Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 203

Hunter x Hunter World is a martial arts world. Among candidates who take the Hunter test, people who want to become food hunters can be counted on one’s fingers. It can even be said that most people look down on food hunters.

This can be seen from the hunter test in the original book.

When Bu Haji and Men Qi served as examiners as one-star food hunters, the tests given were naturally related to food, but after the group of candidates heard the test questions, many people could not help showing their ridicule.

In their opinion, the hunter is an identity linked to Strength, not a chef.

This erroneous conception is a natural misleading, and it cannot be reversed overnight.

Gourmet hunters are not simple cooks. They are not martial artists, but their physical fitness is often not bad, because the ingredients of High Rank are usually rich in energy, and food hunters often come into contact.

Another point is that strength is required for hunting high-level ingredients. Therefore, although the number of gourmet hunters is small, the overall strength is not inferior to the bonus hunter group that often hunts down wanted criminals.

After Bi Siji tasted a piece, he didn’t wait for Luo to ask if it was delicious or not, shaking his hand with chopsticks to shake out a phantom, and then clipped another piece and threw it into his mouth Paulie.

At this point, after the black cat swallowed a piece, it came over again and snatched another piece.

When Sambika saw this, she was afraid that she might not be able to eat it. She added a piece of food to her and grabbed a piece. She lifted the mask a little, Kakuzu, and put the crab claws in her mouth to chew.

The shell teeth are embedded in the meat of the crab claw, the juice leaks out, drips on the taste buds, and passes to the taste center of the brain. As the crab claw meat slides into the throat and enters the stomach, the warmth is in the body. spread.


She looked towards Luo, and the luster in her eyes was like the only star in the night sky.

Luo slightly smiled. Every time Sambica eats his food, he always praises it, as if it is the etiquette she should do as a diner.

The efficiency of Bisiji and the black cat is quite amazing. Before Luo had moved the chopsticks, the crab claw meat in the plate was less than half, while the fans of the essence were ignored by them.

Want to come, too, the presence of crab claw meat is much stronger than fans.

Luo shook the head also followed the predation. With the entrance of crab claw meat, the average value increased to 38%, which is about to exceed 4o%.

“From this perspective, it will take 1 years to increase to 2oo%. Also, the thoughts on the score have not been absorbed. I am afraid that raising to 4o% will enter the state of” absolute “and then affect the subsequent practice.

Eyes at Attribute is about to exceed 4o%. Luo thought about the situation that he might face in the future, but just tasted the taste, but did not speed up his eating, so he ate a few pieces. The next bunch of fans.

After tasting the crab claw meat, Bisji naturally followed the fans, and this taste was another satisfaction.

Obviously, such a serving was not enough for Siji and they ate, so Luo went into the kitchen and made a copy, and it was quickly swept away.

The full black cat satisfiedly returned to Luo’s right hand, and he would come out again at the next meal.

Bi Siji’s eyes were bright at looks at Luo, and touch the chin praised: “Cooking is fine. In this case, the place of cultivation must be changed.”

She had already decided where to teach Luo, and after Luo showed first-class cooking skills, she wanted to change the place, preferably with more food.

“Cultivation?” Sambika looked over.

“Well, I haven’t told you yet.” Luo asked Sambika’s gaze and said, “I’ll follow Bisji for one year.”

I called Master before, but now I changed my name to Bisji, because Bisji felt that the title Master called her old, so he asked Luo to call her by her name.

“Oh.” Sambika was nodded, eyes calm, wondering what was thinking.

Luo hesitated for a moment and then asked, “Are we together?”

This time, Zambia did not hesitate, and said, “Okay.”

Luo smiled when he heard the words, and immediately looked towards Bisji, in fact, he really wanted Zambia to be taught by Bisji, because Zambia’s body was too fragile.

“Can you?” He asked at Bisji.

Bisji nodded, said: “Her mind can speed up the recovery of the injury and can assist your practice. In this way, there is no need to cowering in some places.”

When talking about the last sentence, Bi Siji showed a dangerous smile.

Luo’s body shuddered, and his subconscious brain made up the picture that he would be fatter than Siji.

“It will be out tomorrow morning, and the destination is the Lost Merlot Wetland,” Bi Siji continued.

She temporarily changed the cultivation site to the Lost Merlot Wetland, which is also called the scammer’s nest. It is an ecological system composed of creatures using deception as a means of hunting.

“The Lost Beauty of Wetland …” Luo knew the place, and he was impressed because it was one of the levels that the hunter tested in the original.

After announcing his destination, Bisji not at all revealed his cultivation plan, went into the bathroom and took a shower, then sat on the sand and played with tears of Sergey.

Every time she gets a rare gem, she will appreciate it for a while, then add it to the collection and continue to pursue the next goal.

Sambika quietly sat back in front of the computer, continued her work, perfected information about various viruses, and then entered it into the database.

When Luo returned to God, he was left with a table of endgames. In desperation, he had to clean up the endgames first.

When he came out of the kitchen, Bi Siji was obsessed with admiring the jewel in his hand, like a young female student who couldn’t help but fall in love.

looks at Bisji, who is admiring the gem, Luo thinks about the score, and then thinks of the singer’s heart.

If you want to absorb the idea on the score, you have to think about it, at least you must know what Bisji’s first stage is, also the heart of the singer.

The music score was slowed down in advance. Luo went into the room and took out the heart of the scarlet vocalist. He wanted to give this gem as a worship service to Bisji.

Luo took the gem and came to Bisji.

Bi Siji immediately noticed the singer’s heart in Luo’s hand, and immediately jumped up from the sand, copied it, and grabbed the gem in Luo’s hand.

When Luo responded, the gemstone had already arrived in Bisji’s hand, and his heart was instantly coagulated.

If Bi Siji wants to kill me, I’m afraid I don’t even have the chance to adjust gas capacity …!

Bisji didn’t expect just to reach out and grab the gem, which made Luo think of the other side.

She watched the chanter’s heart, and at once she discerned that it was a gem that was no worse than the tears of Strygi.

“Where did it come from?”

Bisquit returned the gem to Luo and asked immediately.

If the relationship had not been established, she would have taken away the gem as a gem hunter.

“It was found in the Palo Ruins. This gem is a pair of the tears of Sergei.” Luo took the gem and explained.

“A pair?” Bi Siji looked towards the tears of Shuangji in her hand.

“Give me the tears of Stefanie.” Luo extend the hand.

Bissy passed the tears of Stefanie directly.

Luo took the tears of Shuangji and turned to the opposite side. There was a shallow heart-shaped inlay. He pressed the singer’s heart into the inlay. With a slight click, the silver frame on the periphery fit perfectly. .

At the same time, the teardrop-shaped gem turned into a deep Purple with a touch of blue.

“This is …” Bi Siji’s eyes widened.

Sambica came together at this time, and she was also interested in the secret of the gem.

Purple stands for eternal and deep love.

Because this gem was to be given as a worship service for Bisji, Luo didn’t dare to explain, but just took a picture under the sun, and a small line of Purple ancient text was reflected on the ground.

“Is this a secret?” Sambika asked curiously.

Luo nodded, then handed the pair of gemstone pendant to Bisji, who took over and immediately asked: “This ruby ​​is not of low value, so you gave it to me?”

“Let’s worship.” Luo said.

“Then I accept it.” Bi Siji was not immoral, he simply accepted it, and then asked: “What does that line mean?”

Hearing this question, Sambica also looked towards Luo.

“Step towards an eternal journey,” Luo replied.

This is what the white smoke font told him after the combination.

When he saw this sentence, he only thought of the journey to the unknown, hoping that the road would not end.

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