Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1163

When the unknown spherical creature splits python, no more than 5 can see the action in the team.

When the spherical creature came over, except for a few people in Luo, the rest were subconsciously tightening their nerves.

The sight collided with the eyes of the spherical creature, but it did not feel the slightest hostility.

Just looking at it for a moment, the shape of the spherical creature gradually became clear.

Compared to that slick body and eyes, it is the wings that grow on the two sides of the body, like two slender bamboo branches, each with a large number of long strips.

When it was opened, it looked like a bunch of wind chimes, and when it was closed, it looked like a fan.

And the two inverted teeth that grow on the bottom of the sphere, although small, are full of presence on the spherical body.

After looking at the appearance of the spherical creature, it is not clear what the spherical creature’s identity is.

Among the team, Gou and Skeletons are the most experienced and knowledgeable.

However, judging by their response and initiative, it is not clear what the origin of the spherical creature is.

“Bell Bell.”

The spherical creature suddenly made a series of crisp sounds, I don’t know what it means.

But the voice made everyone directly take a precautionary posture.

Just now, the scene of a spherical creature splitting python like lightning was vivid.

The sharpness and speed cannot be underestimated.

When the spherical creature made a sound, it was not only hostile but also showed no signs of attack.

He glanced over, paused for a while for everyone’s body, and then stopped making sounds and waving his wings, like a blender, to stir python’s body in.

The feather fossil attached to the python’s body was scattered by the raised wind.

The spherical creature could only see the wings of afterimage, and fell firmly on python, and immediately stirred the python’s body into a powder, and dropped it into the ground exuding milk-white rays of light.

It didn’t take long for the python that was able to swallow the buhab into it, but it was forcibly crushed into a powder by the spherical creature, which is equivalent to erasing the traces of existence.

After doing this, the spherical creature turned back and stared at Luo them.

Neither side moved further, and the air seemed to freeze.

“Luo, should we do something?”

Tonpa frowns looks at the meaning of an unknown spherical creature.

At present, he is unable to cast Mind Power, and his role in the team is not great.

The sudden contrast gave him the idea of ​​doing something on his own initiative.

“He doesn’t provoke us, then we have no reason to provoke him.”

Luo shook his head slightly. He was not afraid of the strength of the spherical creature. It is still a common principle of professional hunters. To avoid meaningless battles, he must avoid them.

“But isn’t there a way to spend it here?”

“We are here, consuming our minds every moment. If we wait for this, it is not only time that is wasted, but that thing doesn’t seem to be offensive. Why don’t we bypass it?”

“It can only be this way.”

Luo followed the advice of his teammates and turned a corner, trying to get around the spherical creature.

As they moved, the sight of the spherical creature followed, but he was still standing still, without movement.

This kind of eye-catching behavior makes Luo always pay attention to the movement of spherical creatures when they detour.

From the beginning to the end, the spherical creatures have not found hostility, but the level of attention is different from ordinary people, like a cobra posing in offensive and defensive postures.

After finally getting around, Luo entire group moved on.

However, they soon noticed that the spherical creature followed, hung far behind and did not get too close.

“What does that thing want to do?”

The followers of the spherical creatures made the members of the team tricky.

Although the other party has not yet shown hostility, it is still a potential threat.

Having been following the road for about ten kilometers, Luo felt that it was not the way to go, and wanted to take the initiative to clear up the hidden dangers.

However, when Luo leaned towards the spherical creature, the spherical creature immediately retreated, and the Speed ​​was quite fast, and all of a sudden disappeared.

When Luo and they continued to move forward, the spherical creature suddenly appeared again, causing everyone to have a black line on their faces.

They have no idea what the spherical creatures want to do. If they ca n’t get closer, it means they ca n’t communicate, they want to solve it, and they are smart. .

After a few waves of trials, Luo found that not only the speed of the spherical creature is fast, but the response speed is not weak, and several sudden attacks have failed.

Nothing could shake off the nougat-like spherical creature, which made Luo’s brain hurt.

Sometimes, it is better to meet a powerful enemy face to face than to hang such a difficult ghost.

Since there was no way to deal with it, Luo acknowledged it and moved on.

However, the team’s position was changed, with the strongest Luo at the back of the team, and Jin Hegu at the front of the team.

With Luo behind, the threat from spherical creatures was somewhat slowed.

After all, what everyone in the team trusts most is Luo’s reliability and strength.

In this weird situation, Luo’s team went on one day one night.

The scene on the way has not changed, the same quiet, the same milk-white rays of light, the same Tribulus tree.

Everyone wears New Nitolomy, and even after walking one day one night, they will not be too tired to want to rest.

As for food, there is a moving space for black cats, where dry food and water can be taken out anytime and anywhere.

To say that the whole process is the most annoying, except for the spherical creatures that follow closely behind, it is to fiddle with the feather fossils on the eyes every once in a while.

After walking for a day, one after another asked about the status of his teammates. After learning that there was no problem, Luo decided to continue.

He doesn’t know where the restorer is, he can only continue to penetrate deep into the Shadu forest in this way. Even if he cannot meet the restorer, he hopes to find out.

In this state, the team marched for a long time.

Behind, the spherical creature is still following closely, Luo. They are a little accustomed to it, and they are getting used to it.

The scene passing by has not changed, and the scene in front of me is the same in 1000 pieces.

Until a group of stone carvings of various shapes appeared on a slightly larger flat in front, the uniformity of 1000 pieces finally ushered in change.

After seeing the large number of stone carvings, Luo entire group stopped.

Those stone sculptures are mixed with all kinds of creatures, even humans.

With Shi Ying’s lesson learned, no one would think that the stone carving standing in front would be normal.

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