Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 121

In the daytime, the jungle of Yamalo is already dangerous enough. After nightfall, the sight in the forest may become out of sight, and the dense forest in this case will be more dangerous.

Judging by the current day, it will be completely darkened in less than an hour. Is it necessary to run back to the jungle to have some game, or to stay in place for safety, and then enter after dawn.

The thoughts generated by the examiner’s word made most candidates look instantly towards Luo’s wild boar.

Rather than reentering the jungle with a mortal danger, there is still one simpler way now, and that is to snatch the wild boar.

This is just the first response from the crowd’s subconscious. Some people will act in response to the thoughts, some people just think and not act.

After all, those who want to put their ideas into action are not in the majority, and more people choose to reenter the jungle to hunt for today’s dinner.

Judging solely from the appearance and shape, the only people who need to pay attention are the Buha who is relatively strong and able to carry big boars. As for Luo, it looks like a brat and can be ignored.

It used to be noisy like a vegetable market, but now it’s quiet.

The Da Baboon was outside, an outsider and a bystander, watching the scene change quietly.

After he announced that he would not provide meals and accommodation, there were candidates immediately re-entering the jungle, and there were candidates who did not take no action and did not follow Luo’s wild boar, as if they were carrying rations.

Although there are not many candidates who really intend to snatch wild boars, they are very obvious, and they may think that Luo and Buha are not threatening.

“It’s unwise to waste time like this,” thought the expressionless baboon.

He doesn’t think there is anything wrong with taking wild boars. This is the jungle of Amaroo, and the law of the jungle is followed. Similarly, he does not think that this group of candidates is capable of taking wild boars from Luo.

If you look at people based on their appearance, then at first will dig and jump for yourself. If you hit the wall, it may be the result of severing hope.

The baboon looks at the quietly changing atmosphere at the scene, and then glances at the calm Luo and Buha, scratching his head.

He wondered if he would be too unkind, after all, the test has not yet officially started, and it may be necessary to start wiping off candidates.

Not to be unkind to Luo and Bu Hayu, but to the group of candidates who are following Luo and Bu Hayu.

Unsurprising glances from the surroundings passed a message to Luo: Hand over the wild boar.

Luo sat cross-legged on the ground, bending his knees, placing double-handed on his knees, and then raised his eyes looking towards the candidates around him, thinking about how to make this group of candidates dispel thoughts.

Deterring candidates with the gas field should be the simplest and rude method, but Luo does not want to do this in front of the examiner when it is not necessary.

Just as Luo was thinking about how to pass this group of candidates, some early birds appeared.

It was three young people who came to Luo and Buha.

“Such a wild boar, you two must not be able to finish it, and it doesn’t matter what it is?” One of the young people spoke loudly, watching the response of the baboon.

Not only these three young people, but also candidates who wanted to snatch wild boars around were also observing the response of the baboon.

As long as the examiner doesn’t interfere, they don’t need to worry about it.

The baboon is naturally a matter of no concern, and when the three young people saw that the baboon was not responding, they were indifferent and looked more arrogant.

“What if I disagree?” Luo said.

The three young people looked at each other, held hands and made a kaka skeleton sound, said with a sneer: “Then don’t blame us for using Special.”

Bu Ha 剌 looked towards Luo, with a sense of inquiry in his eyes, Luo laughed at him, and then seriously: “Bu Ha 剌, when someone wants to grab your food, what do you usually do?”

Bu Ha 剌 without the slightest hesitation said: 揍 揍.

“Well, let’s fly.” Luo nodded.

“Hey, just waiting for you to say this.” Buha got up.

The three youths heard the conversation between Luo and Bhajan, and the complexion changed.

At this moment, Bu Hazhen suddenly rushed and punched three young men with three punches. The latter failed to respond, all screaming and flying out.

Seeing that Bu Ha 剌 chose to hit the abdomen, Luo secretly nodded, and wanted to fly these 3 guys, which is the most decent position.

After the neat Fei Fei flew 3 young men, Bu Haji turned and returned to Luo.

“The foundation is good.” As soon as the Da Baboon changed his mind, he immediately changed his view on Bu Hadi. To be precise, he changed his body.

As a tester for the hunter test, if you see a good candidate, you can pay more attention.

If the candidate who passes the test can pass the Hunter test, the examiner can apply for the candidate’s Master by himself, and will deliberately contact and observe in the follow-up. As long as the candidate is of good character, he can be brought into the World of Mind Power.

Although Da Baboon has a muscle, he doesn’t like all the fat, so there is no difference between the macho and the fat pig.

He believes in the strength of Strength, and the strength that Brahma has just shown successfully attracts his attention.

The so-called gun shot the first bird, and the three young men were beaten up by Bu Hajiu. Although there is no mortal danger, the first level must not be able to participate.

People who were still watching around saw Bu Haji ’s prestige, but he did not lose his cowardice. Several candidates who were physically strong stepped forward slowly, be eager to have a try.

“Call me if you can’t hold it.” Luo was lazy, and he knew that Buha was not very old, but he was very tall. Although he didn’t know how to read, he was fat again, but Strength was not small.

Hearing Luo’s words, Bu Ha was heavily nodded, like an old hen protecting a chicken, standing in front of Luo and a wild boar, like an insurmountable high wall.

Perhaps the candidates who stared at the wild boars on the scene have not realized one thing, that is, how terrifying the consequences of stealing food from their mouths are tantamount to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth.

This is a lively event that quietly rises at night. Those who do not want to participate in the jungle hunt early, and those with enough dry food are watching the fun.

Those who did not want to give up on this, accompanied by a scream, were lined up by Bu Hayu.

Luo has been paying attention to Bu Ha 防止 to prevent Bu Ha 剌 from being injured. He is also watching Da Baboon. There are already 20 candidates who come to trouble and get kicked, but this person has no response.

Eyes at more and more people were flying, but Bu Hajiu did not even show any signs of panting. The remaining candidates were untenable. They had wasted enough time to give up halfway.

At first, there were nearly 100 people who wanted to grab wild boars, and 20 of them were slain. Now there are only 50 candidates left, because 30 people personally think that Buha is a hard stubble, and they gave up early.

At this point, the more than 50 people who are unwilling to give up are joining forces.

The size of that wild boar is enough for 50 people, and it will not be a problem to spend tonight. Of course, even if they steal the wild boar, they will leave sufficient portions for Luo and Bu Ha 剌 o, but they do n’t know that Ha Ha What a pervert.

Eyes at at the rest of the people gathered together, thinking that Bu Ha Ling may not be able to hold the wolves, Luo slowly got up and immediately looked towards Da Baboon.

Perceiving Luo’s gaze, Da Baboon’s face was calm and still unrelated to himself.

“Then there’s no way…”

Luo glanced back when he remembered Machi and the high-profile rules of conduct Machi said.

Thinking of it, I suddenly thought about Machi, and didn’t know what she was doing now.

Luo chuckled a little, then walked to Bu Hayu, pats his arm, and said, “Go pick up some firewood and eat roast pigs at night.”

“Roasted whole pig!” Bhajana suddenly came to spiritual, swallowed saliva and said, hesitantly said: “But this group of guys haven’t solved it yet.”

“They are.”

Luo looked towards harboring malicious intentions, seriously: “Not good, even a small piece of pork will not let you.”

“That can’t be you!”

Among the crowds approaching, someone shouted coldly.


Luo lifted his eyes and looked at the dominated Qi field developed through the characteristics of Mind Power, and through the diffusion of Qi, the candidates who swarmed around him instantly.

Those black eyes, as if Uzumaki had entangled their consciousness, a hard to describe chill, rose from the heart, and quickly passed to four limbs and 4 skeletons.


Of the more than 50 people, more than half of them fell down without warning, but lost their consciousness, and there were only less than ten people who still stood still, all of them were frightened. The momentum of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth Vanished.

“You can use the gas field to such an extent, this boy …” After seeing this scene, Da Baboon stayed. He knew that it was Luo who stunned the group with the gas field. Here.

More than 2 candidates who had enough rations and watched the show were shocked. Although they did n’t know what was happening, it was definitely the job of the black hair boy. For a moment, their eyes looking at Luo were jealous. Endlessly.

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