Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1178

If it is said that the first attack of East Ricoh is [flow], then the second attack is to dispatch all [hard] of apparent strength.

The second attack apparently completely hurt the big-eyed monster, so that the big-eyed monster no longer showed up after returning to the clouds, let alone the sound, and even the lightning and thunder disappeared.

The clouds closed, and the writhing phenomenon came to a halt.

The snowflakes fell, as if nothing had happened.

Dong Fuli retracted the mind, leaving only a thin layer of mind on the body.

How many years he walked on the dark continent, he knew deeply that in this environment, the most important thing was not food and water, but weapons.

Humans are very small on the dark continent, and if they want to change their positions, they must have powerful weapons.

The most powerful weapon can be imagination or mental power.

Therefore, he cherishes the utilization of every strand of thought, and is unwilling to waste, but he will not hesitate when he should use it.

If the big-eyed monster continues to pass, then it’s time to stop thinking about it.

Dong Fulisi stared up at the completely calm clouds. After a moment, he retracted his gaze, and did not go back to see them and then walked into the snowstorm.

That big-eyed monster belongs to plankton, and its size and ability should be ranked in the middle of the race.

The reason to come and entangle him, to put it bluntly, there is no special opportunity.

It’s one thing to play, and one thing to eat him.

A volume like him isn’t even worthy to jam the teeth between big eyes.

However, if I really want to eat him, the nutrition contained in it is not something that can be solved with a few mouthfuls.

“Next stop, is it Qunling …”

Dong Fuli’s whisper was covered by snow.

Where he is going, very close to the World Tree area.

On the way, you will pass Snow Mountain, mountains, deserts, wetlands, forests, and rocky land.

The closer the center is, the more weird the climate will be.

This may be the world of ice and snow, and there may be bright sunshine, and there is only a thin line between the two.

Frozen people can’t blow the cold wind there, nor can the hot wind pressure blow it.

Like this umbrella-shaped Snow Mountain area, it is just one of the stops he passed by. It will be here that humans from the 6 continents will be an accident that is neither too big nor too small.

For him, rather than encountering a large group of 6 continent humans, it would be better for him to find humans who have been living since ancient times.

After all, he knew many years ago that new explorers had set foot on the dark continent.

“Is something in the fire …”

Walking through the blizzard that can’t be sustained by humans, the line of text on the body of the restorer emerged in the East Ricoh’s mind.

In the ice zone, Bi Yangde watched Dong Fuli disappear in the snowstorm, and he couldn’t calm down for a long time.

On the other hand, the teammates, except for a few such as Jiji Marie and Paris Stone, all showed weakness.

What should I say? It ’s like climbing a mountain or climbing a ladder. When you are climbing desperately, you find that the end point has been farther and farther, as if there is no end.

The most terrifying thing is that also people are always at your ears to remind you: when you reach the end point, there is another end point to challenge.

Too far, far enough to lose confidence.

Took a deep breath deeper than Yang De, and after quickly adjusting his mood, he noticed the atmosphere of the team.

As Captain, he does not allow negative emotions to continue to ferment in the team.

Although he had been lying on the ground before, he would not give up.

The courage to accept the challenge, the courage to move forward.

This has always been his advantage.

“East Flix is ​​a human, and we are also human.”

“He can do it, and we can absolutely do it.”

Than Yang De’s tone is calm and powerful, with a little inspiration.

Everyone looked towards him and could clearly feel Bi Yang De’s confidence.

Captain Is this … going to surpass the East Ricoh just now?

Beyond that monster …?

But what is this self-confidence? Obviously, you just saw the incredible existence just now.

Bijand said he walked to the icicle, stretched out his hand, and pressed it onto the icicle.

With a little force, cracks cracked above the icicle.

Perhaps the icicles were damaged, and the aquatic life below the ice layer suddenly rioted, interspersing the sight of it, filled with cold killing intent.

They stared at the humans above the ice, but they started to smash into the ice.

The sudden move scared a few of Usame and made Biyangde stop the next move, looking towards the aquatic creatures just below the ice.

Countless, densely packed aquatic creatures are constantly crashing into the ice.

However, there was no sound at all, only the strong force transmitted to the soles of the people’s feet through the ice.

Feeling the force that can cause the body to tremble with it, I can roughly judge how strong the force of this group of creatures hit the ice layer, no matter how many times they have been hit in one second, the ice layer under the foot is still stable , Not to be shaken.

“Take the restoration body and leave here immediately.”

Bi Yangde calmly glanced at the creatures under the ice, and once again applied Strength to the icicle.

Everyone heard Bi Yangde’s title of the book and knew that it was one of the few messages left by Dong Fuli.


On the edge of the crack on the icicle, a lot of ice debris fell.

With Biande’s strength again, the icicles finally cracked completely, and pieces of broken ice fell on the ice layer, as if it were gasoline poured into a flame, making the aquatic life under the ice layer even more crazy.

But this seemingly not thick layer of ice is an obstacle that they are difficult to overcome.

A pedestal was left in the icicle, and the restorer’s body stood silently, and the air of dim-blue hovered slowly around him, showing a strange charm.

Compared with Yang De’s eyes, he would not go to zero distance to contact books rashly.

But perhaps the excitement brought by Luo and Dong Fulisi, and the riots under the ice, he couldn’t care about that at this moment.

The eagerness to get to know more, drove him to extend the hand to touch the book.

Under everyone’s attention, Bi Yangde’s hand passed through the dim-blue air wire and gently pressed on the cover of the book.

A moment ago, an extremely pure mind poured into his palm along the cover.

Compared with Yang De’s body, his eyelids rose quickly.

He saw dark shadows only showing his eyes above the book.

Just a blink of an eye, those dark shadows disappeared again, replaced by the breath of mental energy that stirred him up.

As if a pedestrian desperate in the desert, he was suddenly thrown into a cold and clear oasis.

“let’s go.”

Than Yang De’s eyes flickered, and single-handed held the door-sized book.

He had just picked up the book, and saw that the edge of the fiery red beads had quickly exuded the red liquid, a drop slipped out, fell on the ice, and suddenly burst of white smoke.

When everyone saw this, their eyes suddenly changed.

Than Yang De quickly straightened the book, but nothing helped.

The red liquid that fell on the ice layer, like sulfuric acid, is corroding the ice layer, and the scope is expanding.


Bi Yangde no longer hesitated, leading his teammates towards the edge of the ice.

The crimson liquid, like lava, is melting away the ice that is blocking the aquatic life.

Once the ice is dissolved, their situation becomes dangerous.

Something has been obtained, and now is running away from the ice.

The body of the restorer sealed inside the icicle was taken by Bi Yangde, almost at the same time, Kakuzu fell from all parts of the dark continent, like a stone fell into the lake, and there were no violent ripples.

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