Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1261

The aura that turned into a barrier was brought into the body by Luo.

Without the obstacles of the aura, Lao Bai and Sambica can finally show their ability to Luo.

First, Zambia controlled the benign compound virus to infiltrate Luo’s within the body to help stabilize the injury, and then Lao Bai used [the fool’s method] for Luo.


The thoughts diverted from the old white body turned into a spring breeze in vain, containing ample life aura, hovering in the air.

Dong Fulisi froze, and stared at the spring breeze.

Just at a glance, he can tell that the ability of this breath is far beyond the upper limit of the ability that Lao Bai has. There is no doubt that the ability can be created with more than one constraint.

“Good luck!”

Old Bai said in surprise.

His voice only fell, and the spring breeze turned into an Immortal Qi shy woman, floating in the air quietly, and the long white hair as white snow drifted slowly in the breeze. Appears the breath of Archangel.

“Come on Luo soon.”

Lao Bai looks at the woman who showed her figure from the field, and hurriedly ordered.


The woman lowered her head slightly, and spit out a wind mass filled with life aura toward Luo, who was bleeding all over the body.

The wind fell on the Luo body, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a thin film, covering every Kakuzu falling under Luo’s entire body.

Under everyone’s attention, the blood of Luo body slowly disappeared, and within a short time, it became dry and clean, as if before taking the spinal fluid.

After completing the mission, the woman turned into countless thoughts in silence. Instead of returning to the old white within the body, she became an unconscious mind and slowly dissipated in the air.

At the same time, the muscles on Old White’s cheeks moved slightly, and the moment his Archangel disappeared, his thoughts within the body were almost exhausted.

It took less than 3 seconds from Archangel to take a breath to treat Luo.

Luo eyes opened suddenly, keenly aware of changes in the body.

“Luo, are you okay.”

Can’t think too much, but see everyone around.

The crowd looked slightly nervous at Luo, which was already intact.


Luo straightened his upper body, glanced down at the pool of blood underneath, without asking and guessing what caused it, as far as the body was not affected, it should be Lao Bai who treated himself.

“How long have I been in a coma?”

“A few minutes.”

oh? ”

Luo was surprised.

“Lao Bai won the special prize, so the treatment took only a few seconds.”

King knew why Luo was so surprised and explained why.

“It turned out to be.”

Luo nodded, knowing that the old white triggered Archangel’s breath.

“How, how do you feel?”

After confirming that Luo was unharmed, Kim asked urgently.

On the other hand, others are gradually relieving and looking forward to looks at Luo.

Luo didn’t speak, and opened the fine holes directly.


The mind within the body suddenly flowed out like a galloping river, and in a blink of an eye, it covered the body surface, showing extremely unstable and violent fluctuations.

Luo’s eyes narrowed slightly, and various obvious changes from the body feedback made him think, and the enlargement of the fine pores made the apparent energy released more, which led to his imbalance in control and failed to maintain [Jian] release.

The teammates were surprised to look at the gas field covered by Luo body. The unstable state is obviously the [strong] of the semi-slinger. It is difficult to imagine that Luo with excellent technology would actually have such an operation.

However, they quickly came up with the reason.

After the fine pores are enlarged, the apparent air volume that can be released is at least double that of the previous one. In the unfamiliar situation and the increased difficulty of operation, it will inevitably show an imbalance.

“Are there any side effects?”

Jin glanced at the powerful aura of Luo body.

“No, the flow of qi is very smooth, but it seems that the number suddenly increases, and actually is a bit uncomfortable.”

“This is inevitable. With your control, it should take a little time …”

Jin said as he looked at Luo body. The gas field was very unstable. Suddenly, half of what he said stopped abruptly. I saw that the gas field of Luo body stabilized at the speed visible by naked eye. Immovable armor, quietly covering Luo’s body.

“forget it.”

Jin shrugged, originally thought that Luo needed a little time to control the sudden increase in apparent vitality, but he was beaten before he finished speaking.

Luo laughed, withdraw control of mental power, and let the gas field flow like a raging fire.

The aura of everyone’s looks at Luo body sparkled in the eyes.

Among them, Uvogin looks at Luo’s soaring gas field, without any concealment of envy.

He also wanted to have such a strong apparent energy, but he knew that this [pore and spinal fluid] was more suitable for Luo.

Bi Siji looked up and down the expression as usual, Luo, nodded and said: “It seems that taking spinal fluid only has the risk of failure and disability.”

In fact, the side effect that Luo suffered was a large amount of lost blood, but he had the ability to treat old people and wipe out the existence of this side effect.

Bisji suddenly looked towards Tonpa.

“Uh … why look at me?”

Tonpa winced.

“Luo’s over, who’s next?”

Bisji is slightly smiled.

The smile fell on Tonpa’s eyes, like a devil’s smile.


Tonpa was bewildered, and anyway, he was also the film emperor, with various expressions having the words at hand.

“It’s you.”

Bisji said seriously.

“Hurry, wait for the results of all the spinal fluids to come out.”

Tonpa shook his head suddenly.

[Just a joke, Luo was so painful just now. If I want to strengthen, I have to take a few days to prepare for it. 】

“Strengthen early and adapt early.” Bi Siji advised sincerely.


Tonpa’s mind at this moment is to keep shaking his head and firmly oppose it.

The attention of the crowd was not attracted by the conversation between Bisji and Tonpa.

“Bisji makes sense.”

Luo pinched his chin and smiled at Tonpa.

“No, give me some time to prepare mentally.”

“Sooner or later is something to go through, see you persuaded like this bird, go out later, don’t tell people that you are my own, shame.”

The black cat looks at Tonpa, and the cat’s face is full of sadness of human nature.

Tonpa silently glanced at the lively black cat.

With a successful example, everyone wants to see what happens to the second one.

Suddenly, everyone looked towards Tonpa.

“Don’t …”

Tonpa was crying without tears.

He was really scared by Luo’s pain, so he hadn’t decided whether to use it yet.

“Actually, I think my legs are superb. I shouldn’t need this thing for a while.”

Tonpa took out the test tube and laughed more ugly than crying.

after an hour.

Tonpa is standing in the center of the [area], holding a test tube in his hand, like a death sentence on the execution ground.

Lao Bai, who was almost recovered, stood by his side and was ready for treatment at any time.

“Okay, let’s get started.”

Outside the area, Luo shot a small rosary with a finger, helping Tonpa knock off one end of the test tube.

Tonpa looks down at the liquid in the test tube, and a layer of fine sweat beads oozes from the forehead.


Thinking of the pain he might suffer next, he couldn’t help swallowing saliva.

“I said Tonpa, you actually actually hurry up,” Lao Bai urged.

“Can such things be fast?” Tonpa bitterly.

At this time, the black cat quietly came to Tonpa behind, shot abruptly, patted Tonpa’s elbow, and pushed the liquid in the test tube toward Tonpa’s open mouth when he spoke.

GuLu ……

As much liquid as possible fell on Tonpa’s mouth, Paulie, and rolled down his throat into his stomach.

Tonpa froze and froze.

When the black cat was done, he quickly left the crime scene.

“Black cat, you …!”

Tonpa opened his eyes and looked at the black cat slipping away.

Before the words were finished, the response of the spinal fluid came.

Ahh!! ”

There was cone-like pain in both legs.

After a moment, the pain suddenly increased several levels, smashing Tonpa like a sledgehammer, and the scream that blurted out suddenly improved several grades.

“It hurts me, I, I feel dizzy!”

Tonpa sat down on the ground, double-handed clenching her thighs, and then just stunned after speaking.

A few seconds later, his upper body bounced sharply, his face twisted and shivering.

“Is a chicken, I am awake …!”

The intense pain brought Tonpa’s five officers together.

A moment later, his scream of pigs came to an abrupt halt, but he passed out again.

The horrible performance surprised the spectators.

Even comparing Luo’s condition after taking spinal fluid, it cannot hide Tonpa’s exaggerated response.

After a while, Tonpa’s upper body bounced up again.

“I, I was awake again …”

At this time, Tonpa’s voice was very weak, and the five senses were still distorted.

The pain can hardly be described in words, it is like pulling out the nerves on both legs, and then holding countless saws and forcefully sawing them in multiple places at the same time.

If the nerve is cut off and liberated, Tonpa will faint with happiness.

However, no matter how amazing the power of the saw, the nerve is constantly, allowing him to endure pain without interruption.

Soon, Tonpa felt dizzy again.

Before fainting, he wondered if the test tube that Luo was taking was relatively weak, otherwise, how could Luo unresponsive when Luo at first!

In this way, in an intermittent scream, Tonpa passed out in pain and woke up again and again, and it continued for ten minutes without stopping.

The spinal fluid he took was used to strengthen the lower limbs, so most of the reactions came from the legs, unlike Luo, which was reflected to the whole body, plus different types, he didn’t want Luo to bleed all over the ground.

However, the intense pain caused him to sweat a lot.

looks at Tonpa So painful, although everyone has not experienced it, they feel vague pain.

“Tonpa looks pitiful …”

Bruna stood on Saling’s shoulder, her eyes daring to open.

“This is a process that men must go through.”

Sa Ling patted Bruna’s head lightly, and threw away a lame statement.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Bruna was stunned, but she didn’t dare to see Tonpa anymore, and she even covered her ears.

The black cat glanced at Saling and Bruna, and immediately looked at Tonpa, who was sore in pain, that she did not hide her face taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“I don’t know why, I don’t have a wave in my heart, I even want to laugh.”

Black cats are as cheap as they are.

However, everyone’s focus is on Tonpa body, so they ignore the black cat.

Time passed by every minute, the atmosphere inside the venue was the same as before, tense and calm.

It’s like family members are waiting for the result of surgery …

“It’s been 40 minutes, is Tonpa okay?”

Bisji was worried.

“Surely nothing will happen, the kid is dead.”

The black cat patted his chest and packed the tickets, but he did not say that he had experienced Tonpa’s fatal moments when he first landed on the dark continent.

“I hope so.”

Luo said solemnly.

He was here and knew how terrible the pain of that level was.

“Dong, is it so painful to evolve a foreign body with rosary?”

Luo glanced at East Ricoh.

“I’m afraid it’s over and over.”

“is it……”

Luo sighed.

There is nothing in the world that wants to harvest results without paying a price.

If you want to adapt to the harsh environment, you have to change and pay.

Now, because of the fate, they will get ten or eight precious spinal fluids, what a painful thorny road.

A few minutes passed, and mutation occurred.

Tonpa’s legs swelled a dozen big bags, spreading between the thigh roots and the ankles.

Suddenly, the bulging bale rolled and waved up and down under the skin like a wave, and a dozen odd-shaped larvae moved downstream of Tonpa’s thigh skin.

At that scene, others looked sore at the look alone, and Tonpa screamed louder and louder, and then fainted again.

The mutation lasted for 20 minutes before the bulging big bag disappeared. At the same time, Tonpa’s thighs were significantly thicker by 2 laps, and the length of the straps also increased.

After an hour of makeover, Tonpa’s throat was completely dumb.

Once again, the pain passed out, and he did not wake up again, and fell into a deep coma, which also seemed to indicate that the transformation had ended.

Luo motioned to Lao Bai and Sambica to start checking Tonpa’s situation, and immediately entered the [area].

The others followed him, stepped on Tonpa’s sweat, and came to his side, looking at Lao Bai ready to use the ability.

Immediately, Lao Bai’s ability failed.

“The ability didn’t work, the planning Tonpa was not injured and no treatment was needed,” Lao Bai explained.

“I haven’t checked the problem here.”

Sambika, who was born as a doctor, quickly checked Tonpa’s body and found that Tonpa not at all was injured.

“It seems that a big bleeding like me is a special case, it should be related to the position of strengthening.” Luo thought.

“Most likely.”

Jin squatted down and looked at Tonpa’s long and thick thighs.


Jin suddenly raised his hand to compare, and suddenly found that Tonpa seemed to be taller than him.


King scratched his cheek.

A few minutes later, Tonpa woke up.

“has it ended?”

He looks at his teammates, like a sick seed.

“It’s over, the congratulations have gone up,” King said seriously.


Tonpa didn’t understand. He had to stand up with the double-handed, his legs moved a little, and his body went straight to the ceiling of the 4-dimensional apartment like a rocket.



Tonpa hit his head on the ceiling and fell to the ground immediately.

At that moment, he froze.

And most of them are embarrassed.

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