, and immediately ignited the liquid gasoline still in the air.

“Appeared! It’s a fire feast for Sandy!”

Suddenly, clusters of flames burned in the air, and the scale was not large enough to hurt people.

But the next second, when Sandy poured his thoughts into the flame, the audience and the audience in front of the TV burst into violent cheers.

But I saw a horrific wave of flames forming in an instant, exuding an intense temperature, and heading towards Luo swept away on the other side of the ring.

Seeing this wave of flames through the live broadcast, the audience in front of the TV even felt assaults the senses.

This arson feast has always been a must-have for Sendi’s opening, which is enough to cover half of the high-temperature flames of the ring, and can immediately force the opponent to frighten off the ring.

In this vast world, there are many 1000 strange and 100 weird things. Take out one of them, for example, various kinds of addictions that require strangeness.

Sandy is a man who has suffered from bulimia, and what he eats is not food, but gasoline!

The physical symptoms are different from ordinary people, and even the body structure. The desire and demand for gasoline made him drink gasoline from an early age, but his body did not have any problems.

There are a lot of strange patients like Sendi, but there are many things that other patients like to eat, which may be iron, copper, or alcohol …

With age, the symptoms were gradually suppressed, and when Sandy came into contact with Mind Power, he developed his own idea.

He is a Transmuter’s Mind Power, but his thoughts have a more substantial sense of existence, just covered by his use.

“If you can’t escape the arson feast, you have no chance.”

Sendi coldly snorted, looks at the flames that had swallowed Luo, and the results of this battle are already obvious.

Seeing the flames flaunting, the audience who bet Sendi wins suddenly reveled.

“Oh my god, Luo hasn’t escaped the flames, is he already buried in the fire sea?” The girl’s tone of commentary came with a deep surprise.

Just then, the carnival sounded abruptly, because the raging fire that could easily devour a big villa disappeared instantly.

Not disappear slowly, but disappear instantly!

This sudden scene stunned the audience who thought that Sandy had won.

The flame seemed to be erased from this space, and Luo was safe and sound, before the split second when the flame disappeared, sprinted in front of Sendi.

Raise your hand and throw a punch!

Luo wrapped up Qi with a punch on Sendi’s stomach. The latter spit out a large amount of liquid mixed with gasoline and blood, and then flew out of the ring, crashing against the wall that isolated the auditorium.

With a bang, the walls shattered and smoke spread.

Sandy buried most of his body with the rubble of the wall.

The previous second, Sendi used the arson feast and swallowed Luo with a horrible wave of flames, but the next second, such a large range of flames, disappeared instantly like a word erased by an eraser.

Later, Luo sprinted closer and punched Sandy out of the ring with one punch. The whole accident happened too suddenly!

The audience at the scene were all stunned, even if it was a professional referee, there was no next move, and the commentary girl opened her mouth and remained silent.

The incomprehensible scene made the scene that had been full of enthusiasm since the beginning of the session suddenly become silent.

Luo stood on the ring, with his fist looked towards the position where Sendi landed.

The director in this brief moment gave Luo a close-up of the picture.

Through the live broadcast, countless viewers outside the venue all saw Luo’s calm expression, and there was no trace of the body being burned.

So how did he do it?

The audience at the scene had already seen the threat, let alone the audience outside, and didn’t know what happened.

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