Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1246


Luo’s question was very straightforward, and East Ricoh answered very simply.

Hearing the answer from Toflix, the crowd was not surprised at all.

World Tree is rooted in the mountain range and uses lava as its nourishment. The crown of the tree is above the clouds. I don’t know where it is, it can be said to be the apex of the dark continent.

If it is a mountain, then it will be an unattainable mountain.

But it is a tree, but it is also a big tree that humans cannot hope for.

Even if you fly up to the clouds, you may not be able to see the canopy of the World Tree.

Of course, after you fly up into the clouds, what you need to consider is not to watch the majesty of the World Tree, but to find a way to escape from the mouth of various giant flying creatures.

Luo was pleased with the answer from Dong Fuli, but also puzzled Dong Fuli’s assertion.

Now that you haven’t been to World Tree, how can you say that large appliances are of little help in getting on the World Tree?

“I’ve been to a lot of places, and I’ve met many aliens.”

Dong Fulisi realized Luo’s doubts, lowered his head slightly, his eyes narrowed.

The crowd looked silently at him, waiting for the next.

“Every time, in order to solve the language problem, I will stay in the alien’s residence for a period of time, until I can communicate with the alien, get important information, and then go to the next destination.”

“The most I heard during the communication was their warnings.”

“A powerful creature that can’t compete with it.”

“Things that can’t be touched.”

“Dangerous places abound in lakes, mountains, swamps, and even small gardens.”

“Even the aliens with a low level of overall intelligence know very well what things cannot be touched and where they cannot go.”

“And for them, there are 4 restricted areas that are absolutely not accessible.”

“Respectively, sky, sea, underground, also … World Tree.”

“The information I collected from many aliens is basically the same. They believe that World Tree is one of the most dangerous restricted areas, and they have never been there, but they believe that there are treasures on World Tree that they cannot imagine. “

“It would not be unfounded for them to think so, because within the scope of the World Tree, it is the cruelest place to compete on the entire dark continent, where countless creatures fight every day and night.”

“They think that the reason those creatures are fighting there is to get something, which is what they think is the treasure.”

Having said that, East Ricoh looked up at Luo and suddenly asked: “At that time, how far were you from World Tree?”

Luo slightly startled, after a moment of silence, then said, “I didn’t estimate the distance carefully. I just glanced away and was dismissed.”

“Yeah, don’t say that boarding the World Tree at that time, the connection is close enough, I still can’t figure out that the black giant is what the hell thing, also over 1000 meters tall furry monster!”

Tonpa thinks back to the scene at that time. After such a long time, he still feels palpitated.

Not to mention the behemoths circling around the World Tree, even the large plains heading for the World Tree, are all unreasonable creatures.

The only thing they have in common is the impossibility of being too big.

“Is the black giant hand … I have heard of a nomadic alien who mentions the black giant hand to earth evil and thinks that earthquakes and mudslides are all caused by earth evil.”

“It turned out to be Disha.”

Tonpa’s eyes widened, and in his mind, the image of the black giant hand slowly emerged.

He still remembers it very well. At that time, he thought that the black giant hand was a mountain, and suddenly moved, and pinched a flying creature alive. After a long time, when the palm of the hand opened, the previously pinched flying creature was early. It’s gone.

If you guessed right, the palm of the black giant must be an equally huge mouth.

Otherwise, how to explain the disappearance of that flying creature?

“That’s just one of the levels going to the World Tree. It’s more threatening than Disha, no doubt the various flying creatures that live on the tree.”

Dong Fuli held up the right hand, and his mind leaped like Spirit on his fingertips, and then was dyed black in the split second, like a dark shadow.

Under the control of Torich, the shadow-like ensemble changed into a palm-up arm, a miniature version of the sacred earth, and after a moment, it turned into a creature of each and everyone with different forms, both land-based and also Flying.

These miniature versions of the creature outlines should have been seen by Dong Fuli.

The topic related to World Tree may be the creatures living around World Tree.

“If you want to board the World Tree, it will inevitably invade the territories of those creatures. One is okay, ten or over 100? With the large appliances of ancient humans, you can really overcome those obstacles. ?”

Dong Fuli put his index finger away, and the shadow shadow group jumping on the fingertip disappeared.

Luo was silent for a moment, and said, “But if there are no large appliances, I am afraid that it will be difficult to make connections?”

“That’s right, large appliances can easily avoid threats from land-based creatures, but I said earlier that the biggest threat is flying creatures that live on trees. They have a strong sense of territory, and large appliances The volume is so conspicuous, whether it is under the clouds or above the clouds, it will basically attract the active attack of flying creatures. “

Listening to Dong Fuli’s calm and quiet words, Luo sighed and had to admit that such a calm analysis by Dong Fuli was enough to hurt his confidence in going to World Tree.

However, what Dong Fulishi said makes sense.

Luo had thought too simple before. With the presence of large appliances, it would definitely attract various large flying creatures to attack.

In this way, humans have a small size like bacteria, but have certain advantages.

Luo pondered for a moment, looking at Dong Fuli with a calm face, and asked, “Dong, don’t you want to go to World Tree?”

“Think.” There was a gleam in Dong Fuli’s eyes. “If there will be an end point along the way, then it can only be the top of the World Tree … but, if I am not mistaken, those large creatures compete for Things should be the continuous output of World Tree … infinite life strength! “

“Do you know what it means?”

“Meaning there, there may be births of unimaginable life.”

“And what kind of existence will the king come to the top?”

Listening to the speculation of Dong Fulisi, everyone’s face changed.

Unlimited life strength …

If this is the competition of those creatures, in some places, it really makes sense.

So, the horror of those creatures is likely to be derived from the life strength produced by the World Tree?

If this speculation is correct, what kind of life will be born in the height of the World Tree?

Dong Fuli looks at the thoughtful and dignified people, seriously: “All these things I said are my own imagination, you don’t need to take them seriously.”




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