Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1134

On the Hunters Association’s side, only seven members escaped: Qi Duo, Crook, Morel, Yinda, Da Baboon, Menqi, Tocalino.

Of the surviving members of the Ten 2 Earthly Branches, only Qiduo, Crook, and Yinda remain.

When evacuating from the ruins, everyone’s body was wounded, with severe and minor injuries. Fortunately, there was a burning fairy grass provided by Luo to make their injuries recover in a short time.

On the dark continent, the forest is one of the most dangerous areas, but the edge of the forest is still safe.

Qi Duo they rested on the edge of the forest for a while, and from here they looked at the ruins, and they could vaguely see the black disc in the night sky.

As long as that thing is still there, they can’t act blindly without thinking.

At night, members of the Association sit or stand on a flat field, while Morel’s white-smoke little animals are all around and are responsible for vigilance.

Tokalinu, who looks and looks similar to Momotaro, takes out the stocked food from the lucky bag and distributes it to his teammates.

She is responsible for the delivery and storage of supplies. As long as she is still there, food is not a problem, and some important equipment is also included in the fortune bag.

The crowd took the food and ate silently.

Crook didn’t seem to have any appetite. After taking a few sips, he put food on his side, closed his eyes to meditate, and recharged the ability of [Where the Letter Goes Home].

Soon, except for Crook, everyone ate the food on hand.

The edge of the forest was quietly terrifying, with no worms.

The crowd was sitting close by, and they could even hear each other’s breathing.

If your ears are better, maybe you can even hear the heartbeat.

Even if everyone present is a professional hunter, the experience of the day makes them still slowly recovers.

The atmosphere of the team was quite low and no one spoke.

Qi Du looked at the crowd, her mouth slightly opened, and then closed again.

Perhaps everyone should be quiet at this moment, including himself.

The animals transformed by white smoke can form a perfect warning line for the team, so that the team will not tighten their nerves anytime, anywhere.

Time elapsed in this silence. About ten or fifteen minutes, Crook suddenly opened his eyes, and a light flashed in his eyes.

[Recipient-Isaac. Netero]

Crook looked up suddenly, looked towards the teammates around him, paused, reached out and picked up half of the food, calmed himself down as much as possible, and then said, “President … he is alive.”

The sound of a trembling voice, like a sharp sword, pierced the deep, silent atmosphere of Death Aura.

The eyes of everyone turned from darkness to light, so they moved towards Crook and looked over.

Crook was swallowing food.

She has to add Energy and stamina.

Because, President is still alive.


4 dimensional apartment.

Small Fox monitors the movement of the black disc.

Just a moment ago, the scene of ten fine streamers leaving from the bottom of the black disc was captured by Small Fox.

Watching Jin and the others monitoring the scene, I also saw the streamer falling to the ruins.

In contrast to the huge black disc, the streamer is like a pincushion. If it weren’t for the night at the moment, it would really be hard to see.

“Will it be a fellow of the Masked Man?”

Kim touch the chin, speculated.

With the exception of the more busy Saling, like Lao Bai and Tonpa, they are all idle and surrounded by the surveillance screen.

At this point, they only felt that possibility when they heard what King said.

The black disc stopped for more than half a day above the ruins and did nothing.

Sending people down the ruins now is considered normal operation.

Jin looked towards Luo, and after thinking about it, I didn’t bother.

Compared with black discs and masked people, the gatekeeper’s intelligence source is more important.

Moreover, with the team’s current position and situation, it is impossible to match the black disc.

If they have mastered a large appliance like a mountain boat, it will be another matter.

In the temporary room, Goo couldn’t count how many times he had been caught by a black cat.

The battle during the day has exhausted all the Energy. From the recovery speed, it takes at least 2 days to reserve the Energy that can support the resistance.

If there is no such obstructive [binding] on the ground, she only needs to rest for a day, and then she can start to resist, and if she does not help, she will have the strength to commit suicide.

Gu left the black cat to hire on the body, which made her embarrassed and embarrassed that her body was accustomed to the black cat’s violation.

She blames this reaction on the exhaustion of Energy.

How would it have evolved if it were not powerless to control the body.

No matter what, she won’t admit it.

The black cat did not know what Goo was thinking. In his opinion, only when Goo took the initiative to cooperate could he be considered to conquer Gou’s body.

Regrettably, he worked hard for most of the day. Although Gu no longer resisted, he showed no sign of cooperation.

Anyway, he had already planned to slam his head to the end, even the desert, and he had to dig out a stream of clear water.

Outside the room, Luo looking thoughtful.

In order to prevent accidents, he had to use [Circle] to monitor Go’s movements.

How to say, after a long time, it still made a little progress.

You know, at first is to fight fiercely, to make the black cat uncomfortable, but now, the goo has left the black cat to play freely.

Although progress has been made, it seems that it is not the same as the plan as expected, and it can even be said that it is completely deviated.

In the script he formulated, Go could not stand the long invasion of the black cat, and in order to no longer suffer, Go would actively cooperate with the intelligence work.

But now, not only did Gu endure, he seemed to adapt to the invasion of the black cat.


Luo is a little bit desperate.

Continue to develop like this, let alone pry out information, and let alone Gu can’t stand it, he is really afraid that the black cat will get bored first.

In fact, he was more concerned.

The idea of ​​the black cat at this moment is-Luo Ma Fei is built in a day, it takes a day after day!


Imagine a reef area on the coastline somewhere on the mainland.

The tide beats on the reef and breaks into the path of White Wolf.

The noise of the sea echoed above the reef area.

Two figures, all wet, walked on the beach in support of each other and came under the reef cliff.

Those two figures, but Giles and Jin Kerry, are the only two survivors of the FTA team.

The two of them successfully returned to the imaginary continent.

The reason to be able to return is to rely on the assistance of the goalkeeper Qingying.

From beginning to end, the blue shadow guarding the Great Wall’s gate was not affected by the changes within the clan, and always fulfilled its duties.

Because of this, he did not at all obey Red Shadow’s orders, and let the guides return Giles and Jin Carey to the imaginary continent.

“I, we, are you back?”

Kim Carrey was assisted by Giles. His complexion was pale and his body was thin. Compared with the past, he lost his spirits.


Giles spoke in a deep voice.

Compared to Kim Carrey, Giles is a top Mind Power player, regardless of his body or complexion, has not been affected much.

“It’s a pity, a pity …”

Jim Carrey whispered.

Giles was silent.

2 people just leave the beach step by step.

Looking at them, they didn’t notice the difference in the body.

Just above Jin Kerry’s wet hair, a black strand of hair was incompatible with the other golden strands.

That was the disaster that the gatekeepers laid.

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