Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1221

A serpent-like chanting group arched on the shoulders of the gale, one left and one right, like a door god.

There is no eyes above the group, but it makes Luo feel 2 lines of sight.

Indifference, brutality, evil …

There are several distinct qualities in sight.

Luo’s heart trembled, and he could see the situation on the spot at a glance.

“Nob, leave us alone.”

Without hesitation, Luo directly conveyed a meaning to Nob.

Hearing Luo’s words, Norbu threw away the ink thoughts like a conditioned reflection.

Luo’s words are truth, and a “don’t care about us” is enough for Nobu to act immediately.

Ink thoughts dripped on the ground, swinging into a black circle.

Nob was ready in advance, and when Bruna hadn’t responded, they were picked up and thrown into the black circle.

Bruna, Sheila, Sarah, Old White, Sambica …

No battle strength, and healers.

This is Nob’s first teammate to send to the Safety Sector.

In fact, he did it too.


Within the light curtain, Luo looks at Nobu, who has performed his duties perfectly, can’t help but praise it in his heart.

The team does not need Nob to make any contribution in any battle, but it needs Nob to be able to identify the situation and always ensure that logistics personnel can escape from the split second.

Sending the logistical member safely to the 4-dimensional apartment, Nob wanted to send Tonpa and Nick away, but he suddenly realized the danger.

So he ignored Tonpa and Nick’s situation and jumped to the black circle on the ground.

His choice was correct, because he not only wanted to ensure the safety of the logistics members, but also his own safety.

But he was still one step behind.

A stream of light came in front of him, and in the blink of an eye gathered Akali.

This petite humanoid was inserted into Noble’s belly with one hand.


Nobu’s body trembled, and a blood mist burst from the back waist. Several deer Kakuzu-like square pillars bloomed in the blood, and penetrated Nobu’s body.

Ahh! ”

In severe pain, Noble screamed.

Under the spiritual instability, Mind Power collapsed, and the 4-dimensional apartment entrance opened by Mo Nian Di disappeared directly.

Not far away, Machi and Buhari complexion changed and rushed towards Akali.

Two people, one left and one right, formed a tendency to attack Akali.

“ha ha ha ……”

Akali suddenly laughed wildly, and together with Nobu, her body turned into a streamer and raced towards her team.

Machi secretly threw away the thought line and immediately returned without success. Buha 剌 Strength was inadequate, but Speed ​​was not enough, and he could not catch up. All he could see was that Akali stabbed Nob and then took Nob away. .

At the crucial moment, the puppet, a bystander, suddenly shot.

Opening her bamboo wings, she chopped Akali’s streamer in half with lightning.

A stream of light continued to fly toward the black mist on the ground at the entrance of the cave, and another stream of light turned into Nob, which was seriously injured in the abdomen, and fell to the ground.

Nob lay on the ground, resisting the pain, and set up an apartment entrance and exit under him, and then got in.

He is not afraid of death, but he must do so.

As soon as he dies, everything is over.

Seeing that Xun shot in time, Nob successfully returned to the 4-dimensional apartment, everyone in the team was sighed in relief.

No matter how serious Nob’s injury is, as long as he can successfully return to the 4-dimensional apartment room, with the ability of Zambia and Lao Bai, Nob will definitely save Nob’s life.

It’s just that I actually shot …

Within the light curtain, Luo’s tense nerve loosened, and he glanced in surprise.

On the other side, half of the stream of light returned to the dark mist, and immediately turned into Akali’s appearance.

At this moment, Akali’s face was so vicious that glare like a tiger watching his prey stared at the obstructing cricket.

“You missed.”

Tempered film frown looks at Akali.

He didn’t mean to point out Akali’s miss for revenge.

“so what?”

Akali bowed her head sharply, bit off the big piece of meat on her hand, and swallowed it directly, her expression grim and grumpy.

“How? Huh, that ’s a rare space-capable person, and among you, only you can catch that space-capable person unexpectedly, but you miss, let that space-capable person escape, and if you are not big Laugh, you have brought back the space abilities long ago. What do you say? “

The tempered film tone is cold.

If he were to swear to heaven, he would definitely swear that his remarks were not mixed with personal emotions.

The same is true.

Akali’s eyebrows looked coldly at the tempered film, and she was almost smashed by thunder, but she was not qualified to vent her anger, because it was indeed her personal fault.

Her emotions were irritable like a volcano about to erupt, but her anger was nowhere to rest, causing her to bite and swallow the meat on her back.

Gale glanced at Akali, who was biting the back of her hand, and looked irritable. Her lips moved, but she still didn’t speak out to blame.

“In this group of humans … there are people who have space ability, but it’s really a pleasant surprise.”

“But escaped.”

“It’s okay, the ‘good friend’ of that space-capable person is still here.”


The humanoid finally did not pay attention to the situation in the light curtain, and looked towards the Bisji entire group.

The emergence of space-capable people has attracted their attention.

“Leave their lives.”

The gale first soothed the impatient “elder” and immediately made it clear to his teammates.

The use of “hostages” to coerce that space-capable person appears.

For them, the ability to be pleasantly surprised is far more important than the purpose of their trip.

“There is no need to stay all?” Said tempered film differentially said.

The gale thought for a moment, nodded.

“That bad ball, can I kill it?”

Akali looked cold and cold, and the black mist under her feet continued to expand.


After receiving the answer, Akali took the lead and the body turned into a streamer again until it hovered in the air.

In contrast to other types of people, they also acted.

Strength, Speed, Mind, Skill …

After all the humanoids participated in the war, the situation was directly one-sided.

In the light curtain, Luo was eager to see it, as was Jin and Shuang Ji.

They are trapped in the light curtain, and they are already insecure. How can they go out to help their teammates.

If they fall down, they will be a living target if they are trapped here.

“Calm down, calm down …”

Luo closed her eyes and did not look at the battle outside the light curtain.

Now, his mental ability is continuously recovering. As long as the structure of the god character is thoroughly analyzed, and then the characteristics of the black mind power are used, there is a possibility of breaking through the god character from the inside.

He knew the situation, but at the moment, he couldn’t calm down and analyze the word of God.

He couldn’t do it, and Kim couldn’t.

The battle situation is really one-sided, and the humanoid has shown its crushing power.

The first to fall was Uvogin …

His previous right hand was abolished. Although he took burning grass, he was approached by a toughened film before he could recover.

There is no advantage in numbers, Nobunaga and Machi cannot support Uvogin, so that Uvogin is tortured to the ground by a toughened film.

The only good news is that 啾啾 and Tonpa restrained two humans.

But as Uvogin fell to the ground, the team was forced into a desperate situation.

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