Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 141

A Buddha jumped off the wall and conquered a group of young tongues.

Today, this delicious dish from southern Fujian, China has pried open Phantom Troupe for the first time, and it will be engraved in the bottom of my heart in the future.

After being full, the invitation to join the group was not mentioned again, and Luo had a lot of peace of mind.

Thinking of tomorrow, Luo asked the brigade to sit back and watch, there was no need to help him, but also not to help Meteor City.

From a standpoint, the brigade should stand on the side of Meteor City.

Luo didn’t want Machi to have a stale relationship with Meteor City, but he didn’t want the brigade to stand at Meteor City.

Regarding Luo’s request, the brigade agreed that even Franklin could only be forced into Neutral with a small number of subjects obeying the majority.

The attitude of Machi their three people is very clear. Obviously, Luo is more important than Meteor City. If it is not Luo who insists that they don’t interfere, it is necessary to say anything.

Chrollo believes that the relationship between the brigade and Luo is more important than Meteor City.

Although Luo would not join the brigade, it did not prevent them from building a good and lasting relationship with each other.

They all agreed to Luo’s request. Actually, Luo didn’t want the brigade to participate in another reason, which was to worry about Machi, they were too frustrated, they couldn’t help, and they tripped him.

Although the threat of firearms to the first-class Mind Power players is almost negligible, it has a great deterrent effect on the second- or third-class Mind Power players.

Unfortunately, from Luo’s point of view, it is estimated that even the current Uvogin can not resist Bullets, let alone Nobunaga and Machi. As for Chrollo, because he has not played against him, he cannot conclude.

If Machi knows this view, Luo is expected to be hung up and flogged. Anyway, not saying this reason can also allow them to agree to look on, it is definitely better not to say it.

Late at night, the people gathered together also dispersed.

Machi’s home is too small. Considering that there is an extra Sambica, Luo stayed at Uvogin’s house for the last night in Meteor City.

Zambia is not familiar with her life. Of course, wherever Luo goes, she goes there, so she stays at Uvogin’s house together. Fortunately, Uvogin’s house is big enough and the room is adequate.

Seeing Luo and Sambica stay at Uvogin’s house, Machi returned to his home.

She jumped onto the hammock, lay back, and looked at the ceiling in the darkness.

Faint moonlight penetrated through the gap in the window, forming a ray of light band, just passing over her face.

Suddenly she took out the pearl necklace, held it in the light band and looked at it quietly, and immediately thought of the picture when Luo threw the two small pearls to Uvogin and Nobunaga, and a smile appeared on her face.

“Even if you don’t want to join the group, you have to join me!”

After talking to herself, Machi put the necklace on her neck, then put the pearls in her clothes, and closed her eyes slowly.


The next morning.

Luo and Sambica go out together and walk on the streets of West Street.

The plan of the day is in the morning. This phenomenon is vividly and thoroughly in Meteor City. Only around 8 in the morning, many people can be seen on the street.

Speaking of which, when he first came to Meteor City, Machi went out early every morning.

Two people walked on the main street, and the people coming and going did not pay attention to them.

“When you understand this, what are your plans for the future?” Luo asked softly, looking ahead.

Sambika kept a distance with Luo, and heard that calmly said: “I don’t know.”

Luo slightly stunned, then said with a smile: “Just don’t leave.”

Sambika lifted his eyes and looked at Luo, and immediately retreated, silent.

The previously agreed time limit was 3 months. Now that the time is coming, Sambika doesn’t need to stay with Luo. Originally, this muddy water didn’t want her to come, she took the initiative to come.

Having been with Luo for almost 3 months, she didn’t even know what she got.

Because of the special nature of the body, until now is a person, and I had thought that I would walk alone in my future life.

Walking with people, before she met Luo, she thought will not think, even a little resisted.

However, during the time she was with Luo, she felt very relaxed. If she left like this, I don’t know if she would love the relaxed feeling afterwards.

Seeing Sambica’s silence, Luo thought she was unwilling, and a glance of regret passed in her eyes, which ended the topic.

There are many places I want to go. It is best to have a doctor with me, but if Sambica is not willing, Luo will not force it.

2 people walked silently, the street was straight, and the outline of the church could be seen from a distance. After crossing the church, it was East Street, and after walking a section of the road, they could reach the home of East Street Elder.

There are a lot of people on the street, but half of Luo’s eyes are almost invisible.

Although staying in Meteor City for a few months, they are basically with Machi and they pay little attention to the people in Meteor City.

As he sighed slightly, a healthy middle age person came forward.

When Luo saw the middle age person, an unexpected expression flashed in his eyes.

The middle age person was Marza, the man who used him as an excuse to trouble Machi, and was the culprit of the 2 brothers involved in Culi.

If I remember correctly, when I was going to copy Cook’s home that day, one of Cook’s men, who was lying on the floor, saw Marza not at all, and after that he didn’t pay attention to Marza, just as a small shrimp.

When Luo noticed Marza, Marza also saw Luo, and her body suddenly trembled and froze.

He looked at Luo came, once used to arrogant eyes, only deep fear and disbelief at this time.

Why is Luo here, isn’t he dead?

He looked at Luo so slowly, his body shaking like a sieve.

So obvious, Sambica noticed Marza, then turned his head and looked towards Luo, she felt that the strange response of this middle age person must have something to do with Luo.

Perceived Sambika’s gaze, Luo didn’t react at all. He only looked coldly for a moment, but regained his gaze and stopped looking at Marza.

That’s what Luo and Sambika did, past Marza, who was standing in horror and trembling with fear.

After Luo and Sambica stepped out of several dozen meters, Marza fell to his knees in despair, eyes full of sorrow and surprise.

When he saw Luo’s eyes, he felt a deep sadness when he was afraid.

What kind of look is that? Condescending? No, it should be the kind of eyes that humans use when looking at ants?

That’s right …

At that moment, he was regarded as an ant by Luo, a ant who did not even qualify him to lift his feet.

“Ha, haha ​​…”

Marza double-handed stood on the ground, sending out a series of inexplicable grins that were so low that only he could hear, a drop of water drops falling on the ground one after another, and it was his sweat.

“Who is that?” Sambica asked after walking out of several hundred meters.

“A person who has troubled me before, I forgot the name.” Luo indifferently said.

When Sambika heard it, she lost interest.

2 people heading for East Street, not at all Paying too much attention to the people on the street.

At the intersection of the street leading to the lane, there are two old and one small standing at the intersection, all of which are looking at Luo away.

The old woman was an old woman with a brass pipe in her hand, and the young one was a black hair boy with a parcel in her hand.

“Do you know that little ghost?” The old woman smacked the lips and took a cigarette.

“Have seen it twice.” Black hair teenager Kaidou.

If Luo is here, I can definitely recognize that the boy is Illumi, and the old woman smoking a pipe is Proprietress in the West Street clothing store. The service attitude is very poor, so Luo remembers it well.

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