Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1265

Being above the restorer, or being above all beings …

This is also the location of those [eyes] in Hongying’s heart.

Hong Ying said it mysteriously, anyway, deepened the doubts of Spear Flower.

Hongying looks at the spooky look of Spear Flower, without continuing to explain, but calmly said: “What kind of identity do we … in this observation? What kind of process should we go through and what will happen to it? Well, I don’t want to be an insert that is put in a jar. “

“Hongying, are you saying …?”

It is still difficult for Spear Flower to accept this information.

“Spear flower.”

Hong Ying suddenly raised his hand to the corpse of the restorer wrapped around the roots. Instead of answering the question of Spear Flower, he asked: “Assuming that all members of our family are just a picture of the restorer within the body, then, we Everything you have is in the hands of the author. Can you feel that feeling? “


Spear opened his mouth speechless.

She may not realize it, but feels that no one living body likes that feeling.

It’s like … the freedom of life and death is in the hands of others.

“Where are those eyes …?”

Spear Flower wanted to know how Hongying learned this information, but instead of asking, she skipped this stage and went straight to the most fundamental question.

“Top of the World Tree.”

Hong Ying took a few steps forward, only one step away from the restorer’s body.

“World Tree …”

Spears glanced a few times, and that was one of the places her true vision couldn’t reach.

Moreover, World Tree is arguably the most dangerous place in the entire dark continent, and there is no one.

There, there is the most brutal competitive environment on the mainland. I don’t know how much blood can be accumulated due to the daily slaughter.

In fact, blood will eventually become one of the nourishments of World Tree.

Spear flowers looks at the back of Red Shadow, opened his mouth, and finally did not ask how Red Shadow learned this information.

…………… ..

New World, the tree house within the Great Wall.

Qingying, as usual, sat on the edge of the tree house platform.

However, instead of looking down at the ground below, as usual, he looked up at the top.

His eyes stayed open for so long, without even blinking his eyelids.

“You’ve got to see it too, Red Shadow …”

“Just, how do you conclude that that existence will interfere with us?”

Qingying talked to himself.

He can [see] the [eyes] that are above him, but he cannot peep further.

The alertness given to him by the ability reminds him at any time to dispel the thought of further prying.

If you insist on spying, you may not lose your life, but you will definitely lose a lot.

The hunch reminded him so.

He believes that Hong Ying must have [seen] the existence of those [eyes], because they are twins and they should feel the same.

Based on this, he could vaguely guess Hong Ying’s intentions.

Now it seems he should make a choice.

Pretend not to know that existence, and let the path of fate move forward, or try your best to pry the wheel of fate away from it.

The question is, will he fall in the middle of the road …


Leaving a four-dimensional apartment entrance and exit, and traps made of risfah ore and gods, Luo’s team left Medu Sha Forest.

After the team set off, the question of whether Torich and the Skeleton would stay or not became a problem to be solved within a short time.

Whether or not you want to go to World Tree together, TOFLEX has not yet responded.

However, Luo has a hunch that Dong Fuli should make a decision in the near future.

Vaguely, Luo felt that East R & F might reject his invitation.

If there is a reason, he can’t say it, just think so.

As for the skeleton people’s stay, Luo prepared to let them go while passing through the Medu Sha forest.

The team was trekking all the way.

Without hindrance, the team only took 3 days to walk out of the Medu Sha forest and came to a swamp area where the edge was not visible.

On the muddy black mud, there are large rocks that can be counted on one’s fingers, and sparse low plants, and at a glance, no creatures can be seen.

The people walked on the black mud, tossed the Medu Sha forest about ten kilometers behind, and then stopped to rest.

There is no cooking, just eating processed minced meat to supplement stamina.

“Skeleton, you can go.”

Everyone was dangling their jerky meat, and a word that Luo suddenly popped out caught everyone’s attention.

Skeletons usually take some time to add calcium, so when everyone else is eating jerky, only he buried his hair.

Suddenly hearing what Luo said, he looked up sharply, but froze.

“Luo, you, what did you just say?”

“I said, you can go.”



The Skeleton got up sharply and didn’t control his mood for a moment.

It is also this action, so that everyone in the team can see how strong the intention of the skeleton people to leave.

“It is necessary to remind you that the last red dragonfly released by Risfa people may have taken away our relevant information, including your information, of course.”

Luo chewed on a large piece of jerky, chewing, and looking at the skull man who was hard to surprise.

“I will pay attention.”

How could the Skeleton Man think of that at this moment, and when he responded, he shook his head and looked at the situation around him.

“So, then I’m gone.”


Luo didn’t speak, and so did everyone else.

The skullman cautiously looked at the already familiar humans around him, and immediately took the opposite direction and strode forward.

The eyes of the crowd moved with his back, watching him go further and further, until they disappeared into sight.

Perhaps, for the death of the skeleton, I always feel regret and pity, only Luo alone.

As for the rest of the team, I never thought that Skeletons might be part of the team, but actually look forward to becoming a part of the team.

“It’s time for me to leave too.”

East Ricoh looks at the direction in which the Skeleton Man left, suddenly said.

Everyone heard the word startled and immediately looked towards Luo.

“Don’t you go to World Tree with us?”

“No, my journey is not over.”

Dong Fulisi also simply, eat the last piece of jerky in his hand, and then got up.

When everyone saw Dong Fuli rise, everyone couldn’t help but get up.

Compared to the skeletons who have just left, the treatment is simply as different as heaven and earth.

“Then there is no way, we still hope you can be with us.” Luo’s face was full of regret.

East Ricoh is slightly smiled, looked towards the direction of the World Tree.

“Maybe in the near future, we will meet there.”

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