Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1179

Forest of Medusa Sha.

Skeletons stand as stone sculptures and dare not to act blindly without thinking.

It was the split second thing that was about to be killed, but the restorer just stared at him and did nothing, which made him feel very upset.

Suddenly, the restorer took action, and the skeleton’s nerves tightened suddenly.

However, the envisioned butcher knife not at all fell.

The skeleton man cautiously looked and saw the restorer deflect his body and looked in a certain direction.

Ok? Is there a savior?

Skeleton eyes Kakuzu peripheral vision is full of hope, following the direction the restorer is looking at, but empty.

Although it is not clear why the restorer looked at that direction, what can be determined is that not at all is the so-called savior.

At this moment, how he hoped that Luo entire group would come out of the light debris.

Give him another chance and say nothing.

Skeletons are bitter.

Is it wrong to pursue freedom?

Just run away, this damn Old Thief Heaven, has arranged a super monster on the route of his escape.

The restorer silently looks at that direction, and the emotion of the intelligent creature is undoubtedly wavy.

But the graffiti-like eyes couldn’t convey its emotions.

It felt something, but it didn’t pay much attention, and it didn’t feel clear enough.

After a while, the restorer retracted his gaze and continued to fall on the skeleton’s body, thinking about how to impose sanctions on the skeleton in front of him if the rules allowed it.

If this skeleton is of the same nature as the two souls recovered before, then it doesn’t need to think about that many, and it will directly recover the skeleton.

One side is white, the other side is black, and the Skeletons step on the impartial Black-White World line.

All the restorer needs to do is to destroy the skeleton’s balance, push the skeleton onto black, and then justify sanctions.

But the problem is here, how to promote the skeleton people?

Thoughts were pulling back and forth, and the restorer gradually felt unhappy.

The feeling of being blocked by the air wall is like a saw, pulling at its body, and then deepening its unhappiness.

Do you want to smash the walls of air with violence, or do nothing and let the walls of air stand in front of you?

Two thoughts, Angel and Demon who are arguing.

The restorer paused, his eyes locked on the Skeleton.

Suddenly, the skeletons felt more and more pressure.

He vaguely felt what was happening to the restorer.

No matter what the change is, it is very bad for him.

The skeleton was anxious, but on the surface it was afraid to show it, for fear that a small act would stimulate the restorer.

However, he can do nothing now.

As the Skeletons noticed, the restorer did trigger some changes, and the incentive was the Skeletons who stepped on the Black-White World line.

It is not yet clear what this change will be.

Is it evolution? Or degradation?

In either case, the position of the Skeletons will not change in the slightest, and they are still lambs to be slaughtered, unable to make any resistance.

Because he is not Luo after all, and because there are too few intelligent creatures on the dark continent who dare to resist the repairer.

The two sides were deadlocked, one did not move and the other did not dare to move.


On the other hand, under the blessings of Allah and God, the silver-haired women are unable to move even a little bit, and Luo they will carry out the besieging to the end, and they do n’t understand what is called have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.

Everyone takes turns, one by one, and no one can stand it.

However, the besieging that lasted for an entire hour did not harm the silver-haired woman.

However, Luo also knew that this matter could not be rushed, and could only slowly grind it to see if he could kill the silver-haired woman in the end.

Aside, the uncle who lost her freedom, looked so openly at the silver-haired woman who was besieged by this group of humans for more than an hour. When she thought that if the silver-haired woman was resolved, the next one might be her turn.

Can’t help but have a psychological shadow in his heart.

Throughout the siege, the silver-haired woman kept silent, and even if she did, she couldn’t say anything.

When at first was under control, she was also a little worried, but now she won’t.

This group of humans can’t break her defense, for now, they are at least safe.

The only thing to worry about is how to break free from the constraints, also, to find a way to seize that human book.

No one spoke on the court, only the dull sound of boxing to the flesh.

“What about skeletons?”

About ten minutes later, Tonpa was the first to see the skeleton disappeared.


At this time, other talents noticed that the skeletons were gone.

“Should the goods be gone?”

“It seems … only possible.”

The crowd could not help looking towards Luo. After the intelligence value of the skeleton was squeezed out, according to the agreement, it was time to release the skeleton.

However, Luo did not let the Skeletons out. It seemed that he wanted to make Skeletons one of the team’s battle strengths. However, the Skeletons have been marginalized and out of line with the team since being held into the team.

After all, the Skeleton Man was forced to be brought in at first, and it is basically impossible for him to integrate into the team willingly.

“That guy ran away.”

Facing the eyes of everyone, Luo smiled helplessly.

He did want to make Skeletons a part of the team, but he also knew it would be difficult.

Originally, the culprit who destroyed the home of the Skeletons was the restorer. In the case of a common goal, the skeletons may cooperate with them and fight against the restorer.

What didn’t expect was that the goods simply had no revenge, and I was thinking about how to escape all day.

“No matter who he is.”

Luo shook the head, looked towards the silver-haired woman lying on the ground.

He didn’t want to waste too much time on this woman’s body, but he had to do it again.

Otherwise, wait for them to find the restorer, then the woman jumps out of the mess, and at that time I don’t know how much pressure it should be.

Luo signaled his teammates to continue beating the silver-haired women and try to break the defense as soon as possible, while he focused on suppressing the silver-haired women’s resistance.

Perhaps an oversight may make the silver-haired woman break free from the shackles. In this case, it is very difficult to teleportation the silver-haired woman to the 4-dimensional apartment.

If you can teleportation to 4-dimensional apartment, you can use [hard] to stab silver-haired women, and the efficiency will definitely be improved a lot.

The beating continued, unconsciously, and another hour passed.

Progress is still very slow, probably only a small part of the mental power of silver-haired women.

Just then, a powerful breath passed from the depths of the forest and instantly penetrated the body of everyone present.

“en! ?”

Luo’s breathing was stagnant, and her eyes were startled.

On the other hand, everyone was taken aback.


He shouted a byte, but the response was quick. He closed his mouth and swallowed the words behind him.

Luo glanced at her quickly, and she bowed her guilty conscience.

“Is it the restorer …?”

Luo didn’t ask him, but whispered in his heart.

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