Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 140

There are many things that can be regarded as treasures outside the framework of normal values.

It may be an exaggeration to say, but for Hunter x Hunter World, the Buddha jumping wall is a treasure in the food industry, and its characteristics are unique before.

It was a treasure brought by someone who did not belong to this world.

Feitan didn’t know what he had missed, so he left Uvogin’s house in a very unhappy style,

If you bring the knife, you will have to try Luo’s ability.

When Feitan left, the spear and shield were separated, and the atmosphere in the house eliminated the discordant elements.

Just less than an hour after the reunion, Chrollo, they saw the obvious changes after Luo had left for a few months.

Machi and Uvogin did not mention the matter of adding Luo to the brigade, and in silence, they seemed to reach a consensus.

If Luo didn’t want to join the brigade afterwards, he would have to turn him over even in a wheel battle, and then meet the conditions Luo said.

In his spare time waiting for the Buddha to jump out of the wall, Luo was bombarded by the rotation of several Machi people, which was to pick out the experience of these months.

When Luo talked about boat and gambling, he took out the necklace made of Purple pearls and gave it to Machi in front of everyone.

The morning delivery and the night delivery are all for delivery, just mentioning the pearl, so I took it out.

It was not intentional, nor was it a confession.

Luo is very fond of Machi, and the pictures of Machi growing up also in his memory, but now Machi is not even fourteen years old, and he will not germinate.

Compared to like, it is more like care.

That string of craftsmanship was a little rough, but the delicate appearance of the pearl knot necklace attracted everyone’s attention once it was taken out, except that it was not long before that the samba card of the pearl necklace was known.

The jewellery of pearls is rare in Meteor City.

People have never really seen pearls, but they know that pearls are very valuable, but when they see them, they may not be as attractive as a piece of meat.

With the concept of Uvogin, you will think about how much meat this necklace can change.

In general, a little girl who is so delivered in the eyes may feel shy, but Machi will not.

She simply took the pearl knot necklace, and simply asked rudely and intently: “How much can I change?”

Luo heard a bitter smile, and suddenly jumped out of his mind when Machi took away his jade stone necklace. At that time, Machi might not know the value of jade stone, but thought he could exchange it for some money.

“I don’t know exactly how much I can change, but it must be a lot more.” He knew Machi was serious about this question, so he answered it carefully.

Hearing Luo’s words, Machi happily closed the necklace.

If you give Machi some more practical gifts, such as clothes and shoes, it may be another kind of happiness.

“Where’s our share?” Uvogin and Nobunaga quit after seeing Luo send Machi a valuable necklace.

“Do you want pearls too?” Luo looked towards 2 people’s eyes slightly surprised.

Nobunaga without the slightest hesitation asked: “Why not?”

If Uvogin wants to trade pearls for food, then he wants to trade pearls for a good knife.

Uvogin stared at Luo eagerly, hoping that Luo would take another big pearl out of his pocket.

Chrollo and Pakunoda shook their heads slightly and were speechless to Uvogin and Nobunaga.

looks at Uvogin and Nobunaga 2 people look as if looking forward, as if not to explain, they will immediately lift the table.


Luo nodded, in the eyes of the two people expecting, reached into his pants pockets and dug out, holding turns into a fist.

Seeing this, Uvogin and Nobunaga rushed forward, like the little child who was preparing to receive candy at the 10000 Holy Day, and extended the hand.

Luo’s hand hovered over the palms of the two, and immediately dropped, throwing two steel ball-sized pearls on the palms of the two.

Uvogin and Nobunaga looked blankly at the small pearl in the palm of their hands, subconsciously looked up at the pearl in Machi’s hand, and then the two of them looked at each other suddenly and flew to Luo.

The move was too abrupt, Luo didn’t respond, he was stopped by Uvogin, and Nobunaga crouched down and searched.

“What !?” Luo stared at Nobunaga.

“Isn’t this obvious?” Nobunaga responded casually and began a body search.

“Machi, help me to take away these two mental illnesses!” Luo asked Machi for help, the latter ignored him.

In desperation, Luo looked towards Sambika, seriously: “What you wanted to do just now can be done now.”

Sambica knew what Luo meant, don’t overdo it, just don’t see it, let alone Chrollo them, just watching the excitement aside.

Helpless Luo can only confess his frustration by trying a few times. If he uses his energy, he may be relieved.

However, in this occasion, impossibility uses energy, and in terms of physical fitness, how can it be compared with Uvogin and be made dead?

After a bit of trouble, Nobunaga only found a black card and a few small pearls, although he was reluctant to do nothing.

Uvogin let go of Luo, and Nobunaga handed the black card to Luo, shaking his head and saying, “Seeing friends and forgetting friends.”

Luo didn’t speak, took the black card, put it away, but showed a deep smile to the two.

Seeing Luo’s smile, Nobunaga and Uvogin shuddered lightly, with an unpleasant hunch.

After more than an hour, the Buddha can jump out of the wall.

Luo walked into the kitchen and lifted the oversized crock pot on the dining table.

Except for Franklin, who hasn’t tried Luo’s cooking, the response is quite flat.

After everyone was seated, Luo was mainly anti-visitor and distributed bowls and spoons to everyone. Only Uvogin and Nobunaga had a small bowl.

“You two can only eat one bowl.”

Before the lid was opened, Luo sentenced Uvogin and Nobunaga to death.

After hearing Luo’s words, the two of them forgot about it, but forgot about it, and immediately protested. However, the initiative was in the hands of Luo, and the protest was invalid.

“This is the Buddha jumping the wall. You have never eaten it.” Luo said as he untied the white cloth from the crock.

Among all the people, mainly Sambica, the expectations are almost explosive. Chrollo and Pakunoda have also tasted Luo’s cooking skills many times, but they are not as exaggerated as Machi.

Speaking of which, before he left, he raised the appetite of the Machi people. During the months he left, the Machi people felt boring every time they ate, as if they were dealing with their stomachs.

This is a long absence … a reunion with Luo’s cooking.

“Let’s cherish it.”

After removing the white cloth, Luo slightly smiled and lifted the lid.

The scent that has been brewing for more than 2 hours is accompanied by the heat and rushes into the noses of everyone.

The scent intertwined by the lingering of dozens of ingredients has been transformed into a ‘fresh’ imprint in everyone’s heads.

“Scented …”

No matter who it is, when you smell the scent, there will be such a dull evaluation, which is also the Return to the Natural State evaluation.

Rao is the mentally prepared Luo and the already tasted Sambica, but also slightly greedy and smelling the scent floating from the crock.

This is the real finished product, and everyone present was the first to taste it.

If the dozens of ingredients in this crockery are all grade b … even Mind Power, I am afraid it will definitely be beneficial after consumption.

Luo broke free from the scent and helped everyone tied up by the scent with a bowl, then said, “Eat, try the taste.”

After hearing Luo’s words, everyone picked up the bowls and spoons, and they were not afraid of being hot, so they ate.

With the soup and bear’s paw entering, no one spoke on the table, only the sound of chewing and swallowing.

There is no word that is admired to the extreme, just bite after bite, and all spiritual is put on it.

Luo didn’t move, but quietly looked at the crowd gradually deviating from normal eating, can you imagine … even Chrollo is eating.

“I miss it … the scene.”

Looks at this similar scene before him. Luo’s eyelids are slightly drooping, and Kakuzu’s mouth is smiling.

He felt a spiritual satisfaction, as if he had recovered what he had lost.

Uvogin and Nobunaga finished as soon as possible because their bowls were the smallest, and regardless of Luo’s previous sentence, they eagerly filled themselves with another bowl.

Luo shook his head slightly, and actually did not sanction 2 people.

Above the table, even the dumb Franklin showed a crazy predatory side.

It was a normal dinner, and it turned into predatory food.

Luo only ate 2 bowls, and the Buddha in the crock was empty.

“Poor Feitan, I don’t know what he missed.” Uvogin sighed with satisfaction.

This is a pity.

Unfortunately, the person who missed did not know what he missed. Only the person who did not miss knew what the person who missed had missed!

Even Chrollo holds the same view as Uvogin.

Meteor City-born, not only have not tasted b-level ingredients, nor have similar concepts, their tongues, like babies at birth, have never been baptism.

This is the first time that the Buddha has jumped off the wall, and it is also their first time.


There is a double monthly ticket event, which will be available on May 5st. The big monthly guarantee ticket of 1 is reserved for the cute purple pig. For the monthly ticket, the purple pig can only burst the liver and repair the manuscripts.

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