Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1162

The black cat at first didn’t realize anything, but soon, before Luo explained, he understood it by himself.

Almost conditioned, he showed a vigilant look.

However, based on past experience, whenever Luo wants him to do something, even if he doesn’t agree, he has to do it in the end.

“Well, come here.”

Luo moved towards Black Cat beckoned.

The black cat’s expression faded slightly, cautiously asked, “What do you want me to do this time?”

“Just a little thing.”

After 30%, the black cat sighed and moved towards the Foreign Domain head to extend the hand.

Under his control, only the extended hand did not release the mind.

After a moment, tiny feather fossils slowly cling to his hands.

In less than 2 seconds, the black cat expression changed and yanked his hand back.

Luo had already prepared, and with a wave of his hand, he swept the feather fossils of the black cat out of the field.

At this time, the palm part of the black cat’s feather fossils was already gray.

“Is it less than 2 seconds?”

The crowd gathered around and looked at the petrified palm of the black cat.

At first glance, this kind of petrification will not spread, only the location where the fossils have been attached will petrify.

However, without mental protection, Petrochemical’s Speed ​​is very fast.

“Two seconds, too fast.”

“In fact, the time of 2 seconds is enough. As long as the speed of mobilizing mind is fast enough, it should be hard to use.”

“It’s not 2 seconds, but I don’t know exactly how much it is. Anyway, the speed of petrochemical will not exceed one second.”

The black cat glanced at them. As the party, he could only determine that the time for the feather fossil to produce the effect was within one second.

When the arm was petrified, although it could still be manipulated, it became very bulky, as if the quilt was heavily loaded.

The black cat moved his hand and made a harsh sound of stone rubbing.

“Less than a second ?!”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

If it is less than a second, the operable space is really low.

Luo stared at the petrified part of the black cat and asked, “What’s the feeling like being petrified?”

The black cat heard the words and turned Byakugan, and really wanted to go back to the top sentence: you can try it yourself understood.

But reason made him swallow that sentence, and instead spoke the feeling honestly.

To sum it up in one word-bulky.

After grasping the general information, Luo signaled that the black cat could remove the petrified location.

The black cat first looked at the petrified arm with a distressed heart, and then cut it off. Then it wasted some of its stored mental power and re-emerged into a new palm.

“This petrochemical effect is similar to the rust attack of copper mechanical life forms. The difference is that Nianli cannot prevent the attack of copper mechanical life forms, but it can prevent the petrification effect of feather fossils.”

“Although it can be easily prevented, feather fossils are everywhere, which means that our Mind Power will be limited here.”

Luo glanced at not just the light debris outside the field, summed up his teammates’ current information, and explained some precautions.

Hard to follow the circle can not be used, including the hidden breath is absolutely the same.

In addition, there is also obstruction in sight, and rest is prohibited.

No wonder this place will be called the Dead Zone, because no matter how thick the blood boss is, once it enters the Meidu Sha forest, it will sooner or later be polished by blood, and then become a stone sculpture.

Fortunately, they have a new Nitolomi, which can increase the staying power. Even in the depths of the Medu Sha forest, they can return to the 4D apartment at any time and place to rest, or separate the spiked crown of Tribulus terrestris and reach the top to rest .

Without worries, Luo they are still very confident.

After telling his teammates a bit of attention, Luo dropped the field.

Without the isolation of the field, the numerous light debris floating from the ground, immediately leaned towards Luo and leaned over them.

The first place to suffer was legs.

In less than ten seconds, everyone’s lower limbs were covered with a thick layer of feather fossils.

In contrast, feather fossils on other parts of the body are also increasing in Speed ​​visible with naked eyes.

The team only traveled less than 500 metres away, and the feather fossils flying in the sky, just piled everyone into a snowman.

It is protected by thoughts, so don’t worry too much, that is, after a while, you have to wipe off the feather fossils attached to your eyes, which is even more difficult than wind and rain.

Many factors, plus the dangers hidden in the forest, so the team’s speed is quite slow.

The forest was quiet and I couldn’t hear much sound.

After walking for half an hour, I haven’t encountered the existence of a stone eagle so far, and it can be seen that the density of life is very low.

Come to think of it, it is difficult to see normal creatures in a forest covered by feather fossils.

If it is outside, it may be encountered, but it is almost impossible once it reaches the depths of the forest.

Unless, the creatures coming into the forest have Special means.

Traveling all the way, the waves are not alarmed.

Without Tonpa’s reconnaissance capabilities, the team was extra cautious when walking.

But for now, no danger has been encountered.

About 3 hours, the team finally met the first living creature.

It was a python that swallowed Bhabha and swam around the Tribulus tree in the forest.

In python’s body, there are many places that have been petrified, and the areas that have not been petrified are covered with many feathers. As the python swims, the feathers of the body are shaken down, exposing the python’s dark body.

The petrified ash-gray, paired with the original black, is white and black like a ring poisonous snake.

The feather fossil attached to the body was shaken off by python, but soon there will be new feather fossils attached to the python’s body, and so on.

Python also seems to be messed up, or has been lost, swimming around an area, and slowly being consumed by stamina by feathers everywhere.

Continuing this way, it is sooner or later that python is assimilated by feathers.

Luo entire group is watching from a distance, and they all see that Python is inevitable.

However, even assimilated by feather fossils, you can live in another style.

Luo thought, python would have to be cool sooner or later anyway, it would be better to shoot, but python’s pain.

When he was about to solve the blocking python, a small figure flickered in the rays of light of milk-white, but it was for him. In a split second, the python that was still not assimilated. Cut into 2 halves.

And it’s the one that cuts vertically from the head to the tail section.

Python didn’t even make a sound, it was killed on the ground.

That silhouette fell on the python’s body, which made Luo see the appearance clearly, but it was a ball about the size of a basketball, with 5 features and wings. At the bottom of the body, there were also 2 small white barbs Like a pair of stationary barbed teeth.

The creatures that appeared in unfathomable mystery alerted Luo to their alertness.

The spherical creature also seemed to notice Luo’s presence, slightly sideways, and the pair of big red eyes of the ball body, just looked over.

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