Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1215

The black cat had previously observed up close, and the sarcoma did not respond.

Now Luo had just stepped into the cave room, and the temporarily unknown number of sarcomas suddenly reacted violently.

The up and down Speed, if the cylinder is running at high speed, is so fast that it is difficult for Luo to distinguish the shape of the sarcoma.

Luo narrowed the scope of the field, covering only his own body of 3 people.

Sumiji summon has a black harp, ready to attack all the time, just wait for Luo to answer …

Jin squatted on the ground, his right hand reached the ground, and he was ready to destroy the sarcoma stuck to the rock wall at any time.

Every sarcoma is agitating with extremely fast speed, apart from this, no natural phenomenon occurs.

Luo can hardly see the appearance of sarcoma, but he can count the number of sarcomas.


Luo finished counting and looked up at the ceiling, confirming that the not at all sarcoma was over.

After that, the sarcoma did not take the next step, and he also had time to observe the spar suspended in the staggered light strips.

As the black cat said, almost all kinds of colors are very bright, and it is indeed similar to the spar left by the absorption of the tincture.

If the guess is correct, these spar should be called [soul seed].

In the previous battle with the restorer, he absorbed the puppet and also dropped a spar. After killing the restorer, there were a lot of 4 unidentified groups, one of which attacked the group. The spar left behind.

As a result, not only did the Nun Mission fail to attack successfully, but it actually became a nourishment, which brought Kuan back to life.

If these spar is the “soul seed” that Luo thinks, then in each spar, there may be some kind of existence with the same origin as He.

In accordance with this idea to think deeply, it was possible to absorb the pink crystals left over from the urn pot by the injection of external thoughts, so as to achieve the effect of resurrection.

Predicting the value of these spar, Luo could not help squinting his eyes, always felt that this trip seemed to run away.

After all, he wasn’t sure if he could absorb these spar. If they could absorb it, then they would keep their value this time.

But if not, these spar will become chicken ribs.

Luo looked around and focused on the sarcoma.

It has been 2 30% of the time since entering, but sarcoma still only agitates at high speed.

“Wait, we start at the beginning, Sergei, you are responsible for the left, Kim, you are responsible for the right.”

Luo intends to attack a wave first to test the response of the sarcoma.

If these sarcomas only agitate there, then the threat is equal to zero, and then only one after another is sufficient.

After hearing Luo’s words, Shuang Ji and Jin Slightly nodded were both controlling the mind and preparing to attack.

Luo turned his attention to Sturgeon and King. He would not be involved in the offense, but would serve as a shield.


Luo ordered.

Shuangji suddenly plucked the strings, releasing a large number of crescent-shaped air blades, and bombarded the sarcoma near the wall on the left, while Jin controlled the mind, passed along the arm to the palm, and then poured into the ground.

The released mental power suddenly left Jin’s palm and moved quickly along the ground in the form of fluctuating Energy.

Luo spiritual is highly concentrated and accurately captures the attacks of Shuangji and Jin. In an instant, the closed walls of the completely closed area each open 2 gaps, allowing Shuangji’s air blade and Jin’s ground motion waves to pass smoothly.

Immediately, the gap in the field wall was closed quickly.

This kind of operation, once wrong, may be offset because the gap is not large enough, which will lead to the collision of attacks, but as long as you can ensure success and consistent defense, you can avoid potential risks that may occur at any time.

“So close …”

After King released his mind, he looked away very confidently, looking towards the gap that had been closed again.

If you read it correctly, Luo ’s temporary opening will not be too big, and it will not be too small, it is almost just enough to allow his own attack, and that of Shuangji.

This fine operation of doing two things at the same time is a great god.

Si Ji Ji stopped, looking at the waves in Luo’s gaze.

Before launching the attack, she and Jin thought that Luo would directly cancel the chanting. Didn’t expect to open a local gap to ensure defensive strength.

Is it necessary to do so, it is meaningless to judge from the standpoint of Zhuge Liang afterwards.

The attack and defense are perfectly seamless. Strygi’s long-range air blade first hits three sarcomas not far away. With the explosion of Energy, the three large sarcomas were directly blasted into residue.

On the other side, the ground motion wave released from the palm of the palm of the hand rises along the rock wall, and then bursts like a firework, splits into 6 torrents of reduced volume, and 4 spreads out, hitting the rock wall precisely. 6 sarcomas on the surface, causing them to burst apart.

Kim had already designed the attack trajectory before launching the attack. Under the condition that the target will not move, those rapids are equivalent to having the function of [automatic enemy search], but unfortunately he is not an Emitter, otherwise the number of rapids splits can be increased. To achieve higher killing efficiency.

One face to face, nine sarcomas burst, blood and body fluids fell on the ground, and the remaining sarcomas remained indifferent and still agitating.

Luo noticed that the amount of blood-like liquid contained in those blastomas was quite large, but he did not notice that the liquid blasted by those sarcomas fell to the ground and flowed out of numerous shallow slender nicks.

The scores, both in width and depth, are very subtle, just like the human meridian.

First Wave cleared 9 sarcomas. Luo stood against the field and moved forward a distance to allow Sergei and King to continue to clear the sarcoma.

After a few waves, the sarcoma showed no signs of resistance and was quickly cleared away more than half.

The blood poured down the ground, but Luo they not at all noticed, because the score was too shallow and not obvious.

Although the significance of these sarcomas is unknown, it is still necessary to clear them out for safety.

Because the sarcoma is like a moving target, less than ten minutes, all the sarcomas have been cleaned up. At this time, Luo noticed that the blood of the sarcoma was flowing all over the place, like countless small streams.

When Luo thought, he wanted to use the realm to move the blood a bit further, and at this moment, the crisp-crossed light chip in the air trembled in vain, as if it was pressed down by sudden gravity and turned into a Daodao flat light curtain, pressure irrigation on the body fluid stream on the ground.

Suddenly, numerous cave-like light curtains emerged from the cave room. After being rendered by colored spar, 7 colorful colors were gathered.

A bizarre scene that made Luo 3 stop and watch.

call out!

An invisible Strength suddenly formed in the middle of the room, rolling the straight curtain of light down into the middle, and at the same time, the powerful suction that appeared out of nowhere pulled Luo 3 away.

When it was too late to struggle, those scrolled flat light curtains were like seal barriers, holding them dead.

In this way, Luo 3 was rolled to the center, followed by those straight light curtains that stuck to them, twisted like paper, and actually wrapped a rose, and 3 of them were stuck in the rose. intermediate.

At the same time, the outer light curtain composed of feather fossils turned into scattered sand and fell into the scores on the ground.

“This is … the word of God?”

Luo They all saw the obscure lines emerging from the ground, all over the floor of the room.

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