Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 130

Smoke and dust float in the air for a long time.

Luo followed the bear’s long arm and walked to the bulge raised by the bear’s palm.

With your feet on it, although the skin on the surface is as thick as a calluse, you can feel the flexible elasticity under the calluse.

I really don’t know how the tyrant bear used the flexible palm to shoot that kind of destructive force.

Luo squatted down, rubbed his hand over the thick calluses, and then cut a square bear paw with his ability.

The bear’s paw of the tyrannical bear is quite different from the bear’s paw of Earth. The bear’s paw under the callus’s crust is a translucent yellow piece of meat with a pleasing pattern.

Luo pressed it with his hand and immediately rebounded when touched, like jelly, but the texture was tenacious enough, and it felt less like fat, more like a piece of meat, and smelled of a faintly discernable coconut fragrance, There is no fishy smell or flamboyant taste.

If you render it with light, a little sheen may appear, like magic ingredients from 2D.

Luo swallowed saliva and said, I always saw Bu Hayu drooling, and also thought that Bu Hayu was too poor. Now I know that I am the same, but I have not encountered enough expected ingredients.

Use double-handed to support the block-shaped bear’s paw, then jump off the palm of the tyrant’s palm, walk out several steps before turning back and look at the corpse of the tyrannical bear like a hill, thinking that if Baha’i is there, it won’t waste that many Already.

The tyrant bear is 2 meters tall and can be eaten for a few days if dragged into a small village.

Luo only took a bear’s paw. Apart from this, he couldn’t take more. He actually thought about staying here for a few days, but he could eat as much as he could, but he could only think about it.

This is the central location of the jungle of Yamalo. A rare animal will jump out anytime, anywhere. If it wasn’t for Yu Wei, who was roaring before the bear, there would be many bloody animals.

If the momentum can scare the rare beasts who act instinctively, then Luo will definitely stay.

Regrettably, with his current momentum, he can’t achieve this level. If he stays, he will only be annoyed by the rare beasts that keep coming.

You can’t wait a few days, but one day is still possible. After all, this is a b-grade ingredient.

“I remember there was a guy with sunglasses in Ten Mafia Dons’s Beast Force. His idea was a red cloth towel with a modern appearance. You could wrap things in it and shrink the size of the Small Accomplishment candy. Take this head away. Bears don’t care. “

“Also the hunter named Noble, his idea can be embodied in the dimension space, which is simply a huge storage space to carry with him.”

Looks at the bear’s body, Luo has a need for similar thoughts.

“You really killed this monster!”

At this moment, the woman in the hard hat ran to Luo behind, wide-eyed eyes looked at the corpse of a grizzly bear like a hill, and it was hard to hide her surprise.

“Why are you still here?”

Luo turned back and looked towards the woman in the helmet, a little helpless, thinking that this woman’s nerves were thick enough, and she dared to stay.

“It’s not about waiting for you to hang on … cough cough.”

The woman in the helmet said that she pretended to cough a few times, and said, “Isn’t that worried about you?”

“That’s a lot of thanks for your concern.” Luo’s eyelids tugged and the words changed temporarily had already revealed the meaning.

“How did you kill this monster?” The woman while speaking frequently looked towards the carcass of the tyrannosaurus. Basically, everyone in the company was bitten by this monster, then swallowed it, which was quite terrifying.

Luo was about to deal with it casually. Suddenly, a chill rose from his back and his eyelids yanked sharply.


The lake behind seemed to be thrown into several bombs, and suddenly exploded, tentacles thicker than the bear’s arm rushing out of the water, rolling up the bear’s body like a snake.


The lake water fell from the sky and turned into pouring rain, hitting the woman and Luo.

The woman looked up, opened her mouth, and looked silly at the huge tentacles emerging from the lake.

Luo was facing away from the lake. He didn’t know what was happening. While the sound came, he hugged the bear’s paw in one hand and the silly woman in the other, and ran to the woods with the fastest Speed. .

The lake set off waves, rushing to the shore.

After the 7 tentacles came out of the lake and caught the bear, they forcibly lifted it up and carried it over the lake.

Luo ran a distance with the woman, and then turned around looking towards the lake, just to see this amazing scene, his face suddenly changed, his heart was climbed up by the chill, and spread all over his body.

7 8 tentacles tightly tied the carcass of the bear and hung it over the lake. A lot of blood flowed out from the body of the bear, it seemed that the tentacles had sharp structures and broke the surface of the bear.

“Squid? Octopus?” Luo whispered. Whether it was squid or octopus, judging by the tentacles thicker than the bear’s arms, the volume must be beyond imagination.

In the information found, there is no such a monster!

A lot of blood from the teddy bear within the body was poured on the calming lake surface, stained a large area, and the tentacles were still, so that Luo could clearly see the thick moss on the surface of the watch.

Just as Luo felt it necessary to slip away quickly, the tentacles suddenly moved, like a taut spring, pulling the bear’s body into the lake without warning.

The huge body hit the lake, setting off a wave of several meters high, and patted it to the shore, then disappeared with the tentacles.


Luo 愣愣 looks at Bloody Lake, which is gradually calming down, and the violent heartbeat is hard to calm down.

The woman in the helmet was frightened. The teddy bear was scary enough. As a result, the tentacles emerging from the lake could lift such a huge teddy bear.

After being completely calmed by the blood dyed red lake, it didn’t take long for me to see the lake water change from red back to light green, as if something unknown had sucked the blood doped in the lake thoroughly.

Seeing this, Luo without the slightest hesitation pulled the helmet woman into the dense forest.

At this moment, Luo was terrified. Fortunately, the tentacles appeared relatively late. If they were caught, ten lives would not be enough.

“What species is that, and why is there no relevant information?”

Taking the woman into the dense forest, Luo’s heartbeat gradually calmed down, and he kept hovering in his mind the pictures of 7 tentacles holding up the violent bear.

“I’ve never heard of this monster in Gold Lake.” The woman wearing a safety helmet finally returned to her soul and said with a trembling tone.

Luo glanced at her, but didn’t speak, and found a convenient place to stop.

The fierce battle with the grizzly bears consumes a lot of stamina and energy, he needs to take a break, then set off as soon as possible, and return to the village of Yamalo.

A bunch of bonfires were raised in situ, and the light reflected on Luo’s body, bringing a little warmth.

Just by the lake, Luo and the helmet woman were wet by the lake.

Sitting against the bonfire, Luo asked the woman in the helmet a few questions, knowing that her name was Sha Xia, and that she came to the city of Gold to come to the city of Gold.

He is still very interested in the legend of Gold City, but this legend is more like catching a wind and catching a shadow, and it is difficult to guarantee that it is here.

“I’m not afraid of death.” After learning about Sha Xia’s purpose, Luo secretly gave an evaluation, and then thought about the unknown monster under the lake.

Sha Xia Ze hasn’t gotten out of the shadow of the lake monster. As long as he thinks of the picture, he feels cold and shivering from time to time.

“How can I be intimidated like this!”

Sha Xia took a deep breath, calming the anxiety in his heart, and immediately took off his jacket, exposing a thin white short-sleeved thin shirt, which outlined the fullness of his chest, and looming underwear.

She should dry her clothes as soon as possible to avoid catching cold.

Luo was thinking about the monster under the lake, but he didn’t notice Sha Xia undressing.

When he noticed, Sha Xia had only a white bra on his upper body and was about to take off his trousers.

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