Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1135

Giles and Jin Kerry, as the only remaining members of the FTA team, returned to the imaginary continent with failure.

On the other side, the Hunters Association team, Biyangde team, and even Luo’s team are still hiring on the dark continent.

In the ruins, the night wind is slightly cool, and the stars gather into a stream in the night sky, but there are many dark clouds moving back and forth, sometimes covering the starlight.

The huge black disk suspended in the air, like a stationary background board.

starlight covers the earth, 10000 things are quiet.

Above an untouched site, Netero is on high alert.

The threat from the ten masked men is no joke.

However, the sudden scarecrow relieved the pressure.

The so-called enemies are friends, and this relationship does not apply to them now.

Netero’s gaze shifted between the scarecrow and the masked body. At this moment, he was completely free of any fights, and just wanted to break away as soon as possible.

Originally he had roughly determined the direction of the breakout, but the sudden appearance of the scarecrow made him temporarily inactive.

Netero didn’t move, as did the Scarecrow and Masked Man.

It seems that it is because the scarecrow’s random entry makes the masked man feel the threat, or because he is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, this is the reason why he is not moving.

None of the 3 parties moved, making the atmosphere in the venue seem subtle.

However, including Netero, the 3 parties are all enveloping themselves in the body, which is in an excellent offensive and defensive state.

Netero’s feet moved slightly on the ground, with a sense of self-restraint inside.

Inside, his position is the most embarrassing.

If you don’t move, you don’t know what will happen to the Scarecrow and Masked Man.

If you move, you worry that it will become a common goal for maskers and scarecrows.

It would have been tricky to have a masked person here, plus a scarecrow, it wouldn’t work.

Right now, he can only expect the Scarecrow to move his hand first and collide with the Masked Man.

And Netero ’s expectation of not at all failed, just 2 minutes later, maybe it was a patience that was spent, a tentative attack by the scarecrow, completely breaking the delicate atmosphere of the scene.

The crow was restless.

The whole dark Crow appeared out of nowhere, gathered together in a ball, hovering and flying around the scarecrow, and instantly moved like a heavenly girl, scattered towards all around.

In all around, it was the position of ten masked men, and the scarecrow’s attack was treated equally, even Netero was the target of the attack.

Eyes at came from the crows, and the masked man also took action. The pattern printed on the mask glittering bright rays of light, and illusory shadows were called out in an instant.

There are statues of tigers and lions, as well as insects and birds.

Or silent growling, or baring fangs and brandishing claws.

Netero smiled silently when Scarecrow took the lead.

Thoughts surging, golden light first appeared in his behind, and turned into solemn Avalokitesvara.

At this moment, the Scarecrow’s offensive and the Masked’s defensive have been completed, and it is difficult to balance the call of Golden Guanyin’s Netero.

However, they were still attracted by the solemn golden Guanyin.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the human, jumped lightly, and jumped onto the palm of Guanyin.


Guanyin flew Netero directly with his out-of-the-box style.

Before the crows collided with the masked man’s image, Netero turned into a Meteor and flew into the distance.

Golden Guanyin collapsed into sporadic golden dots after completing the move of flying Netero, but the Scarecrow and Masked Man could only watch and leave at Netero.

After a brief stagnation, the images of the crows and the masked man finally collided.

The tiger lion bird worm changed from illusory shadow to entity, instantly crushing the attacking crows.

When the first wave of offense and defense came to an end, there were only maskers and scarecrows on the field, and Netero had long been in a safe place.


The Scarecrow looked at the direction of Netero’s escape, and looked at the mask man who easily defeated his offensive. I don’t know why, he felt himself washing it and then sending it to the door.

Netero’s move from the scene was too decisive, and its Speed ​​was too fast. The mask man also knew that he couldn’t catch up. In desperation, he could only focus on the scarecrow body.

Feeling the sight of the masking harboring malicious intentions, the Scarecrow can only be secretly alert, in order to protect himself, he will not be obediently surrender.

On the other side, Netero is flying like Meteor in the night sky.

With his body, Power, it is inevitable that he will still be injured in this fall.

So, just before landing, he seized the right time, summoned Avalokitesvara once again, wrapped himself with gentle palms, and perfectly dispelled the force of impact.

After landing intact, Netero turned back and looked towards the direction he was coming from.

From him, the situation of the masked man and the scarecrow was no longer visible, only the black disc suspended in the night sky.

“Many thanks, and take care.”

Netero said to himself lightly that he turned away.

It’s unclear what the teammates are doing, but as long as the black disc is there, it shouldn’t be here for long.

Netero sprinted over the ruins, and as he ran, he drove out of Changsha.

He was moving in the opposite direction to the black disc.

After about 30 minutes, he stopped abruptly and looked at the silhouette in front of him.

Surprisingly, the visitor was Qi Duo entire group.

“President !”

After seeing the President, Qi Duo’s entire group was all excited.

The reason why they were able to come and meet Netero was that Crook’s ability showed that Netero was still alive, and then they saw the golden light flashing away from a great distance, giving them directions.

As a result, they moved towards the direction where the golden light disappeared, and then encountered Netero from that direction.

Netero looks at Qiduo them, with light appearing in their eyes, and quickly dimmed.

He blinked and came to Qi Duo and the others, said solemnly: “Leave here first.”

Qi Duo suppressed the excited expression, nodded.

Finding President is tantamount to finding the backbone. As for the subsequent movements, it is not so important at this moment.

Without much communication and stay, the team of the association went towards the periphery of the ruins.

On the other side, the Scarecrow became a prisoner of the Mask Man sadly.

Although his strength is not weak, but the man can not stand too many people, I was caught alive by ten mask people.

Originally, when the masked man surrounded Netero, he also intended to catch it alive. As a result, the scarecrow emerging from unfathomable mystery became a ghost for the dead.

The scarecrow is incorporeal, and personal freedom should be difficult to restrict, but the masked man has his own means.

A mask man showed 100 feet of worms and bound the scarecrow.

Then, the mask man took the scarecrow to the black disc, and did not know what the outcome of the scarecrow would be.

As for the other mask people, they entered the ruins from all directions.

4 Dimension Apartment.

The rays of light reflected on the night sky between golden Guanyin glittering were also captured by Small Fox.

However, with the flash of golden light alone, it’s hard to tell what that is, and the others who pay attention to the monitoring picture.

Luo, on the other hand, is still a little bit shy.

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