Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1298

Dozens of body fragments were scattered in the hallway, incomplete tongues and throats made low gu gu sounds, and a terrifying expression fell on a dozen or so faces.

Becoming this miserable, the old Reese law person died at the spot without feeling any pain.

There is no time to experience the strange feeling of being alive after being divided. The broken body shivered slightly, showing the long-lost fear. The half of the eyes scattered in the front position are narrowing their pupils and staring at the gradually coming. Luo.

For a long time, I was not fortunate to be feared, and the heart of the old Risfa was beating fast, as if to choke.

He wanted to open his throat and let out the fear of deep enthusiasm through his voice, but the sound captured by his ears was like a low howling dog.

“Who is this human ?! Who is it !?”

The heart trembled like a cymbal drum, moving extremely fiercely, causing the body in disrepair to endure for a long time, so that the sense of suffocation became more apparent.

As Luo approached, the pupils in those half eyes lifted up desperately, trying to make his eyes follow Luo.

Then, darkness came without warning.


Before the consciousness was extinguished, the old Mairis seemed to hear the sound of chewing, but it had nothing to do with him.


The sound of swallowing sounded in the quiet corridor.

The black cat smashed his tongue, and slightly greedily glanced at the dried-up ore on the corpse.

Rather than cleaning up trash, he wanted to taste the ore.

“Don’t eat it first.”

Luo stopped the idea of ​​the black cat with a loud voice, and then moved towards began to shed blood and threw away a thought.

The soft white light covers the corpses, and an invisible Strength rolls many corpses together. With the white light dispersed, the blood that touches the air retracts into the corpses, and the scattered corpses blink. Time was back as it was.

Luo carefully observed the corpse that was pieced together. Only three shrink-like ore were seen on the shoulders and back of the corpse. I don’t know if this Resfar is too weak or because of old age. The volume of the ore is significantly smaller than before Risfa class.

“Yes, clean it up.”

Looking back, Luo walked deep into the corridor.

The black cat couldn’t wait to open its rubber-like mouth, and swallowed the corpse.

At that moment, the mouth activated the screening function, removed the ore and swallowed the stomach, and the body was thrown into a garbage station in an unknown space.

“Well, it really tastes better than candy.”

Reminiscent of the taste that slipped from the tip of the tongue, the black cat’s silver eyes were slightly bright, and eagerly followed Luo.

He had a hunch, and he would definitely be able to satiate today.

If necessary, he will collect the minerals of the Ristifs, just like the floating stone candy that was collected some time ago, and the thoughtful ore may not be able to lick for several years.

Luo and the black cat one after the other were walking in the corridor. The castle was large, the corridor was wide enough, but there was no ornament at all, and it looked shabby.

I don’t want to be detected by the enemy for the time being, and at the same time we must wait for Hongying to collide with the enemy. Therefore, Luo didn’t use [Yuan] and just moved forward.

Now, with black mind as a hole card, his strength has become so strong that he can’t even judge it, so that he doesn’t think he is invincible, but he is not afraid of any battle.

Walked about three hundred meters in the corridor, and at the end, there was only a left turn.

Luo walked a few steps forward, moved towards Kakuzu, looking to the left, and a 5-meter-long corridor awaited him, but at the end was a simple white wooden door, apart from this, nothing else And there is no other way.


Looking under my eyes, I can see strands of resentment air flowing slowly from the bottom of the wooden door, like seaweed, slowly swinging in a specific area, looking weak and without strength wire.

“It’s an undisguised emotion.”

The black cat blinked, without having to go to the Sensor at all, it could easily detect the resentment emotions contained in the breath. You can imagine the unidentified creatures that released such breath behind the door, most of them like crazy.

Luo stood at the intersection of “l” and silently looked at the resentment field overflowing from the bottom of the white wooden door.

In this case, why should he wait here, or cut an entrance to the bottom to the floor, but he can’t go outside the festival.

However, the situation behind the door made him curious.

You know, this is the base of the Risfars. In this environment, there can still be such extreme resentment. Maybe it may be an unknown person imprisoned by Risfars.

With this assumption, it is necessary to open the door to find out.

After all, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

“Go in and see.”

Luo made up his mind and strode toward the wooden door.

Only when I stepped out of the first step, it seemed to have attracted the attention of unknown characters behind the door. It was a scene full of resentment, and there was obvious agitation.

Luo disapproved, Meteor strode to the wooden door, and at the bottom, the flue-like gas field fluctuations suddenly gathered together, forming a fiery tongue gas field, exhaling resentment and anger.


The black cat looks down at the aura of baring fangs and brandishing claws.

Luo came to interest. First, she released her mind and turned it into a hard armor. Then she raised her hand and opened the wooden door.


The wooden door opened in response, and the pungent smell mixed with bloody flavours came first, followed by a vicious eye-catching look.

Luo followed his gaze, but was a human being nailed to the wall.


Suddenly, Luo looked at the human.

The shawl radiates, covering more than half of his face, thin and thin, wearing a few pieces of shy cloth, and it is difficult to discern the sex at a glance.

On the shoulders, arms, palms, thighs, calves, and soles, there are round Kakuzu nails nailed to the bowl. Down the wall, there is a deep blood trail that reaches the ground and is a large piece of dry blood.

A closer look shows that on the scarred body, there are dozens of thumb nail-sized crystals inlaid. They are scattered up to the face and down to the calf, and scattered crystals can be seen.

After noticing this detail, Luo silently retracted his judgment.

The unknown character nailed to the wall is not a human, but more like … a Risfa who has not yet fully developed.

The reality was too far from what was expected, and Luo was unavoidably surprised and puzzled.

Luo was surprised, as was the Risfa who was nailed to the wall.

“who are you?”

The sounds from the Rasfa population sounded to Luo just a string of very hoarse, obscure syllables.

No language.

Luo couldn’t help but silent, glancing at the blood on the walls and the ground.

He was wondering, was this risfah, who didn’t seem to be too old, a prisoner of great sin?

Otherwise, how can they be treated like this?

“Do you want to eat it?”

The black cat also recognized the other’s identity.

“Do not.”

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