Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 176

Regardless of the strength of Uncle Li and the others, it is unimaginable to want to forcibly drive them back by the strength of Xiao Bin alone.

Luo could not see the depth of Uncle Li, but he felt stronger than the Elders of Meteor City.

Bi Siji glanced at Andongmu without notice, only to see that he was looking at the ancient palace in front of him, and he quickly regained his gaze.

She has more eyesight than Luo, and even if she doesn’t have to fight with anyone present, she can probably rank an objective strength.

Like Antong of Enhancer, there is no doubt that in the first place, the second is the singularly dressed rupee, the third is Aya, the fourth is Uncle Li, the fifth is Luo, and the next four people, Including the dead Chopin, they are birds of a feather.

Among them, Shao Bin is the weakest one.

This is Bi Siji’s personal point of view. If the people in the rankings really fight, considering all factors, An Tongmu can still rank first, but Rupee, Aya, Uncle Li, and Luo 4 are not necessarily Already.

In general, Xiao Bin’s strength is at the bottom. It is obviously impossible to force this group of people back by one person, but from the reactions of others, it seems like it is true.

“Why did he attack you all of a sudden?” Bi Siji asked curiously, not to mention suddenly going crazy, if it can really make the strength soar, it is quite something worth exploring.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they wanted to know about it.

“Is it because of the sudden sound of strings from the palace?” Ruby hesitantly said.

“String sound?” Luo’s eyes narrowed, and he couldn’t help thinking of the Dark Sonata. He came to the site of the city of Palo just to find the harp solo in the Dark Sonata.

“If it was the strings, then we heard it, but only Xiao Bin responded,” Aya retorted.

“That piano sound is very weak, it appears suddenly, and the duration is short, and I don’t feel there is a problem.” Some people also objected.

“But Chopin went crazy after the sound of that piano disappeared,” Ruby said.

“It can only be said that there was no abnormal movement except the sound of the piano at that time, but can that sound of Xiao Bin suddenly become so strong just by that sound?”

Uncle Li supported the frame, and immediately looked towards the majestic palace, said solemnly: “And, is this really the Tomb of St. Ji?”

“Even if it wasn’t the Tomb of Shiji, there must be a lot of valuable things in it? We want to enter the tomb of Shiji, isn’t it just for money?” An Tongmu said with a thick smile, and said earnestly: “Is it the relationship of the piano , Go in and see if it’s understood? “

“It’s easy to say, why don’t you take the lead?” The man with many iron nails on his face suddenly looked towards An Tongmu.

This man is called Mark, and the body dress is quite trendy. When Xiao Bin suddenly went crazy, he was the closest. If he wasn’t alert enough, he would probably die or be injured.

Until now, he was still shocked and awed by the palace under the blue light ahead.

An Tongmu didn’t care, smiled nodded, and said, “Okay, I’m strong and I should go ahead.”

Seeing An Tongmu say so, Mark did not know what to say.

“Can you talk about what happened just now?” Luo ignored Mark and An Tongmu, and looked towards Uncle Li, with a question in his eyes.

If that piano sound is related to the dark sonata … then, what’s the connection with Palo city here?

Uncle Li was nodded, so he tried to repeat what happened just now.

They left Luo and Bisji to come here one step at a time, and at first was shocked by the scene in front of them. After seeing the ruins of ancient city on the platform, they faintly felt that this is not the Tomb of Sigulji, because the tomb should not be Is such that.

However, as An Tongmu said just now, they came for money, so they still want to find out in the palace. Based on this scale, there may be many treasures in it.

Although they agreed, they were still more cautious, after all, they did not forget the unknown roar they heard when they stepped down the stone ladder.

The platform covers a large area, but the ruins occupy only one third.

The palace is about 3 storeys high, with several meters of thick stone pillars lined up on the periphery. It stands against a large stone eaves. The front looks like a high wall, and directly below it is an open stone gate. Inside, It’s dark.

Whether it is a stone pillar or a stone wall that builds a palace, there are some carved patterns such as the sun, moon, flame, and lightning.

Around the palace, there are many collapsed and towering huge stone pillars, and more than 3 meters high stone statues of a dozen beast heads. At a glance, snake heads, crocodile heads, bird heads, tiger heads, etc. are everywhere.

Those stone statues have weapons, and the human body is undressed, showing strong muscles.

The palace is the only relatively complete building on the platform, so Uncle Li followed them at first glance.

At that time, the people passed through the stone pillars and the messy stone statues standing in front of the palace. Before they had time to enter, they heard a string-like sound coming out of the palace, which immediately frightened everyone. A hop.

The string came suddenly, and it lasted less than 5 seconds, and then disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Bin shook his body, suddenly used the exercises, burst into a strong apparent energy, and then launched an offensive against them.

At first asked first, and Xiao Bin looked at fierce, closed his mouth and said nothing, he didn’t listen at all.

In desperation, a few people in Uncle Li wanted to control Shao Bin first, but found that it was not that simple. The entire group was forced to leave by Shao Bin far away. Finally, he killed the killer and stopped Shao Bin.

After listening to Uncle Li’s narrative, Luo’s eyes were full of thoughtful expression, and he asked, “Have you ever watched with a coagulation?”

“Yes, but we don’t find anything strange.” Li uncle said solemnly, he suspected that it was related to the thoughts after death, but after viewing with Ning, not at all found something strange.

Because the situation happened suddenly and was very weird, after strikes to kill Shao Bin, the people stopped and did not rush to approach the palace again.

Luo was silent. From Uncle Li’s narrative, he could not get any useful information. If he wanted to figure out the piano sound and Xiao Bin’s mutation, most of them could only find out when he entered the palace.

“So, go in and see, or turn around and leave?” Luo asked a moment later.

“This handsome guy doesn’t want to go back empty-handed.” Lu Bi first stated.

Later, others expressed their opinions. Although Xiao Bin was too weird, they had been preparing for the matter for a long time.

Seeing that everyone was not intimidated, Luo was sighed in relief. With more people, he would be more confident in the face of unknown things.

The group of 9 people did not waste any more time. They dropped Shao Bin’s body and walked slowly towards the palace with great caution.

Continued to the gate of the palace, and the string sound not at all just appeared again, giving Uncle Li and the others a little peace of mind.

Standing in front of the door, turning on the flashlight to shine into the open door, is an empty temple.

After stopping for a while, everyone maintained a high degree of vigilance, stepped inside the door and walked into the hall.

Just then, the behind’s stone gate made a booming sound and closed automatically.

Everyone was stunned, but not too frightened. It was just a stone gate. It was easy to reopen, but the stone gate that closed automatically showed the unusualness of the palace here.

At the same time, the platform outside the palace.

The mountain wall and the light bar on the top suddenly squirmed, like a snake, slowly extended towards Xiao Bin’s body.

If Luo had dissected Shao Bin’s body, they would certainly be able to see Shao Bin’s organs inside the body as if withered flowers, darkened and shrunk.

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