Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1222

The puppet is a weapon that can only reach 100% of its strength if it is combined with the weapon user.

However, even if it is not fit, its strength should not be underestimated.

On the humanoid side, Akali’s ability to show the ability is mostly biased towards assassins.

Because of her interference, she missed and failed to capture the vitally important space abilities. Even if Captain’s gale did not blame her, it was difficult to bear the negative emotions.

So, she is going to shatter 10000 segments!

Among the team, she was the first to shoot, but after confronting her directly, she found that she was not so easy to win.

This ancient killer, who has been sleeping for many years, eats maggots at Luo, but can show fangs in front of the same powerful humanoid.

Fortunately, Yun’s thinking is pure, and she rarely considers gains and losses, just like her hundred thousand reasons why. Ask whatever you want, and do whatever you want.

As Luo’s team got into a desperate situation, she stood up.

Akali looked like a streamer, moving around the maggot, looking for a chance to kill her.

Her abilities involve a variety of departments, including Emitter, Transmuter, and Manipulator … which are mainly reflected in the body that transforms into a streamer, and the ability to circulate at a fixed point between black mists.

Looks at Akali’s dazzling manipulations, and the 啾啾 is Motionless As Mountains, spreading bamboo-like wings, stably floating in the air.

Akali’s movement is not without accomplishment. Whenever the streamer stagnates at a certain position, a black mist will be left on the ground, which seems to be a transit station for teleportation.

Even so, I was very calm, let Akali have been on the show there, and there was no sign of coping.

Had Akali’s previous attacks been prevented frequently, at this time she would have bitten the puppet like a mad dog, how could she become step by step.

“This bad ball …”

啾啾 The calm response made Akali very uncomfortable, and she always couldn’t find a chance to speak.

One class of people, one ancient weapon, held each other in this way.

On the other side, Tonpa took advantage of his loach-like abilities to successfully restrain a humanoid.

I don’t know if that kind of person is too old-fashioned and real, and Tonpa has been slammed into several offensives, and he is behind, regardless of the situation of other teammates, he wants to punish Tonpa.

This situation is anti-actually Tonpa.

Although the other party put a lot of pressure on him, he could barely support it. With the ability of [Foreseeing Future], supplemented with the evasion skills that he practiced for a long time, he did not encounter the other party once.

However, he was dancing on the tip of the knife, and if he made a small mistake, he would be seriously injured if he did not die.

The outstanding performances of 啾啾 and Tonpa have pinned the two important battle strengths of the humanoid team, so that the pressure on teammates has become much less.

However, Uvogin’s fall was like a gap, and the accumulated water began to leak out a little.

The only good news that can be counted is that although Uvogin falls, there is no mortal danger. As long as you wait patiently to burn the grass to produce an effect, you may be able to return to the battlefield.

While Machi Nobunaga has a slight advantage in terms of numbers, Nick Cowering has not given full play to the advantages of being a Chimera Ants. Fortunately, one of the three people on the human side is paddling.

That kind of person is Tick.

From the perspective of apparent strength, Tick is the weakest in the humanoid team, and his positioning is more inclined to assist.

However, the apparent strength of absolute advantage alone still has considerable lethality against human Mind Power.

I don’t know if Tick lacked lethal skills. After the battle was triggered, his stroke performance was more obvious than Nick’s.

As a result, the gale and toughened film can be said to be 2 people on the Machi side alone, which is still in the situation where Uvogin is out early.

Nick’s ability has nothing to do with fighting, almost nothing, but he is not just a bastard. After Uvogin accidentally lay down by the tempered film, he took advantage of Machi and Nobunaga to hold the tempered film in time. Bring Uvogin to the Safety Sector domain.

If he didn’t do that, Uvogin’s upper body would be crushed by the tempered film.

Because humanoids have to stay alive, Uvogin, who took the initiative to attack, is not in this list.

Therefore, from the beginning of the battle to the present, only a few rounds, Machi, Nobunaga, and Bhajan have a small number of advantages, and are still being forced to the edge of the cliff step by step.

Absolute disadvantages and absolute dangers.

Had it not been for the gale and toughened membranes to leave their mouths open, they might have pushed Machi and Nobunaga directly to death.

Luo also looked at Machi because they were caught in a desperate situation, so they couldn’t calm down and analyze the word of God.

In the past, he would be very calm in everything he encountered, but this time he couldn’t calm down anyway.

King is also difficult to calm down, but not as serious as Luo.

He noticed Luo’s emotions and suddenly realized that since he came to the dark continent, most of the burden has been on Luo’s body, and Luo did help the team to resolve too many risks every time.

Over time, the team was unconsciously dependent on Luo.

Without Luo in …

Jin took a deep breath, calmed down quickly, his mind sank into the giant god character, and continued to analyze the god character.

The parsed Speed ​​suddenly soared, much better than before.

Inside the venue.

Uvogin, lying weakly on the ground, stayed beside Uvogin and could only stare at Nick.

Nobunaga, who was out of breath by the toughened membrane, seemed to be rushing like Machi walking on a high-altitude steel cable.

Without Luo in …

At this moment, they were in a difficult situation, as if they could hear Shinigami’s breathing.

4 dimensional apartment.

Nob lies on the ground, and Sambica drives the [benign compound virus] into Nob within the body to stop the blood flowing from the wound.

On the other side, Lao Bai is driving the [Fool’s Means] ability to fight for Nobu at the fastest speed.

Beside, Saling Sheila and the others, her face was dull and dull.

Without Nick’s Small Fox, they knew nothing about the battle outside, nor did Luo know how they were doing.

If Luo fails to stand up …

Nobu closed his eyes tightly, irritating his heart, not at all manifested in the expression and body, silently let Sambica and Lao Bai treat themselves.

At this moment, he is thinking about one thing. What he can do now, for Luo, for the team …

At the very least, you can’t lie here and do nothing, must do something!

Nob’s head kept turning, like a person trapped in a cave, constantly looking for a ray of light representing the exit.

Then, in this even near extreme emotional pull, he touched something.

[Imagination is a weapon. 】

[Nothing is impossible. 】

In the misty world within the realm, a glimmer of light appeared like a seed.

Imagination is … a weapon.

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