Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1214

Think that time is plenty, so don’t be impatient.

After waiting patiently for 30 minutes, Luo opened the entrance of the apartment and returned to the unrecognizable spacious passageway.


3 people were surprised to look at a group of dna-shaped light chips still flowing in midair.

didn’t expect Under such formidable power, these light debris groups can still be intact.

They who hid in the apartment, not at all, saw the light debris group being dragged into the passage again, so they were still surprised how the light debris group composed of feather fossils could do.

The rays of light of the feather fossil illuminate every Kakuzu fall in the passage, can be seen everywhere some red-burned stones.

The passage is filled with a certain pungent odor, and the floor and walls are constantly emitting heat, making the passage as hot as a stove.

Lift your eyes and look forward. The former door full of whiskers has disappeared for a long time. It should have been dissolved by the high-temperature flame that erupted.

Luo signaled his teammates not to relax their vigilance, and he walked ahead and went deep into the passage.

Even without the silhouette of the gas life, Luo didn’t immediately let the teammates at the entrance down.

Because although the terrain of the passageway is spacious, but there are more people, the only one who is restricted is his own.

Therefore, Luo will consider reinforcements before the threat is eliminated or the terrain changes.

The passage is straight forward, and the rays of light of the feather fossils extend to the end. Instead, it looks like a high beam, which makes Luo people not look very real.

The sound of footsteps rang out in the quiet passage, and Luo, covered with thoughts, steadily moved forward, switching to a field of investigation to expand to 20 meters in front.

If you ignore the light from the feather fossils, then the area that extends forward is the flashlight in the dark, which illuminates the road ahead for Luo.

In an unknown environment, caution is necessary.

Luo walked slowly after a section of the road and stopped abruptly.

The front passage suddenly became spacious, and the brightness of rays of light also increased by several grades.

There are faintly discernable breathing sounds coming from where the rays of light are. If it were not very quiet in the passage, it would be difficult to hear the breathing sound.

“Did you hear that?”

Luo didn’t look back, whispered.

Being reminded by Luo, Shuangji and Jin listened to her ears, barely capturing the sound of low breathing breathing in the air.

“Hu sucks? And not just one.”

Kim lowered his voice.

“Yes, it’s breathing.”

Luo affirmed King’s statement.

It sounded like he was breathing.

However, when there was a big disturbance before, how could there be many undisguised breathing sounds?

Moreover, the sound of this breath has nothing to do with the gas life being encountered.

Thinking of this, Luo raised his right hand lightly and shook the black cat out.

“Scout Little Black is in place.”

Shaked by Luo, the black cat was deaf and pulled his eyes a little black.

Luo glanced at the black cat casually, the latter of which turned into black smoke, and went towards the rays of light.

3 people watched the black cat and went to investigate.

“The role of the black cat is really irreplaceable. If this continues, the white dog must be dead.”

Kim smiled and teased.

In fact, of all the people in the team, only Jin has been very interested in Luo’s ability and has been continuously learning about it.

So, many times, he doesn’t care about any taboos among Mind Power people. The questions he wants to know are always directly asked, and some questions are so sharp that they go straight to the secrets of Mind Power.

Luo out of absolute trust in Jin, in addition to the existence of the white smoke font, the rest of the ability characteristics, all know Jin told the word.

This is why King suddenly mentioned White Dog.

He felt that Luo’s diversified ability characteristics were quite similar to himself, that was, he lacked such a useful and obedient beast.

To be honest, he never hides his envy of Luo’s black cat.

“If I can, I would like black cats and white dogs to coexist, but it is too difficult to overcome the constraints.”

Luo stared ahead, thinking about White Dog’s ability.

At present, White Dog only shows the ability of [phase teleportation], which is a very practical skill in battle.

Apart from this, the white dog should also have many abilities that he didn’t know. After all, he thinks that the white dog may have the same growth limit as the black cat, and in the process of becoming stronger, it will derive unknown and stronger abilities.

Normally, Mind Power developers will have a clear understanding of their Mind Power from the development process to the awakening.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

Among Mind Power, there are a few Mind Power awakenings and formations, which are automatically awakened and formed without the consciousness of Mind Powers themselves.

When Luo was first exposed to the brutal battle in Meteor City, the hand of God was born without his consciousness, and the appearance of subsequent black cats and even white dogs were under the prerequisite of his unknowingness. Appears below.

The abilities born in this situation usually have unimaginable abilities. Even Mind Power writers can hardly know the characteristics of the abilities themselves, and they need to slowly explore on their own like crossing a river by touching stones.

But if the nature of the born ability is mind beast, under the premise of being able to communicate with each other, the difficulty of exploring the ability will become very low, of course, it will also need to bear a certain degree of restriction accordingly.

Unfortunately, day and night cannot coexist.

Black cat’s ability, Luo is familiar with the heart, it will also be handy to use, but if you change to a white dog, it will be different, you have to go through a run-in period.

However, Luo still strongly hopes that black cats and white dogs can coexist.

This kind of strong thought still made it difficult for him to break the restriction and made him wish.

Occasionally, when thinking about it, it is inevitable to feel the concept of “double imagination” of ancient humans.

Under the support of that concept, it is equivalent to the ancient human beings getting rid of the vows and restrictions in the Mind Power system and being able to develop a variety of extremely powerful Mind Power by themselves without bearing the constraints at all.

Jin’s ridicule aroused Luo’s mind.

It’s just that we shouldn’t think much at the moment.

Luo shook his head slightly, and Jin laughed, putting his mind to the situation ahead.

About 30% of the time, the black smoke transformed by the black cat passed through the strips of light and came in front of 3 people, turning into an entity in the blink of an eye.

“There’s a lot of space inside, things like this, everywhere.”

The black cat pointed at the light swarf flowing in the air, and then said the point.

“In addition, there are many sarcomas on the walls that can be agitated. The breathing sounds you hear are from those sarcomas. The stones that remain. “

The black cat tells the situation one after another.

“Come back first.”

Luo nodded, and immediately raised his hand to signal the return of the black cat.

The black cat didn’t grind, and turned into black smoke into Luo’s hand.

“Let’s go in and see.”

Luo walked ahead.

Sergey and Kim saw the situation keep up.

According to the information given by the black cat, the only thing to be worried about is the so-called sarcoma. However, according to the black cat, those sarcomas seem to be very aggressive, even if the black cat goes around at a close distance, it is not visible How did those sarcomas react?

As for treasure, it may be those spar suspended in mid-air.

Soon, Luo went through the aisle and entered the huge space that Black Cat said.

The first thing to show up is a criss-crossed DNA light chip.

Luo hadn’t had time to look at the spar that the black cat was talking about, and the sound of breathing in the air suddenly became extremely heavy.


3 people suddenly looked towards the sarcoma on the wall.

I saw that the sarcomas seemed to be stimulated, and the frequency and speed of the agitation instantly increased a degree of horror, and even a little phantom was agitated.

However, nothing else happened except for this accelerated agitation.

Even so, Luo and they were very vigilant, standing not far from the entrance of the tunnel, and did not continue to venture into it.

“These sarcomas …”

Luo frowned, and a vague feeling came to him.

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