Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1127

Nagu exchanged information with the gatekeepers.

When the idea first started, Luo felt that it was feasible, but then he thought about it.

However, since the relationship between the two parties is dead or alive, there is no need to talk about integrity.

Luo Xin gave birth to Evil Thought.

Feeling the momentum from Luo, the 5 Demon Beasts of Red Shadow are all eyes with grave expression.

They have a deep understanding of Luo’s strength, and even if they dominate their numbers, they dare not act blindly without thinking.

“Go, there …”

Hongying looked towards that small house built of rocks, slightly gnashing his teeth.

I thought that asking a goo would solve this problem, but no one did n鈥檛 expect that even the strongest gou in the clan would be defeated by the human hand.

How can human beings be so powerful, especially humans coming from [Holy Land].

If even this human being can’t solve it, let alone the follow-up DongFu Lishi.

“Will he be the second exception?”

Hong Ying’s eyes turned slightly, staring at Luo.

There was silence between the two sides, and there was silence on the court.

After a moment, Luo smiled and said seriously, “Let’s make a deal, how?”

“Trading?” Hongying startedled, secretly gaining momentum, ready to attack at any time.

“I can let her go, but I need you to answer a few questions.” Luo pointed at Golden’s rock house with Golden Cudgel.

Hongying cold-eyed looks at Luo, not at all responded.

Beside, the family member coldly said: “patriarch, why not talk to them.”

“Yeah, killing them directly can also save the goo.”

The language they used was not universal, so Luo and Jin couldn’t understand it.

However, from the expression of their expressions, they can also see that it is not good to think about it.

Compared with members of the clan who do not pass through their minds at all when making a decision, Hong Ying thinks more, so he has more concerns.

Since even the goo can’t defeat the human in front of them, then the five of them will not necessarily have a chance to win together.

The most important thing right now is to ensure the safety of Goo.

Just when Red Shadow was a little moved by Luo’s proposal, in the distance, a huge black disc broke into the eyes of everyone.


Seeing the black disc, 5 Demon Beast complexion changed.

It’s them!

Not only did the goalkeepers notice the black discs flying in the sky, Luo and Jin also noticed.

The black discs came in the direction of their sides.

And, the black discs are moving towards where they are.

“Large disc …”

After seeing the black disc, the golden eyes narrowed slightly, and I suddenly thought of the mask man, and couldn’t help looking at Luo.

Luo thought of going with Jin, first facing Jin Nodded, and then staring at the red shadow 5 Demon Beast.

From the expressions and reactions of these Demon Beasts, it can be judged that they know the black disc.

For the information about the black disc, Luo still tortured it from the masked person, and the gatekeepers must know the bottom of the black disc, so it should also be clear about the existence of humans.

It can be seen that the gatekeepers have a lot of information that humans can’t reach.

Maybe, the reason why Dong Fulishi contacted the gatekeepers was because of intelligence.

Unfortunately, Gu could have used Gu to obtain a lot of important information, but Gu’s pain tolerance was so abnormal.

Now, maybe I can establish a trading relationship with the gatekeepers and get a lot of information. As a result, there is another obstruction in this section.

“Is the maskman’s same race …”

Luo sighed in her heart.

He speculated that the black disc might be coming to meet the masked person.

However, this place can’t wait long, so go and meet Nob as soon as possible.

As for the trading plan, it can only be done temporarily.

Thinking of this, Luo glanced at the rock house without a trace.

Forcibly interrupt the black cat’s enjoyment. I wonder if the black cat will explode?

However, at this time, there is no time to consider the feelings of the black cat.

Luo raised his right hand and was ready to take down the rock house.

Just then, a hole was suddenly opened in the wall of the rock house, and the black cat got out of it, his face fluttering.

“Is there a smoke?”

The black cat raised his palm and combed the messy hair on his forehead.


Luo mouth Kakuzu twitched, not at all to give the black cat a plan to smoke afterwards, but sighed: “You end so soon, actually saved me some effort.”

After speaking, no matter how the black cat reacted, a flashed body came to the rock house and swept away the wall in front of him, and then saw lying on the ground, his eyes were empty, and his face was ruthless.

Luo glanced at it, faintly seeing the tear marks on Kakuzu.

A faint guilt of the past was now emerging.

Just 2 cats, 2 cats!

Nothing, it’s nothing!

Luo muttered a few words in his heart, released the realm, shrank the disappointing grunt into a ball, and then mentioned the air from a distance, taking her out of the rock house.

The black cat jumped on Luo’s shoulder at this time, and looked at Gou bound in the air, solemnly said: “Luo, there must be something clear to you.”


“I’m in love with her.”


Luo was silent for a moment, then probed: “Then?”

“I want to marry her!”


“You have to agree!”

“What if I disagree?”

The black cat eagerly said, “If you don’t agree, I, I will jump down here, the kind of head on the ground!”

Luo stared at the black cat with an idiot’s look. This guy’s brain was burned by the male hormone?

“I beg you!”

Suddenly, the black cat knelt on Luo’s shoulders, his forelimb wrapped around Luo’s collar, and said pitifully: “I have left Life Essence in her within the body. If you insist on starting her, it will be a cat 2 Fate! “

Luo drew a few black lines from his forehead and sighed, “I don’t have time to pull these with you now, also, open your eyes and take a good look at what is happening around you.”

Hearing Luo’s words, the black cat noticed five aggressive, not so good Demon Beasts from far away, and the big disc in the distant sky, there is still one black, was moving towards this side.

“I rely!”

The black cat was startled, and saw the 5 Demon Beasts, who were casting their eyes.

Ah, are n鈥檛 these bastards coming to me?

The black cat quickly shrank to Luo’s behind.

Jin scratched his cheek, and grinned at the black cat shrinking to Luo behind.

This black cat is the most interesting among the beasts he has contacted, none of them.

“you guys鈥︹€?”

Hong Ying looked at the miserable appearance of Gu, and immediately became angry.

How would he not think that Goo would be given by a cat …

Just then, there was a fierce Energy wave in the sky.

A beam of Energy, moved towards them sprinting!

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