Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1247

Everyone was speechless.

Although that kind of statement was conceived by Dong Fuli, it can also be regarded as a reliable guess.

That many horror creatures gather around the World Tree, it must be a plot, and [life strength] is a reasonable entry point.

After all, the growth scale of World Tree is so exaggerated …

Assuming that World Tree can continuously produce countless [life strength], then the creatures of the dark continent can fully rely on [life strength] produced by World Tree to increase their lifespan, or promote volume, and Or become more powerful.

In this way, the huge volume of those creatures on the dark continent can be traced.

Of course, Luo is more inclined to another possibility than this guess, that is, eternal life.

Examples that can serve as a reference are naturally the gatekeepers.

They stay within the body [time], have unlimited lifespan, and can survive for as long as no accidents occur.

So, suppose an ant within the body is also staying at [time]. As long as it lives comfortably, can it grow to the size of an elephant? Or is it bigger?

This possibility is entirely possible.

Luo’s thoughts flew a little far, and he hurried back.

“What will be on top of the World Tree, and once you know, no matter how difficult the process is, and how many obstacles we will have, we will try our best to one after another.”

“is it……”

Dong Fuli looks at Luo with a serious look, smiled lightly.

He can see that even if the difficulty of boarding the World Tree is thoroughly combed, or clarified, it is estimated that this team’s determination to board the World Tree cannot be defeated.

Like him.

until now, he always used World Tree as the end point of the journey.

Only when he reaches the end will his journey end in a real sense, and the next chapter of the New World Journey will also come to an end.

The reason why he didn’t take any action was to be unsure.

You know, there is only one chance, and there is no fault tolerance rate.

And now, it’s not just him who wants to board the World Tree.


Luo originally wanted to test the wishes of Dong Fuli, but after thinking about it, he felt that this matter was not urgent, so he converged on the idea of ​​sending out an invitation.

He selectively skipped the topic of World Tree and turned to Dong Fuli’s experience over the years.

All the people present have read the first part of the New Land Trip to East Ricoh, but they are very interested in the next part, and they are also happy to hear what they have seen along the way.

Dong Fulisi did not shirk, laughed, and began to talk about his experience in these years with a gentle tone.

When others are talking about their experiences, they usually move a long way forward, and then pick a time node, but Dong Fulisi is better, starting from the recent experience.

He briefly talked about his experience before meeting Skeletons, and then, as it should be by rights, mentioned his previous experience on Snow Mountain.

That experience involved the body of the restorer, as well as the Biande entire group.

Hearing Dong Fulisi’s mention of Bi Yang De, everyone present was surprised look.

“The body of the restorer …”

Luo glanced.

For him, the corpse of the restorer represented not only Energy supplements, but also vital intelligence information, which was [memorial chanting].

Of course, the [memory chants] he extracted from the soul-controlling restorer are connected to other restorers, so it is difficult for him to determine whether the [memory chants] extracted from other restorers will not Will repeat.

If you want to verify this, you have to kill another restorer and start with the restorer’s body.

However, it was not easy, but it was not expected that there were unknown restorer corpses sealed around the dark continent.

One of the restorer’s corpses was picked up by Bi Yangde’s team.

Although it was very surprised that Dong Fuli would encounter Bi Yangde’s team, and Bi Yang De was so lucky to get the restorer’s body, the crowd did not interrupt the Dong Fuli’s narrative and listen in silence.

Dong Fulishi is like an unqualified storyteller. When he talks about those shocking and treacherous existences and experiences, his tone is always calm, without any ups and downs.

But even so, everyone was fascinated by the score.

The dark continent is too big, so it has divided countless paths.

No one can walk through each of these roads, but can share and exchange, and use another style to see the scenery elsewhere.

Dong Fuli’s experience is really interesting.

“There is plenty of time … isn’t it?”

Luo thought silently.

Wait for the time before the treatment ends.

Wait for the time before the identification results come out.

Waiting for Nobu to close the apartment before access to the passage.

Maybe it’s time to worry about revenge on humanoids, but don’t worry too much …


Tooth Tip Forest is a relatively common forest among the countless forests of the Dark Continent.

No matter how inconspicuous, what can be called a forest on a dark continent is often a very large area, and the Yajian Forest is no exception.

However, there is only one kind of plant in the Tooth Tip Forest, that is, the Tooth Tip Tree, which is why the indigenous people who possess intelligent called the forest the Tooth Tip.

Tooth-tip tree, green throughout, looks like bamboo, but without bamboo leaves and knots, it is more like a toothpick, with a thicker diameter at the bottom, thinner as it goes up, and no leaves.

In the entire tooth-tip forest, one kind of plant can be seen.

If viewed from a high altitude, it is enough to numb any flying creature’s scalp.

In the forest, tooth-tip trees are densely distributed, and the ground is relatively soft soil, mixed with some black mud with a pungent odor.

“Voice, vomit…”

Stepping on the stench and black mud, Cully frequently vomited, anxious to push her mosquito-repellent incense glasses.

“Cully, are you enough? I will retaliate like this. I wasn’t sick. I’m going to make you sick soon!”

U Samui turned over Byakugan, took off the sweat towel tied to his forehead, squeezed it and tied it up again.

“Do you think I think?”

Cooley looks pale and looks in poor condition.


Suddenly, Bi Yangde, who was walking in front of the team, raised his hand and signaled his teammates to be quiet.

Hatouji squinted his eyes slightly, didn’t care about the mud sticking to the kimono, and raised his hand lightly, watching all around with caution.

Others also noticed some slight movements from the darkness, and instantly entered the combat state.

“Tick, tick …”

The sound of a second hand moving from the all around sounds weak at first and gradually becomes clearer.

The crowd listened, but could not find where the sound source was.

Beyond looked ahead, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

“Another batch … you keep Hoornby.”

“To understanding.”

Hornby, a food hunter and a space-capable person in the team, is responsible for saving supplies and spoils of war.

The body of the restorer found on Snow Mountain is being housed in his modernized refrigerator.

Bi Yangde stepped forward 2 steps, cold eyes looked at the eyes slowly showing from the shadows.

He had to admit that the warning given to them by Dong Fuli was correct, and since the body of the restorer was taken away, some bastards, who smelled like fish, frequently came to the door.

The so-called an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, that is the truth.

This book is from

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