Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1297

The functionality of ancient relics, as well as the amount of energy, is the winning capital.

Regarding these two points, flying castle dominates.

With a clear advantage, Bi Kakuzu is confident to successfully defeat the goalkeeper’s fire tree silver flower in the protracted battle.

It’s like a prey hunted by a group of wolves, unhurried for a while, but with a winning ticket in hand, waiting for the prey to exhaustion before launching a thunderbolt strike.

Unexpectedly, the fire tree silver flower as a prey, but did not follow Bi Kakuzu’s script, actually did not run forward, taking great risks, forcibly close to the castle.

Bi Kakuzu completely didn’t expect this, and was hollowed out by Fire Tree Silver Flower.


The fire tree silver flower hung on the rock at the bottom of the castle, and the weight was applied to make the castle sink sharply.

“Notify the personnel at the silo and prepare them for battle.”

In the center control room, Bi Kakuzu looked cold.

Fire tree silver flower starts from the bottom of the rock, entangles its roots there, and removes the power source to increase the burden of the flying castle by its own weight.

The tricky part is that [Fang Jing] flying around the castle can’t go to the bottom, and there is Kakuzu, who can’t grasp the situation there in real time.

The moment the fire tree silver flower hung up, Bi Kakuzu realized that the gatekeepers were planning to start a white-blade battle.

Although very unhappy, but also have to admit the patriarch’s courage, in that situation, choose a way to escape and fight against the backwaters have a hint of vitality, and the gatekeepers patriarch chose the more risky backwaters.

In this way, the advantages of Flying Castle will be invisible.

Without the advantages brought by ancient relics, the one to emerge victorious is not yet known,

It’s just that Bi-Kakuzu is nothing.

Because, in terms of the number of people, it is also his side that has the absolute advantage. Furthermore, the goalkeepers choose this step without leaving a trail.

At the bottom of the chestnut-shaped rock, the fire tree silver flower hangs upside down. Many roots at the bottom tightly entangle the rock. The sharper end of the tree root even penetrates into the rock.

In this upcoming white-blade battle, the gatekeepers came out of the nest.

Hongying wants to bet that the enemy will be defensive, and only then can he put all his battle strengths into it to increase the winning percentage.

Luo doesn’t intend to retreat here either. The Risfars might have been directed at them. So, why not use the Strength of the gatekeepers to eradicate the crisis?

However, Luo will not allow logistics members to participate in the battle. At this point, the gatekeepers have no opinion at all, and they who are not understanding the complete truth are still immersed in the touch of Luo Lu’s unevenness and help. How would they be too harsh.

The team led by Red Shadow led the way from the central control room close to the canopy area toward the root and whisker area at the bottom, where they left the fire tree silver flower, and then went up the rock and stormed the castle.

Soon, a team of 100 people led by the red shadow came out of the fire tree silver flower and walked down the root of the tree to the rock.

None of the team was weak, climbing on the bottom of the rock, and it didn’t take long to reach the top of the rock and look at the majestic castle at close range.

I originally thought that the Risfar people would stand up first, but didn’t expect, there was no one on the flat ground outside the castle, and no Risfar people were even seen in the balcony and other places of the castle.

The whole castle stood quietly, exuding a breath of death, like a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, waiting for them to enter.

The expected situation not at all happened, but it did not affect the action of the gatekeepers in the slightest.

“Yes, act as planned.”

Hong Ying raised her hand forward and issued an instruction.

Suddenly, there were 2 members in the team, a total of 40 Demon Beasts, attacking the castle from the left and right sides, and the remaining Demon Beasts included the Red Shadow, and formed a backbone battle strength with Luo.

Red Shadow focused on watching the two advance squads. After the two squadrons entered the castle, there was still nothing moving.

“Are you planning something?”

Hongying frowned, but without hesitation, rushed to the entrance of the middle of the castle.

The remainder followed closely, keeping an eye on the surroundings.

In a sense, they’ve arrived at the base camp of Incursio, but it’s a little weird and quiet, and they don’t know what the Ristaffians are thinking about.

Luo followed the team, using his eyes to signal gold and the others to be careful.

After a while, Hong Ying was the first soldier to break through the gate in the middle of the castle. He first tried it out and confirmed that there were no traps before he rushed in.

The large vestibule is still not a silhouette of a Risfa person, all around is so quiet and quiet, but reveals a hint of needle-like danger.

“Looking at the mystery.”

The red shadow was coldly snorted, and the gas field was photographed like waves toward all around, going deeper through the milky wall building, and trying to find out where the Ristaff was.

I don’t know what the Resfa people are thinking, but let them break in without doing anything. It doesn’t seem to worry that they will destroy the castle.

Kim quietly moved to where Kakuzu landed, raised his hand against the wall, gathered thoughts in the palm of his hand, and released it tentatively.

Nuli strikes were on the wall, and there were no scars.

“So strong.”

There were strange rays of light flashing in the golden eyes, and suddenly they understood a little bit why the Resfa people let them in.

First of all, the hardness of this castle is extraordinary, so Resfarns have the confidence to make the castle into a puppet, and then let the invading enemies into a puppet.

Secondly, if the Risfars are prepared, they should be placed in a deeper place, and only then can the enemy’s rear path be extended.

Jin silently sorted out his speculation, then looked up at the ordinary ceiling, thinking that Luo, as a powerful individual, did not know if he would encounter danger.

At this time, Hong Ying retracted the released gas field.


Not much to say, it is still ahead of us.

Kim glanced at the red shadow, and since there was no indication, he did not deploy troops in the immediate area.

“Luo, don’t worry too much …”

The team moved forward.


At the same time, Luo reached the dome at the highest point of the castle.

The scale of the castle is different from normal. The center is a front door that goes straight inward and is the tallest tower. The left and right sides of the castle are symmetrical buildings of the same specifications. There is a towering tower in the twin castles.

Luo did not follow Hongying’s team into the castle, but instead used [empty line] to go directly to the top tower dome in the middle of the castle.

“It’s been about 2 minutes since I went in, and nothing has happened.”

Luo looked down at the building connected to it, a little puzzled.

“Forget it, go ahead and talk.”

Looking at the 8 wafers hovering around, Luo felt a slight threat and decided to enter the tower first.

Use the hand of God to cut the dome, jump into it easily, and land on the floor of the room, shaking out a large amount of dust.

There were no furnishings in the room, simple terrifying and dusty.

Luo didn’t stay long, and opened the door down the spiral staircase.

After a while, Luo stepped out of the corridor and came to an equally simple hallway with a sudden glance.

At one end of the corridor stood a thin, old-looking Risfa person.

Luo’s eyes narrowed, and he decisively released the realm, and included the old Resfa person with a thunderbolt.

The face of the old Myrisfal was changed, and just after the mind was released, his body was cut into dozens of pieces by the strength of the realm and fell to the ground.

If the pieces of the face that had been torn into 7 or 8 pieces were put together, they would be able to piece together a terrifying face.

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