Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 177

A strip of light like a python approached Chopin’s body slowly. After hovering around for a moment, one of the many strips of light suddenly pierced into Chopin’s chest, and began to draw the cooling of Chopin within the body while creeping blood. ???

The creeping tentacle-like body was undulating and agitating, and the liquid flowing inside gradually dyed red, and in turn emitted red light.

That light bar, like the rattan of a certain plant, is not a whole, but a rattan that is distinguished and lives alone.

There was a trace of red light in the faint blue light, and many rattan stabbed into the body of Chopin one after another. Within a short period of time, he was sucked into a human body. For a time, the red light shimmered.

After smoking the blood, the light rattan slowly retracted to its original position, and one of the rattans rolled up Shao Bin’s body and threw it towards the edge of the platform when he left.

The corpse flew out, fell into the dark abyss, and kept falling.

Underneath, the black paint can’t see anything clearly, only the sound of the water can be heard, and the flowing water surface can be seen faintly.

When the corpse was about to fall to the water, a dark shadow sprang out of the water, catching the corpse lightningly in mid-air, then slammed into the water, shook a splash of water, and calmed down after a moment.

The height of the platform’s bottom surface is about 3 more than a hundred meters, in other words. The bottom water is also located in the mountain belly.

There is a sound of flowing water, and the planning water is living water, but I don’t know where it flows from and where it goes, and whether it is in a circular state.

In the temple.

Luo entire group didn’t know what was happening outside. When the stone gate closed automatically, they all covered their whole body subconsciously and were always ready for defense.

No one spoke, the hall was silent, and the rays of light of the flashlight fell on the ground and in the distance, all covered with a thick layer of dust.


At this moment, a slight sound sounded in the dark one after another, and everyone looked slightly condensed, holding their breath to guard against possible changes.

It stands to reason that there may be living people and impossible living things in the palace, but the poison insect encountered in the martyrdom and the inexplicable piano sound just now cannot be judged by common sense.

In this situation, even if a zombie jumps out, Luo will not be surprised.

After the sound came out, the rays of light of 7 or 8 flashlights shook 4 places in the temple. Suddenly, the temple was illuminated by a fire, but the stone statues on the left and right walls ignited a flame.


The fire suddenly appeared, and Luo was surprised, but remained calm, immediately turned off the flashlight, and tried to save power.

In the team, several people moved their faces slightly, barely maintaining a calm mood.

First the stone gate closed automatically, and then the flame ignited, everything seemed so weird.

The fire illuminated the temple, so that everyone could see everything in the temple clearly.

On the left and right walls, there is a tall headless human statue every ten meters, and the flame comes from the headless neck.

Near the center of the palace, the stone pillars are lined up side by side to form 2 Lie, moved towards the front straight to the bottom, and at the forefront, there is also a square-shaped palace, with 6 beast heads standing in front of the door The 3-meter-high stone statue looks like a guard at the door.

Stone statues, stone pillars, and palaces are all in the palace. Before everyone came in, they would never expect that in such an empty palace, there was also a palace.

No one speaks, only undulating breathing.

“If there’s no good in it, aren’t we here for nothing?” Mark yanked the black jacket full of iron rings.

“Go outside and go through the ruins, you just pull out a night pot, it’s all valuable.” Uncle Li glanced at him and said coldly: “But I like treasure more than antiquities.”

Mark suffocated, speechless, standing on the palace in front of the other two Mind Power look at the side, all of them look promising, like Uncle Li, they like to touch the treasure with their own hands.

However, as Uncle Li said, even if there is no treasure in this well-preserved palace, if you just look for the building debris outside, you can find items that the collectors in the black market will buy at a high price.

It is equivalent to saying that their trip has been worthwhile, and the palace in front of them is the last treasure box.

When I think of the possibility of opening up many fascinating treasures in the treasure box, my sense of crisis is much thinner.

Luo looked at the stone pillars and statues in the palace. They are very ordinary. There is nothing special, but they don’t know how the stone gate automatically closes, and how the stone statue automatically ignites a flame.

He deliberately took a look at it, not at all on the closed door behind and the flaming stone statue, or all the way, and all the way, except for the poison insect in the martyrdom, everything went too smoothly, The most noteworthy are the unfathomable mystery’s piano sound and Chopin’s mutation.

In this situation, Luo suddenly thought of thinking about beasts, and Martin’s idea of ​​being able to use a pattern to monitor. Both of them can be used as a means of investigation to test the mystery in the Founder’s Palace in front, without having to personally involve themselves in danger.

They lifted their feet and walked towards the palace.

The left and right stone pillars each have ten or two pillars, forming a straight palace road.

The pace of walking is very light and slow. Although the journey is very smooth and there are no institutions encountered, it is always good to be careful.

Such caution is useless.

The crowd went to ten meters in front of the palace, calm and tranquil.

At this moment, a throbbing string sound rang through the temple without warning.

The string sound, at the beginning, was a fast glide, which went in the opposite direction, sliding from high to low, a whole 47 sounds, it only took one second, just like falling from hell above the clouds instantly.

The extremely obvious sense of drop caused the weaker Mark’s hearts to almost stop beating.

After the portamento, the sound of the strings circling back and forth in the low and middle ranges, like a buzzard circling above the wasteland sky, is staring at the human who is about to lose his last breath.

The melody was so low and depressed, as if the strings were being played heavily, like the tunes played in the funeral of the dead in ancient times, and the cicadas of fadely discernable were mixed.

Listening to the sound of the string that constantly changes the melody, everyone’s face changes with a while, they can only stand in place, beware of possible accidents.

Who is strumming the strings?

Luo stared at the Founder’s Palace with the sound of strings, just listening to the sound. There was nothing wrong for the time being, but it was a little uneasy to think of the matter of Xiao Bin, and other people reacted in the same way.

Suddenly, they saw a huge black gas flowing from the palace, exuding a thick and unknown atmosphere.

Luo looks at the black gas that burst out, complexion changed.

Squeeze, shame!

The swell of black gas divided a part from it, and turned into arrows and shot at everyone like lightning.

“Be careful!”

Luo responded quickly, and took a leap forward while reminding others.

Resonance, overtone!

The arrow-shaped black gas suddenly turned into a black net!

Seeing this, Luo’s air swelled under his feet and ejected backwards. He avoided the black net, and saw that the black net fell to the ground, like a flame encountering water, disappearing invisible and emitting a plume of black smoke.

On the other hand, almost all of them succeeded in avoiding the black net, but the two Mind Power men standing not far from Mark failed to escape and were covered by the black net.

Those who dodged the black net quit all the way.

The strings sounded the same, the tone was clear and clear, but it was so low and depressed, exuding a sense of despair.

Above the palace, black gas surged, and no further attacks were moved towards Luo and the others.

The Mind Power, covered by the black net, moved in a slump and remained motionless.

The black net turned into a dark air film covering 2 Mind Power people.

Looks at this scene, and there was an uneasy emotion in everyone’s hearts.

They immediately thought of Shao Bin. Could it be that the sound of the strings controlled Shao Bin, but when outside the palace, when the strings sounded, Uncle Li and the others not at all thought.

The air film of black gradually integrated into the within the body of the two Mind Power members, and then the turbulent white gas burst out. 2

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