Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1126

In his brief contact with Goo, Go’s impression of Luo was a pool of standing water.

As at this moment, even with the pain of ordinary unimaginable, it is just a frown.

The beautiful words that Gou said earlier were obviously not empty words, and she did have the confidence.

Luo only used the hand of God to torture information and tried it again and again.

But soon, Luo focused on the black cat body.

That strange look immediately attracted the vigilance of the black cat.

It has been done by Luo many times, and the shadows in his heart can be used to cool off, and no wonder he is alert.

“You’re in the spring?” Luo asked suddenly.

The flesh on the black cat’s cheek shook a few times, struggling to fight back the words of his throat.

In the face of Luo, he had an absolute disadvantage. He could not fight back or swear, but he could only choose to be silent at this moment.

Looks at the silent black cat, Luo points to the domain-bound goo, and asks euphemistically, “Would you like?”


The black cat didn’t respond.

Luo paused, changing the phrase: “Can’t get on?”


The black cat froze, and a flower bloomed on his face.

“Can I really get on her?”

“Well, she’s yours.”

The black cat swallowed saliva and said, his head was looked towards go, his eyes were springing.

“you dare! ”

Gou’s face changed suddenly, and his mood was chaotic again.

“hehe 嘿.”

The black cat laughed a few times and darted to goo’s body, his cheeks sticking to go’s neck.

Goo screamed sharply at the black cat’s ears, his limbs were madly forced, but he was so tied up by Luo’s realm that he could do nothing to resist.

Before coming here, she never imagined that she would fall to such a point.

“Girl, this is my first time,” the black cat shyly said.

“die for me open!”

Aside, Kim silently looks at the entangled black cat and goo.

On the surface, it seems that they are two cats, but they have a strong sense of presence like robbing women.

Is this really good?

Golden Eyes turned around and looked towards Luo with arms around.

You know, the teammates of the 4D apartment must be paying attention.

Perceived Jin Wang’s sight, Luo laughed at him and said seriously, “I think the proposal you just made is feasible.”

“What proposal?”

“Well, on the reproducibility of Demon Beast and Mind Beast.”


Luo looks at the indifferent image, and pinched his chin, “Of course, it’s not sure if her essence is Demon Beast.”

“Why, do you think she could be …?”

“What do you think?”

Jin shook the head, saying, “Although her ability is similar to that of black cats, it still feels a little different from black cats.”

“is it……”

Luo continued to pay attention to the black cat who started to grunt his hands.

His eyes moved slightly, and he fell on the expression of grief and indignation, which showed a stubborn persistence.

Then look at the pig-like black cat, covering her face.

Obviously he is torturing the enemy, but looks at the monkey like a black cat, can’t help pitiful.

“If you want to cooperate, I’ll stop him.”

Luo looks at the black cat’s gossip, if it is not able to move even a little bit, it is estimated that the black cat will be swallowed alive.

Hearing Luo’s words, his cold gaze swept away, even though his body and mind were suffering from hard to describe, he still said stiffly: “Dream.”

Luo heard the words and couldn’t help touching her nose.

Gou’s toughness is really unexpected.

However, I couldn’t even pry out Gu’s mouth like this, after that I really couldn’t help it.

“Forget it, just treat it as a benefit for the black cat.”

Luo thought, waving his hands, and manipulating the surrounding stone debris. A miniature house was erected in the sky, and the black cat and Goo were covered.

nice, brother die!

Before the last wall was erected, the black cat exposed a white tooth to Luo and raised his thumb.

Luo mouth Kakuzu twitched slightly, the black cat this guy, forcibly made him feel guilty.

Thinking of this, Luo sighed softly.

“It seems that trying to pry out information from her is not a simple matter.” Jin looks at the rock wall in front of him.


Luo is also helpless.

I have to admit that Goo is indeed a hard stubble.

“Then what are you going to do next? Get rid of her?”

“Yes, she is dangerous after all.”

Kim nodded, is more than dangerous, if kept, it is purely a time bomb.

Suddenly, the two of them almost opened the fine pores, releasing their mental energy over the body surface, and then turned around at the same time, looking towards the open space beyond 2 meters.

A stream of thoughts flowed out of the air like a stream of water, constructing a human-like outline, and then slowly revealing the figure, but it was 5 Demon Beasts with different forms.

Demon Beast, headed by him, is red and stunned like a ghost, and an ivory fangs sticks out of Paulie’s mouth, but it is the current patriarch of the gatekeepers-Red Shadow.

oh? ”

Seeing the 5 Demon Beasts that suddenly appeared, Luo raised his hand and inhaled the Golden Cudgel left by the black cat into the palm of his hand, and looked coldly at the 5 Demon Beasts with “[Bad Comes]” on his face. .

Is it the gatekeepers …

Beside him, Kim was ready for battle.

“You guys, what’s wrong!”

The thinking power of the red shadow body was shaking violently.

The common language he spoke sounded lame, but both Luo and Jin understood it.


Luo and Jin Xiang glanced at each other, all glanced at the stone house behind.

No sound can be heard because the sound insulation is very good.

However, things should have started at this time, right?

Hong Ying took a step forward, and Li Ning rendered his anger and killing intent emotions clearly and passed them on to Luo and Jin.

However, his heart is actually bottomless. After all, even Goo is planted in the hands of this human, then the five of them are together and they may not win this human.

They wouldn’t have rushed this way unless they had a hole card in their hands.

However, the hole card is a double-edged sword, which is only considered when you have to use it.

Obviously, there was a strong killing intent, but there was no immediate action, which gave Luo and Jin a more obvious sense of contradiction.

From this, you can probably guess that the other party should have the meaning of fear.

“Your goo is inside, but can you save it?”

Luo raised the Golden Cudgel, moved towards stone house, pointed, and showed a momentum not inferior to the five Demon Beasts in front of him.

Whenever a creature is defeated on the dark continent, the certain degree of identification contained in the momentum will become clearer.

That recognition, only the creatures of the dark continent can see, similar to a mark.

For example, the winning percentage in the Competitor game, and the creatures of the dark continent can roughly judge the strength of this person by checking the winning percentage.

The momentum that Luo now exudes, in the eyes of Hongying and the others, is the win rate of Chiguo.

Looks at the silent Demon Beasts in front of him, and Luo suddenly has a thought that it is possible to obtain information, and that is-trading.

Use Goo to exchange information with them.

Presumably, these gatekeepers should also have information about Dong Fuli.

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