Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1262

Tonpa fell from the air and sat down on the floor.

He had a headache and could not help thinking.

[What happened just now? 銆?/p>

[I should just get up, right? 銆?/p>

[How come … heaven? 銆?/p>

[Yes, my legs! 銆?/p>

Tonpa reacted violently and got up to check his transformed legs.




He bumped the ceiling again and fell to the floor.

Everyone looks silent at this scene, it is difficult to hide the surprised look.

“This is the effect of the spinal fluid of the lower limbs!”

“Don’t you think it’s exaggerated?”


Tonpa’s 2 consecutive moves in the sky allowed everyone to clearly see the effect of the transformation.

I’m afraid that the thickened thighs that are not just 2 laps not only excel in jumping, but also sprint Speed.

With such a pair of thighs, coupled with Tonpa’s ability, he may change the passive situation in the future. While dodging the enemy’s attack, he can use his legs to counterattack.

After 2 days, Tonpa learned well this time, cautiously controlled the lower limb Strength, and then stood up slowly.

However, it may be the cause of excessive control. When Tonpa stood up, his legs shivered coldly.

“It’s weird, it seems … not very coordinated.”

“It doesn’t seem to be true.”

“Well, it doesn’t look like a little tomato on top of two hot dogs.”

Everyone looked at Tonpa’s figure.

The spine fluid of the lower limbs only transformed Tonpa’s legs, but the body above the waist remained unchanged.

Originally, Tonpa’s body type was a kind of short and fat. Even if muscles were developed in the back, the body bones would look like that.

Now, the bright changes of his legs, combined with his original upper body, look as strange as there are strange.

After a while, the black cat laughed and rolled on the ground.

“Pu, ha ha ha ha!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The laughter seemed contagious, and Nobunaga and Uvogin laughed.

“Peng peng … ha ha ha, peng peng … ha ha ha!”

It was a laughter while slamming the floor.

Luo glanced at Tonpa as if shivering coldly in the cold wind, and then looked at his teammate who was heartless and laughing and couldn’t help covering his face.

“Tonpa, this is actually nothing. You see, you are now taller than Lao Bai and Jin. They will talk to you in the future and look up at you.”

Luo quickly comforted a wave.

Tonpa listened to his teammates’ ridicule and looked down at his figure, his face was suddenly bitter.

Now he also found this awkward point.

“Cough cough, Tonpa, you have to look at everything in a good way, you first adjust to the strength of your legs.”

“Okay, I am understood.”

Tonpa sighed and began to adapt to the changes from his legs.

[Ugly is a little ugly, but the effect is still great. As long as you are familiar with it and exercise, you may be able to get a trump card. 銆?/p>

With the relief of Luo 2 wave, Tonpa gradually became optimistic. Even if his teammates were laughing, he gradually smiled, and then cautiously controlled his legs to take a step forward.



This time, Tonpa didn’t go to the sky, but he flew forward and hit his face against the wall.

The laughter echoing indoors came to an abrupt end.

A moment later, there was another heartless laugh.


Luo smiled when he saw this, but he was helpless.

These people …

……… ..

3 days later, in the hole.

“Xiu xiu xiu xiu!”


In the cave, a silhouette was chasing around, sometimes turning an arc, shaking out a wave line, sometimes jumping horizontally several times, and sometimes hit the rock wall out of control.

That silhouette is Tonpa.

Since taking spinal fluid to transform his lower limbs, he has been frantically trying to adapt to the values 鈥嬧€媜f his legs.

After 3 days, of course, the results are some, even unexpected.

At first, he kind of hated that these legs were ugly to himself, but after a while, he was convinced by his [beautiful legs].

God, he couldn’t believe it.

This bouncing force!

This sprints for Speed!

This tenacious degree!


Um~ really incense!

Tonpa’s impulse burst out, and he knew that it would take some time to dig out the legs that had just been transformed, and once he was fully adapted and familiar with the use, he would be able to exert excellent results.

In this momentum, Tonpa did not rest for a moment, training frantically.

“Hmph, I will definitely let you call me Warrior Tonpa in the future !!!”

Tonpa thought silently and got up to continue training.

“Xiu xiu xiu xiu!”


On the giant god character, Luo looked back and hit Tonpa on the rock wall, helplessly said: “Tonpa, I think you should go outside and practice.”

“Uh … I think it’s fine here.”

“But you are too noisy.” Luo sighed.

“Well, I’ll practice outside.”

As soon as Tonpa lifted his feet, his body rushed out and disappeared into the passage.

Nowadays, regardless of other points, it is extraordinary to move Speed 鈥嬧€媋t this point. If it is developed properly in the future, it may become a qualified battle strength.

Watching Tonpa leave, Luo turned his attention to the trap character.

“Should this chain node crash suddenly? If something goes wrong, the whole link will be messed up.”

Luo looks at a sacred point next to a risfah ore, revealing thoughts.

“No, Energy flows from here. Speed 鈥嬧€媔s comparable to electricity. It can complete the mission in split second, so there will be no problems.”

Dong Fuli Shi used the hand to trace the flow track, the tone is very certain.

“Well, that’s it.”

Luo nodded, trusting the judgment of Dong Fuli.

Kim carefully inspected the structure just set, and said earnestly: “The next step is to just check for leaks and fill in the gaps, and the project is complete.


Luo glanced at the risfa ore that was going to be buried in the pit, and thought of the possible consequences of this trap, he couldn’t help but smiled lightly.

On the top of the cave, the black cat hangs upside down like a bat, while stuffing luminous pumice in its mouth, while looking at the 3 old insidious people who are about to finish underneath, can’t help but mourn for those who may step into the trap.

He fell from the top of the cave and came to the three of them, asking, “This trap is done, and it’s almost time to leave?”

“Nob hasn’t cleaned the entrance to the apartment.”

Luo got up and looked at the gods.

Golden pats hands, experience a rare sense of accomplishment.

“Well, let’s check it,” Luo said.

Three people moved and each was responsible for a region.

The black cat looks at them and can’t help sighing.

He’s been here all the time and he’s bored in the ass.

Speaking of pain in the ass, he squinted his eyes, and there appeared a lithe and graceful sexy body in his head.

Far away from the land of beyond a thousand li, the roots of [Fire Tree Silver Flower] quickly trembled on the ground, running forward with that huge body.

Inside the fire tree silver flower, the goo who was just born sooner was a little weaker, lying on the cushion, and loved the dark kitten cubs that looked at him.

Suddenly, she shivered inexplicably.

“En? This chill feeling …”

There was doubt on his face.

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