Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1264

Twin mirror, which is the [Link Mind Power] of Qingying and Hongying. Usually only twins can develop it.

The main ability of the mirror is communication, in addition to the passive functions of positioning and navigation.

On the side of the red shadow, you can feel the direction where the blue shadow is located, and the positioning mark of the blue shadow is static.

On the side of Qingying, you can feel that the positioning mark of Red Ying is moving rapidly.

Even if there is no more information about the location of the red shadow in the mirror, even if the red shadow did not reveal the information of [Fire Tree Silver Flower] to the blue shadow, the blue shadow can guess the red shadow based on the rapidly moving positioning mark. It is inside [Fire Tree Silver Flower].

The same is true.

However, compared to Hongying’s launch of [Fire Tree Silver Flower], Qingying was even more surprised that Hongying cooperated with humans, and that the human object that cooperated with it was Luo who had killed many fellow citizens.

Regarding Luo, although Qingying has never seen it, according to the information sent by his compatriots, he has a deeper understanding of Luo who has never met.

Looks at the surprised and puzzled blue shadow in the mirror, the red shadow is calm.

“The cooperation was made by Goo. Besides, I haven’t told you something yet.”

“what’s up?”

“Ten days ago, Gu gave birth to a child. His vital signs were stable and everything was normal.”


Qingying’s eyes changed, and the original surprised expression gradually turned into shock.

“Child’s father is the human beast.”

Before Qingying digested the news, he was stunned again by the blockbuster bombed by Hongying.

That human.

Hongying didn’t name him.

However, the person who can make Hongying always be [that human] is undoubtedly Luo.

That is to say, that human beast named Luo actually made Gou pregnant and successfully gave birth to a healthy child?

Qingying couldn’t believe it.

“So, why do you think I disagree with this cooperation? Indeed, I want to change the status quo, no matter how much blood I shed, and from the beginning, I haven’t expected you to understand me, but there is something , You have to figure it out. “

Red Shadow’s terrible face was full of serious emotions.

“Everything I do now is for my tribe to go further. If we stay at the status quo, gazing at our eyes above it will sooner or later lead us to destruction. I am more than you. clear.”

“Now, that beast called the black cat is the hope that our community can last for a long time. For this reason, I will never miss this opportunity.”

Hongying has tried many times to persuade his younger brother to join his own camp, but failed every time.

Later, Hongying abandoned this plan.

Now, he is not [persuading] Qingying, but [informing] Qingying.

Although this notice is relatively late …

Qingying lowered her head slightly, gloomy and uncertain, completely shocked by the information that Hongying said.

They can get rid of Samsara of Life and Death of lifespan, as long as the status trembling with fear is maintained, they can get real eternal life and permanent race.

As a cost, they lost the ability to breed their offspring.

The stubborn old people in the clan are more conservative and naturally inclined to stay at the status quo, while the more radical faction, led by the red shadow, pierces the future with excellent vision, and believes that the status quo needs to be changed in order to drag the future of the ethnic group out of the mud.

The two cannot say who is right and who is wrong, because no one is sure about future results.

However, although Qingying did not intervene, if he was forced to stand in a team, he would stand on the side of Hongying, regardless of personal affairs.

Now, the news of Gu’s successful birth is undoubtedly the most shocking news.

It is no exaggeration to say that this phenomenon will bring essential changes to the gatekeepers.

Qingying deep took a deep breath, calmly looked at the brother in the mirror, and asked, “Did you tell me this to make me choose?”

Hong Ying was silent for a while, indifferently said: “What do you think, it’s all your freedom, I won’t interfere.”


Qingying smiled inexplicably, and turned her attention to the disaster that ravaged the New World.

“Humans from Holy Land established their homes on the new continent, which had originally begun to take shape, but now they have become dead cities, and the only remaining humans have hid in the bases they built underground. In addition, some humans Flee to Holy Land on a big ship. If there is no accident, disaster will follow the big ship to Holy Land. “

With that said, Qingying’s eyes glinting slightly, said solemnly: “Red Shadow, the disaster you laid this time is clearly beyond the scope of ‘warning’.”

“Exceeded the ‘warning’? But it was not at all stopped by the ‘guardian’, you know what it means.”

Hongying looked calm.

Qingying could not help but be silent.

The disaster can successfully cross the line, and the [guardian] believes that the disaster not at all is beyond the scope.

“Moreover, these things are not within your area of ​​responsibility, and that’s the end of it. If the latest news of the action within the clan, I will inform you in a timely manner.”

Tone barely fell, and Hong Ying took away the ability from the slightest hesitation, and the next second, the mirror turned into a disappearance.

Qingying looks at an empty table, silent.

In the simple wood house, there was an atmosphere of silence.

Also at a base somewhere in the New World, the leader is Twice Cooked Pork of Kakin.

If everyone, including him, can hear the dialogue between Hongying and Qingying, the first reaction is presumably to be frightened.

The reason, of course, is not the disaster that destroyed their results overnight, but the blue shadows who did not leave the house. They could clearly grasp their movements. They not only learned that their homes were destroyed by the disaster, but also that they She hid in an underground base.

On the other side, in the internal control room of the fire tree silver flower that is “Quad Father Chasing the Sun”, after turning off the mirror communication, Hong Ying got up and walked to the restorer’s body.

Spear Flower, who had been listening to the 2 brothers in silence, followed Hong Ying and came to the corpse of the restorer.

“Red Shadow, you are affecting Qingying.”


Hong Ying admitted it very simply.

“I think it’s bad.”

“You’re right, Spear Flower.”


Spear flowers can not help but stop.

Hong Ying squinted his eyes and stared at the restorer’s body. After a while, he suddenly said, “Spear flower, what do you think there will be?”

Then, he pointed above his head.

Spear Flower wondered, shook the head, and didn’t know what Red Shadow was referring to.

“There are … a pair of eyes that are watching us, not just us, the sky, the earth, the deep sea, the center of the earth … Also all living and inanimate bodies in Holy Land are in those eyes Within observation range. ”

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