Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 129

It was only after actual contact that Luo realized the embarrassment and danger of the bear, and nevertheless he never thought about shrinking.

If you retreat here, where else?

As he looked towards the tyrannical bear, his thoughts turned quickly.

The Palm Blade just cut one third of the ankle on the right side of the bear. It probably takes 2 more to cut it completely.

As long as one side of the ankle is cut off, the huge body of the tyrant will become a burden, and its mobility will be limited. From here, it will gain the upper hand and slowly eat away.

As long as the power of the hand of God is generated, even if the bear can regenerate, it cannot heal the wound, so Luo has enough time to operate.

It should be noted that the strength of the tyrant bear must be dealt with cautiously, even if a palm and a foot cannot be hit directly.

“You can try a long-range attack, but you can’t open the field, that’s too dangerous.”

The radius of the realm is 20 meters. This distance is not close to humans, but it is only a two-step thing in front of the bear, so using the realm will only put you in danger.

After all, most of the gas support is needed to expand the field, which leads to its own minimum protection. It is not wise to deal with the bears.

If the effect of the long-range attack is too bad, then continue to close, and cutting the ankle is the key to victory.

With the idea in mind, Luo took the initiative to attack, a basketball-sized rosary condensed on the conventional right hand, and then compressed into a disc shape.

It is formed by condensing gas, and it is pressed into a disc to enhance its penetrating power. The characteristic is chopping, so it is called Qiyuan chopping!

Luo suddenly throws a disc condensed by air between his hands. After leaving his hand, he spins at a high speed toward the right ankle of the bear.

However, the tyrannical bear is not a standing target, a movement of his body is to make Qi Yuan beheaded.

Seeing Qi Yuan cut short, Luo was still calm, after leaping away from the bear’s paw with a force of 1000 kun, he ran towards the open space on the other side of the lake.

Seeing this scene, the woman hiding in the woods suddenly scolded Luo in her heart, she was kicked and kicked, but it was not long remembered, she wanted to die with the tyrannical bear.

This woman who doesn’t know how to read, just feels that the bear is not a normal person to deal with. At least, she thinks that the bear can be dealt with impossibly with Luo’s ability.

Even though Luo was safe and sound after being kicked and kicked, he couldn’t change the woman’s point of view. Why? Just because of age.

After reluctantly pulling away, Luo turned back and threw a qiyuan slash at the bear again, but the tyrannosaurus seemed to be able to sense the qiyuan slash, or it was aware of the dangerous breath emitted by the qi slash, so it moved again. Right foot, avoid Qi Yuan.

You can’t see it, but you can avoid it by instinct.

If Luo can master the hidden in advanced techniques, he will be able to hide the existence of Qi to the greatest extent, so that the violent bears who could not see Qi at all would not be able to detect Qi Yuan.

Unfortunately, Luo doesn’t hide, and judging from the effect of 2 rounds of gas, long-range attacks are unlikely to succeed.

“It would be nice if you could freely control the flight path of Qiyuan Cho.”

Luo sighed softly, his idea was whimsical, however, other Mind Power people may not be able to do it, but he can do it already out of the frame, but with his current ability can not do it.

After all, there is only 20% awakening level, and there is also room for improvement in 4 levels in the future.

The grizzly bear roared, unable to shoot Luo, making his emotions irritable, the speed and frequency of waving his hands began to increase, making Luo step by step thrilling.

The wind pressure generated by the falling of each palm has always affected Luo’s balance. Fortunately, after gathering your feet, you can increase the grip and not be biased by the wind.

Under the slap of the bear, one by one, Luo narrowed the distance between him and the bear again.

鈥淐h墨! 鈥?/p>

Luo slashed the wound on the right ankle of the tyrannosaurus, and when he got his hand, he immediately took the teleportation position to avoid the tyrannosaurus stepping on his left foot.

“Also look!”

At this moment, Luo thought of Allah, and if he had that knife, maybe he could cut off the ankle of the bear.

His right ankle was attacked twice in succession. Although he didn’t feel pain, the bears noticed something wrong. In the next offensive, he started to prevent Luo from approaching.

“P膿ng p膿ng p膿ng鈥?”

The open space by the lake has an extra pit in each and everyone.

The woman in the helmet still did not run away, but the struggle between looks at Luo and the tyrannical bear completely subverted her perception.

Luo pulled away, and the bears seemed to be on the alert, and didn’t rush into Luo anymore.

“Hu … it’s just b-grade ingredients so difficult.”

It’s still the last thing. If it’s not because of the big size of the teddy bear, maybe it won’t work.

The bear stood still, suddenly inserted double-handed into the ground, roared and dug out half of the sand and stone, and held it in front of him.

Seeing the behavior of the bear, Luo’s eyelids flickered slightly.

Feeling the potential threat behind me, can I switch to a long-range attack?

This upright bear is just Class B … so how powerful is the Class A species?

As the subtle thoughts surfaced, they saw the bear throwing sand and stones in front of him, and then patted them on the sand and stones with both palms.

Such behaviors surprised Luo again, and you’re perfect!

The force of the tyrant’s palms on the sand and stones blasted it into countless pieces of debris, forming a large-scale barrage cover towards Luo.

Facing this shotgun offensive covering all aspects, Luo was surprised and surprised, but a joy in his heart was that without the slightest hesitation greeted him.

If it was the slamming of a raging bear in one point, he didn’t want to be hit at all. Now his strength is scattered, which can be used to resist.

Each piece of debris that came over was as big as a skull. It was okay to touch one piece, and it would be finished if you hit dozens or hundreds of pieces.

Luo chose to face forward, and when he rushed forward, the air around him seemed to build a ring of planets, and the innumerable debris was pulled onto the star ring.

Debris follows the trajectory of the star circle, bypassing Luo from the left and right sides, and colliding with Luo’s behind, turning into powder, raising a lot of dust and mist.

When the violent bear smashed the sand and stones, the diffuse dust covered his eyes. Before seeing the result, another roar came out from the dust, but he didn’t know that Luo had rushed to its feet.

When it realized that dangerous breath was reappearing, it hurriedly raised its right foot.

However, Luo’s third Palm Blade was already on the wound, completely cutting off his ankle.

Because there is no pain, and the physical connection is still there, the teddy bear not at all realized this, and in the dust and mist, he lifted his foot and stomped on it.


Losing the soles of the feet, together with too much movement, caused the bear’s bulky body to suddenly lose its balance, and fell heavily on the shore of the lake, shaking a lot of dust and mist.

This slammed heavily, causing the bear to feel vertigo.


Seeing the prey fall to the ground in accordance with his own plan, Luo laughed softly, rushed into the dust and mist, ran onto the bear’s body, took the heart straight, and then shot into the book for beheading!

After the heart was hacked, the teddy bear looked suspicious, and when he felt that life was passing by quickly, he uttered an unwilling roar, and then died quietly.

Suddenly, a lot of blood spewed from the cut-off location.

After blackening the heart of the raging bear, Luo withdrew the book, panting slightly, and using the defensive and bulk of the raging bear, if he did not take out the heart for critical sanctions, it was estimated that after the air consumption was exhausted, it would not kill it.

The ability shown by the teddy bear made Luo realize that the ingredients in the vast world were not what he wanted, at least because of his current ability, he didn’t have the qualifications for wanton behavior.

“B grade ingredients, I don’t know how much gas capacity can be increased.”

Luo walked on the corpse of the tyrannosaurus, over the diffuse dust and mist, and walked towards the tyrant’s arm.

He didn’t notice the huge bubbles erupting from each and everyone on the lake behind.

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