Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 202

The extremely rich species of Yamalo jungle does not have Grade A ingredients. It can be seen that Grade A ingredients are not common, but didn’t expect it to be in a relic.

The b-grade ingredients are already delicious, but what about the a-grade ingredients?

Luo was looking forward to the taste of the crab claw meat and how much it would benefit him.

However, he is very tired now, and the energy in his body is very low. In his current state, he can’t do it just by processing the ingredients.

“Do it tomorrow.”

Holding back the appetite that started to flood, Luo dropped a word and walked towards the room. Now he just wanted to lie down.

The black cat looks at Luo who entered the room, as if he heard the sound of glass shattering.

The next day.

Luo went to bed early and woke up early, exactly to be awakened by the stomach.

He came back yesterday and lay dead, and had not eaten all day. If it were not for protests in the stomach, spiritual and stamina would probably consume him until midday.

The soft morning light fell through the windows into the wooden floor, and there was still mist in the forest.

Luo took a bath and felt spiritual 100 times.

Stepped out of the wood house, but saw Bisji doing morning exercises.

The mist was veil by the lake.

Bi Siji wore white skinny clothing, which should be the only clothes left after taking off the petticoat, short-sleeved shorts, and a white cloth flower on the clothes.

That upper body was completely a washboard, with very thin arms and legs, and the golden long hair was turned up. It was really a lovely little Loli.

Luo sighed in his heart, sometimes knowing the truth is a cruel thing. As long as Bi Siji shows a lovely side, he will inevitably think of the true face.

In the morning exercise, Bi Siji noticed Luo and ignored it, and continued the morning exercise. This is something that every martial artist must insist on every day.

Luo looked for a while and found it boring, so he turned back to the house to prepare the crab claws.

High Rank’s ingredients basically have a fresh-keeping function for a certain period of time. Maybe it is because the ingredients contain a powerful life energy, but for other creatures, they are like citrons.

Last night I threw the crab claws casually and went to rest. I didn’t think of that many, but there was a black cat guardee and protect. Then a large piece of crab claws couldn’t even approach an ant.

Seeing that Luo finally planned to cook crab claw meat, the black cat’s resentful expression eased slightly.

Luo can see that black cats are mostly the same Attribute as Budha, and they are all food.

In fact, the black cat was born from his mind, and has a direct relationship with him. For example, the attribute of food is nothing but his projection, including secret information such as the dark continent, and it is integrated into the black like a data teleportation. Inside the cat’s head.

Luo didn’t know this. He ignored the black cat’s eager gaze and took the crab claw meat into the kitchen.

It is not necessary to keep thick and hard spiked shells, and accessories such as garlic, onion and ginger are easy to obtain, but fans need to make their own, the process is quite troublesome, but with the help of the hand of God, it can speed up the process.

The most important thing is the self-adjusting sauce. The taste should not be too heavy. In the steaming method, it should not be anti-customer. It can only be an auxiliary material.

The crab claw meat brought by the black cat is very large, and one meal cannot be eaten, and Luo does not want to make the corresponding steamer in order to cook it all. It can be divided into several meals to cook, and you can try other methods.

Suddenly, Luo came up with a variety of methods that could be used to cook crab claw meat. Steaming was the method he wanted to try the most. The other was pickled and flavored, and then fried in pulp.

The difference between the two methods is that the steaming is mainly based on the flavor of the ingredients, while the pickling and frying is mainly based on the prepared sauce.

“Looks at, I’ll go to town.”

Luo first figured out what materials to buy and then told the black cat to leave the wood house.

The black cat watched Luo leave, looking pitifully through the limpid autumn water.

Babu Town is adjacent to the forest, and this forest is famous for its original ecology. There are many good things that can be obtained from the forest. Also, the crops grown by the local residents are also high-quality products.

Luo came to the bazaar and bought a lot of materials. It took more than an hour to return to the wood house.

When she returned, Bi Siji was still doing morning exercises. She was surprised when she saw Luo large and small bags, but she didn’t ask much.

Sambika was up, sitting at her computer and browsing the web. This seemed to be the only thing she could do, giving Luo a style of Internet addiction, but Luo knew she was sitting at the computer for work.

“came back.”

Sambica looked towards Luo who entered the house, his eyes were slightly bright, and one of the advantages of following Luo was that everyone could eat good food.

That sentence came back, but it had a taste of welcoming her husband.

“I’m hungry.”

Luo slightly nodded, walked towards the kitchen.

“Well,” Sambika responded honestly.

“Just bear with me for a while, this crab claw meat is a Grade A ingredient!” Luo said with a smile.

Zambia was surprised when he heard the words. Didn’t expect Luo The meat that was thrown there was a class A ingredient.

“This is the ingredient I hunted. It has nothing to do with him.” The black cat floated and declared his sovereignty first.

Luo didn’t bother to care about him, walked into the kitchen to put the material down, and then returned to the living room to bring in a large piece of crab claw meat.

At this time, Zambia and the black cat looked at each other in a tacit manner, both of them were looking forward to waiting for a while, this may be the happiness of traveling with food hunters.

Making good use of the characteristics of the hand of God, Luo first made good fans, and then began to handle ingredients.

His speed of processing ingredients is so fast that any chef, such as Yang Gaoshan, can prepare the steamer on the stove in just ten minutes after all the ingredients are ready.

With Mind Power’s characteristics, crushing a little bit of icing on the ground and blending it into crab claw meat is Luo’s unique method.

After that, Luo started preparing the sauce needed for pickling.

Babu Town, as one of the famous attractions, is relatively close to nature, rich in many characteristic crops, and there are several spices that Luo has never seen.

In order to make the unique Luo Clan sauce, he needs to taste it with his tongue each and everyone, and almost understand the characteristics of the spice before he starts to prepare the sauce.

Unfamiliar with the material, even if the tongue is good, it is not so easy to succeed.

If you make a good sauce, you can take it with you, and you can enhance the flavor of the game outside.

Eyes at steamed crab is about to be completed, Luo temporarily abandoned the pickling sauce, and simply prepared the sauce that will be drizzled on the steamed crab, mainly to enhance the flavor, so it is not too complicated.

After a while, Luo turned off the heat and opened the steamer, and the hot steam came out.

Luo shielded the double-handed with Mind Power, and brought the steamed crabs out of the steamer directly against the steam, sprinkled with accessories and prepared sauce, and drizzled with hot oil, the sound of zīzī, the tempting aroma Spread out.

The samba and black cats in the wood house, and the bisgi in the morning exercises outside, smelled of hot oil baptism.

Bi Siji’s morning exercise is almost the same, just walked into the room, just happened to meet Luo to bring out the fans steamed crabs.

“It’s fragrant.” Bi Siji looks at the fresh white crab meat. From the color and fragrance, it makes the index finger move.

“Come and try the flavor.”

Luo puts a large plate with fans of steamed crabs on the table.

The black cat, who couldn’t wait, flew past with lightning, took away a large piece of crab claw meat with a thunderbolt, and stood on the table and ate.

Seeing this, frowned, he positioned the black cat as a domestic pet. When he saw the black cat first moved, he felt that the order was reversed, but it was hard to say what the crab claw meat brought from the black cat.

Bisji is also very crisp, come directly to pick up chopsticks, grab a piece of crab claw meat and eat.


After chewing and swallowing, she immediately looked towards Luo, and strange rays of light appeared in her eyes.

The quality of the ingredients is very high, and the taste is comparable to that of a first-class gourmet hunter.

Moreover, this meat is full of abundant energy, and a person like her who trains her to 1000 hammer Hundred Refinements can feel it keenly.

The so-called rich culture is also applicable to martial arts fighters in Hunter x Hunter World, because foods rich in energy for life help Body Tempering.

The martial arts fighters who often practice in the old forest of Moriyama, the speed of ** Power will increase faster than the martial arts fighters in the Daoguan, because of this.

“This kid is expected to be a food hunter.” Bisjimu thought silently.

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