Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1120

Goo is surprised now.

Her goal here is Luo.

What didn’t expect was that it took a while to find it, but instead Luo came to the door.

And, following the humans on Luo side …

Goo stopped, no longer existed in the eyes of Yang Deentire group.

It was a very casual attitude, as if he didn’t care enough to spit out the meat in his mouth.

In other words, from the standpoint of Goo, the position of Biyang de entire group is plaything.

Play when you want to play with you, and ignore or even discard when you don’t want to play with you.

That attitude, vividly and thoroughly from the manner and attitude of Goo, makes the look of the Younge entire group very ugly.

Of course, Gu won’t consider the feelings of the Yang Deentire group. She keeps her eyes closed, and looks at Luo and Jin coldly.

Her goal is Luo, but not directly.

As for the other human, she was a little surprised.

There was that split second, and she almost saw Kim as Dong Fuli.

In the aesthetic standards of the Demon Beast family, the differences in human appearance have always been small.

Only by careful observation can they find the difference in appearance.

The standard that is usually used to distinguish individual differences is body type.

Gu is pretty good. She has lived a long time and has seen many human beings, so she is basically not disturbed.

But even so, she almost regarded Kim as Dong Fuli.

Although he reacted quickly, he also planned out that Jin and Dong’s looks are similar.

“A human who looks a lot like Dong? Huh, would it be a coincidence, or an offspring?”

As soon as he thought of future generations, a hint of irony appeared in Gu’s heart.

Today’s Dong Fulisi, in a strict sense, is no longer purely human.

Therefore, there is no point in having descendants.

Gu’s stop and attitude, while making Biyang Deentire group unhappy, also eased their pressure.

Originally, the two of them had the same idea, that is, they separated and fled to get rid of the monster in front of them at the fastest speed.

But the idea is good, the reality is cruel.

The overwhelming power that Gu further showed, built a cage and trapped them here.

The back road is intercepted, and they can only do Stranded Beast’s Struggle.

There is no chance, but in a short time, we cannot get rid of the control from Goo.

In the process of resistance, they noticed that Gou’s offensiveness had decreased significantly.

They don’t know the reason, but it is precisely because of this, in order to avoid the emergence of new victims, they = skip the process of communication in a difficult situation, and have a tacit cooperation against the enemy.

This is a manifestation of the will to survive, and they are not defensive, often looking for opportunities to fight back.

It’s just that after a period of stalemate, what they can do is to avoid sacrifice as much as possible. As for counterattack, they can’t see hope at all.

Until Luo and Jin’s arrival, they attracted Gu’s attention.

In the split second, they emerged from the water like a drowning man and breathed in the air. They felt a sense of relief, but at the same time, their attitude was very hard.

The atmosphere on the court suddenly fell into silence.

Immediately after, a word of Gu broke the silence.

“I came to see you.”

Goo said this at looks at Luo.

Both Luo and Golden Eye changed.

“Come at me?”

“Come to Luo? Is it the gatekeepers?”

2 people immediately entered the fighting state, opened the fine pores, and released mental power to cover the whole body.

When they heard Goo’s words, they were hard to hide.

Since they were standing behind Go, it was unclear whether the person Gu was looking for was Luo or Jin.

To be sure, this Demon Beast is looking for only one person.

It’s either Luo or Jin.

In other words, they are lying guns in a sense.

As open-minded as Yangde, at the moment, a black line is inevitable.

As for the other team members, naturally, it is not much better. Against Actually Paris Stone, the interesting look at Luo and Jin who came here suddenly.

The presence of those two people really surprised him.

This made him start looking forward to what would happen next.

Gu’s speech made everyone present with different minds.

Luo calmly took out [Shi Kakuzu] from the black cat space. Looks at the person who murmured badly, and calmly asked, “Shoumen tribe?”

Gou neither answered nor denied, but her silver thorns growing on her body spread out like wings, hanging silently in the air.

After a brief silence, he said coldly, “For a guy like Dong, one is enough.”

When the words did not end, everyone didn’t pay attention to the meaning of that sentence, and he just started to do it.

Many silver thorns rushed out, like a tortuous mirror surface, which made people unable to distinguish the trajectory, so they attacked Luo like lightning.


That speed was so fast that Luo couldn’t even threw away ten Kakuzu boarding withered. He could only release the realm directly, turning it into a curved air wall, which ran across the front.

Without Luo shouting, Jin consciously hid behind Luo’s behind.

The silver thorns coming from a zigzag trajectory suddenly came together.

Luo shrinks his pupils and subconsciously narrows the area of 鈥嬧€媡he walls of the realm to enhance quality.

The silver thorns gathered together fiercely like javelins pierced into the condensed field air wall.

“That guy is finished!”

Beyond’s team, such as Gray and Mary, sentenced Luo to death.

They knew very well that the spiky terrifying was just a singular silver thorn. Even the strongest defender could not withstand it, let alone a silver thorn with more than one.

What caught them, however, was that the silver thorns were still at a distance from the finger of Luo also 2.

Everyone only saw that Luo blocked Gou’s attack, but didn’t see Jin’s feet resting on Luo’s heel, which fixed the body.

Goo’s this move is blocked by two people.

However, after accepting this move, Luo’s apprehension against Goo decreased a lot.

not at all so powerful as imagined, is still a unique natural advantage of the Demon Beast family, nothing more than a strong body and energy.

Of course, to say so, with just these two points, the strength of the gatekeepers is far better than the human Mind Power.

Special is the Human Mind Power of Enhancer. It is even more disadvantaged when dealing with Demon Beast. If you want to say that the strongest winning line is Specialist and Manipulator.

Originally, Luo and Jin’s plan was to come and take a look, and then respond flexibly depending on the situation.

No matter what the situation is, they will not take the initiative to find trouble, even if the association is in danger, they must first weigh their strength.

But no one could have imagined that this Demon Beast, who might be a gatekeeper, was directed at them.

The problem they face now is that they can’t run for a lifetime.

Therefore, this battle can only be taken over.

At the moment, Luo and Jin have no time to pay attention to the people in the association.

“Gold, cover me.”

Luo calmly controlled the realm, pushing the silver thorns that were tight and unable to move forward.

鍢?a light sound, clusters of silver thorns go up, piercing the hard-core ruin ceiling directly.

At this time, Luo crossed the silver thorn and rushed directly to the goo. As for gold, he did not advance backwards and pulled away.

looks at Luo took the initiative to attack, and Gully’s cold eyes swept away, extending the silver thorns that were stabbed, and suddenly retracting, in cooperation with the silver thorns that had not been released, he wrapped from all around to Luo and forced Luo directly into Avoid inescapable space.

Facing the inescapable net intertwined by silver thorns, Luo took a leap and made himself a complete target.

The crowd of Bi Yang De, who had wanted to slip away, couldn’t help but be attracted by this scene, and suddenly wondered.

Jump into the air? Is he in courting death?

On the other side of the association, it was full of worries, and did not understand why Luo made that choice.

Many silver thorns, just like this, forced Luo into a dead end.

Just then, Luo suddenly disappeared in the air.

The silver thorns that came from all around were directly emptied.

The change in vain not only made Goo a little stunned, but other people who were temporarily attracted by the battle were also surprised.

Disappeared with Luo, also gold.

However, because of Luo’s deadly behavior, their attention was focused on the Luo body, but actually did not notice Jin who was about to withdraw from the war.

When Silver Thorn was about to dump Luo dumplings, Jin used the ability in time to drag Luo into the game space.

This was the cover that Luo had previously requested.

After entering the game space, King cancelled the rules of the game and paid 30% of the potential gas price.

The way to send the player out of the game space, he chose to return.

The set time is 2 seconds after consulting Luo.

If it is one second, it is too hasty.

If it is 3 seconds, it is too long.

So, Luo chose 2 seconds, which is the time spent in the game space.

In the ruins channel, while muttering God, the silver thorns in the air fell down by gravity because they lost their targets.

She was sure that Luo had indeed disappeared, but there was no trace of thought left.

At a loss, about 2 seconds later, Luo appeared again out of thin air.

Appeared with him, naturally also retreated outside the war circle, try to eliminate the existence of gold.

The timing of Luo’s appearance was when the silver thorn fell, which was even more unexpected.

After all, under Go’s Sensor, Luo did disappear, not invisibility.

Misguided by his own judgment, Gu did not immediately react.

However, Luo grasped this opportunity. With his two pedals above the air and a flash, he included Goo in the attack range.

I did n鈥檛 choose to attack me. Instead, I released the withering boarded in [Shi Kakuzu], as if I sprayed it with a perfume, and the liquid [Blight] came out of [Shi Kakuzu]. Splashing in Goo’s body.

After waiting for Gu to react, Luo disappeared out of thin air again.

The next second, he and Kim appeared before the martyrdom when they came.

Earlier, Shi Jin used the ability again, and according to the constraints, he formed an Emitter-like ability effect, which pulled Luo directly to his side.

As a precaution, after Kim came out of the space, he stuck a piece of lichen directly into his mouth, replenishing a lot of mental energy lost in a short time.

On the other side, the body withered in Goo was directly stimulated by that powerful mind.

With such good nourishment, withering took root and sprouted into a snake-like branch instantly, binding Gou’s body tightly, while sucking the mind with greed.

Luo glanced down at [Shi Kakuzu] covered with cracks, thinking that after this time, [Wither] could not be used, unless a new [Shi Kakuzu] could be found.

“game over.”

Jin stood beside Luo and whispered.

Luo didn’t make a conclusion prematurely, because after Goo was entangled in withering, there was no struggle at all, which made him a little confused.

Outside of the war circle, Bi Yangde and the members of the Association team were not clear about the liquid droplets that Luo threw to the body, but the scene that was happening in front of them made them cold.

Anyway, they could see that the drop of ink-colored water droplets could feed on mental energy, and then grew wildly.

If this is the case, it will not be enough for them to have such a reaction.

However, the target that they acted on was the head that sneaked them covered head and sneaked away like a rat, and even this powerful existence could not resist that drop of ink-colored water droplets, let alone them.

Luo had such a killer in his hand.

The members of the association don’t think there is anything. If you can kill the goo smoothly, it is best.

But the people on Yang De’s side were embarrassed. They as it should be by rights think that Luo and Jin were standing by the association.

The killing tool shown by Luo made Biyangde set Luo’s threat level above Goo.

Thought of this, Bi Yangde quietly made a wink at his teammates, signaled that they were ready to slip away.

If it was before, Bi Yangde thinks Luo is a Mind Power who deserves attention and fear.

Now he realizes that Luo is a guy who must not be provoked. Who knows how many cards he has in his hand.

Not to mention that the thing that will suppress and subdue, is the scene of the previous use of ability to block Gu’s attack, which is enough to show Luo’s strength.

It is precisely because of the comparison, that Yang Deentire group has a general understanding of Luo’s strength.

On the field, Goo didn’t move, leaving [withered] to act on the body act wilfully.

That way, it’s like being too tight to struggle.

But is this really the case?


A sigh came from the lush and dense foliage.

It was a groaning sigh.

“This broken toy is used by my younger generations, so it can only be recycled by me. The most ironic thing is that a human being is even better.”

As the voice of the goo came from the lush foliage, I saw a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl suddenly biting the leaves.

Then, like sucking noodles, sucking those branches into his mouth Paulie.

That is, the time of blinking 2 eyes without leaving any trace.

I swallowed the full bloom and withered into my mouth, but the goo was intact.

When gold appeared, she was slightly surprised.

But he knew the withered formidable power, and it was hard to imagine how he could do it.

Luo frowned, but didn’t have time to think about the cause, and his mind burst into the soles of his feet, and his body shot like an arrow.

The Demon Beast in front of me is stronger than any one I have encountered before.

Therefore, the hidden dangers must be eliminated here.

Even if this Demon Beast named Dong, Luo didn’t plan to catch it alive.

Because he didn’t have the energy to catch it alive, but to do his best to strike Demon Beasts to kill.

“Oh, I’ve swallowed even the wither, so I told you not to come!”

The black cat’s voice sounded in Luo’s mind.

Although the black cat’s posture is attractive according to the black cat’s aesthetic standards, in view of other impressions, the black cat thinks that the goo is a female praying mantis that eats the male mantis.

Luo ignored the black cat, and after getting closer, he took out the Golden Cudgel from the space, and moved towards Go and smashed his head.

Grumping his head, the silver thorns over his ears opened into a net, holding the Golden Cudgel that fell down.

At the same time, the silver thorns on the back extended from the left and right sides, and the volley stabs towards Luo’s side.

Luo poured his thoughts into the Golden Cudgel without hesitation. In an instant, the Golden Cudgel suddenly became thicker and thicker, but the defense erected by the silver ears of the ears could not resist it.

A bang!

The thickened Golden Cudgel pressed Gou’s entire body to the ground, and smashed it into biscuits.

With such a heavy blow, the channel suddenly vibrated, and the dust and sand kept falling from overhead.

Outside of the war, others looked at this scene.

That monster was actually suppressed by Luo.

Just when they were surprised, the next scene made them even more shocked.

Luo, however, did not hesitate to deliberately, insanely injected into the Golden Cudgel, causing the weight and length of the Golden Cudgel to increase wildly.

H艒ng l贸ng l贸ng !

The hard aisle floor cracked suddenly.

The whole passage shook like an earthquake.


The continuously growing Golden Cudgel broke the floor of the aisle at the same time as it broke the floor at the other end, carrying the body of Gu, and directly pressed into the negative 2-Layer.

Immediately after that, he quickly broke through to the minus three floors, and pressed Gou’s body heavily on the minus three floors.

As if in between, the entire ruin was shaken by a Golden Cudgel.

Golden looks at the ceiling and floor ripped by Golden Cudgel, how can I care about Gu’s life and death, thinking that Luo is too messy, this is a precious relic!

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