Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 122

The gas field rendered by emotion or will usually has a great impact on the ordinary person. In theory, using the gas field to consciously crush, even without hands, can make the other person die.

If the same Mind Power, unless the strength of the two sides is too large, otherwise the gas field is difficult to produce effects.

Of course, if the difference in strength is large enough, then the strong side can use the gas field to let the weak side automatically make up for the defeated scene without even having to take action.

For example, if a punch is thrown, although the fist is not hit, the face of the targeted person will appear the face of being beaten by a punch, or the gas field will scare the other party to completely lose the fighting intent, leaving it indelible Shadow.

That being said, how easy it is to want to do it.

Most Mind Power people understand this, so to use the gas field, it is usually only used in the ordinary person body.

Da Baboon has also been in contact with Mind Power for ten years. He believes that the foundation is solid and his strength is not bad. He is even more indifferent to the use of the gas field. He is considered as a mid-level in the Hunters Association.

But … Using the gas field to stun ordinary people like Luo, he asked himself if he could n’t do it. If he started the gas field, at most, he could only let the weaker person urinate pants on the spot, which could not produce such an overbearing effect .

Immediately afterwards, the Da Baboon suddenly thought of Luo’s age, and suddenly there was a chill from the bottom of his heart to the forehead, and it disappeared quickly, and a small shivered was hit in vain.

“Just … how old is this boy?”

The Da Baboon was first surprised by the scene in front of her, and immediately thought of Luo’s age, feeling incredible.

If it’s the top person in the Hunters Association, it’s OK, but Luo hasn’t yet reached an adulthood … not to mention that such a young age can maintain the entanglement so solid, the use of the gas field can be regarded as sky-high?

“Have there been such abnormal examinees in the historical Hunter test? Should you report it to President.” Da Baboon’s mood was difficult because Luo’s demonstrated ability was truly amazing.

He originally thought that Luo was just a Mind Power above the standard level. Now it seems that he may not even play Luo.

However, the fact is that Da Baboon looked at Luo high, which is also extenuating, after all, the aura effect shown by Luo created a very powerful illusion for him.

The nature of the hand of God that can dominate life, affects Luo in the silent transfer, which is also the key to his ability to apply the gas field to this level. At the true level, it may not necessarily win. baboon.

The gap between the two sides is reflected in combat experience and the most terrible physical fitness.

Luo’s Mind Power can be improved so quickly, basically the effects of white smoke fonts, which of course brings great benefits to Luo, but also makes Luo too fast to increase his energy. He is too dependent on qi and ignores his physical fitness. Promotion.

In Meteor City, Luo used Qi to crush Uvogin’s Strength, which fueled this concept, self-misleading between unconsciously, the subsequent use of Qi to increase the number of things, and even made him savvy.

Before Luo suffers, or there is no mentor to reverse this concept, then he may go all the way to black.

The Da Baboon is the kind of Mind Power who values ​​Dual Cultivation. Before he learned it, he attached great importance to physical exercise. After he learned it, he became more serious because Netero President was the goal he sought.

In other words, if you really want to fight, most baboons can rely on their physical fitness to prevail.

Of course, without actual contact, Da Baboon identified Luo as a terrifying user of Mind Power.

When the baboon thought about 100 revolutions, the dozen or so people who were not stunned by the gas field made Bu Hazhen stunned.

No one was stunned on the spot, and the dozens of planners had a good will, but after all, they were still affected by the gas field, which caused Luo’s fear of deepening his soul.

“I hope the content of the test is not a battle.”

Seeing this crushing scene, the candidates around melon thought silently in their hearts, whether they were Buha or Luo, neither of them wanted to meet.

Fortunately enough food …

Without rations, maybe they would become one of the bad luck eggs that fainted on the ground without wanting to re-enter the dense forest.

Suddenly, more than 2 candidates cast pitying glances at the bunch of bad luck eggs on the ground.

As the sky faded, the candidates who had fainted were ignored, and the Da Baboon ignored them.

Now that you have made the decision to rob someone of the item, you have to bear any bitter results, and it is safe here. If a beast approaches, then he will not actually sit idly by.

Bu Hajiu went into the dense forest to find firewood, and soon came over holding a large number of trunks and branches. He was forcibly pulled down from the tree because of Luo’s ability to remove water.

If you want to find dry firewood, the climate of Yamalo is very difficult to find.

Candidates carrying rations did not need to go hunting in the dense forest anymore, but they also needed to make a fire to keep them warm, so they finally went into the dense forest, but did not go deep enough to find some dry branches and leaves and ran out.

After a while, the night shrouded the ground, and there was a cluster of fires on the ground, which brought warmth and illuminated the place.

Candidates who went forward to hunt first came back one after another. Some successful hunters got game, even if they did not succeed, they could find a lot of fruits and fungi, but some candidates returned empty-handed.

Among the returnees, there was a new group of candidates, who arrived at the test site at this time.

Whether it is a returning candidate or a new candidate, they are all surprised by the pile of people lying on the ground.

Don’t understand what happened, but it has nothing to do with them.

Candidates returning empty-handed wondered, when they saw someone returning with wild fruits and fungi, they became even more dull.

Candidates who came back with their prey were looking for a place to prepare a fire. Peel the skin and bake it directly. As for cleaning, let’s not mention the muddy water in the Yamalo River. It is very dangerous to wash it by the shore behavior.

Immediately, who can speak at the end of the baboon, starts to act, and then successfully hunts down the prey, all have good potential.

Candidates looking for wild fruits and fungi are also good. This is a judgment made only after they have a clear understanding of their own strength.

Several families are happy and sad. Fortunately, the test will begin at noon tomorrow at noon. As long as you are not too hungry, you can get up for breakfast in the jungle tomorrow morning.

“There are many rat bats in the cave. The weak point is the flame, which is easy to deal with. If you don’t find anything to eat, you can go in and try your luck.” Da Baboon reminded in a timely manner.

The number of candidates present has exceeded 1000. At least half of the people did not find food. Although the plan can also go for food in the morning, it will always have an impact on an empty stomach today.

After hearing the words of the baboon, the candidate who did not find the food 2 picked up the burning stick and left for the cave.

Soon, a bunch of candidates ran out of the cave by grabbing a rat bat, and the clouded atmosphere was swept away.

Clusters of flames spread randomly on the ground, like an alternative starry sky, and 1000 candidates on the field started the barbecue meeting together!

It didn’t take long for the scorching flavor to spread, and after a while, a strong aroma covered the scorching flavor and sent it to each candidate’s nose.

“Good fragrance!”

Candidates twitched their noses, looked in the direction of the fragrance, and saw a whole pig roasted with golden fat.

Da Baboon also found the scent from the many unpleasant scorching smells. After seeing that the scent came from Luo’s side, he politely stepped forward.

“This is a dinner for 2 people.” Luo looked seriously when he saw the baboon coming together.

The intention was not only discerned, but also rejected decisively, and Da Baboon was embarrassed. … Friends who read books, you can search for “” and you will find this site immediately.

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