Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1119

Originally, the number density of copper mechanical life forms did drop a lot, but not one of them could not be seen.

Maybe it’s because that aura forced the minus one layer of copper mechanical life form to minus 2-Layer.

Today, the ruins lack core energy and can no longer produce copper mechanical life forms.

In other words, the former ruins were dangerous areas, and now the core energy is missing, it has become a tourist attraction.

This is a very clear analogy.

However, there is not much value left in the remains that can be excavated, so Luo and they gave up their plans to turn the ruins to the bottom.

Two people walked side by side, unobstructed all the way, without encountering any copper mechanical life form.

In this way, with extremely fast Speed, moved towards where the breath is.

Without hindrance, Luo and Jin’s marching efficiency is astonishingly high. In addition, the building structure of the negative ground of the ruins keeps going straight. Not at all affects their Speed, which is increased by mental strength.

Within ten minutes, they felt the breath was very close.

So, for safety, they slowed down the speed.

Even so, it’s a speed that ordinary people can’t capture.

They finally came close, and after getting closer, that aura was even more deterrent.

“Not to be trifled with.”

Gold walked against the wall with a slightly dignified tone.

Feeling the pressure from that aura up close is the trickiest existence ever.


Luo said directly.

This fact was understood before coming.

Kim didn’t care, and seriously suggested: “Then we must be ready to run at any time.”

Just like the case of a small child ringing the doorbell of someone’s house at night, before ringing the doorbell, they should be ready in advance.


Luo stared ahead.

Listening to the words of the two of them, the black cat resisted the urge to give them one punch.

They walked around Kakuzu and came to a fork.

No need to hesitate, just choose the right side, because the breath comes from there.

Luo came to the fork and said, “Black cat, it’s your turn.”

The black cat lamented in her heart, and she turned into a smoke, and rushed ahead.

That aura’s deterrence reacted to both Luo and King, let alone him.

To be honest, he was scared to death.

Even if Luo can be resurrected after death, the strength accumulated so far will become just a passing scene, and also the threat from the white dog guy.

However, he can only confess his fate.

The black smoke passed through the fork channel and merged with the darkness.

There was no light at all in the passage, and at the end of the front, there was a white light.

Soon, the smoky black cat passed through the passage, and it was a craggy mess.

The light penetrated the gap in the building above the head and fell to the ground, forming the source of light of Madara.

At this moment, blood flows over the source of light and converges into streams and rivers.

At the wall of Kakuzu, even in the middle of the passage, two corpses can be seen.

The black cat’s eyes quickly flew over these, and fell on a dark silhouette in the distance.

“That’s the guy …!”

looks at the silhouette shrouded in the field of terror, the silver eyes above the black smoke are full of fear and grave expression.

He didn’t have the heart to vomit how the goods looked so similar to Leopard’s own, and didn’t have the time to look closely at the situation on the scene, and decisively returned to slip away.

It was really terrifying, it was just killing gods.

The black cat’s head circled the aura emitted by that silhouette, and he was sure that the creatures killed by that guy were countless!

Soon, the black cat returned to Luo and told Luo what he had seen.

“Seriously, we still don’t want to provoke her, I can feel it, there must be too many lives killed by that guy!”

The black cat is finally struggling, hoping that Luo and Jin can give up decisively.

However, Luo and King obviously did not intend to stop there.

The body that fell to the ground is unknown to the association or to Yang De’s side.

To blame, blame the black cat for slipping too fast, and don’t see it clearly before coming back.

“Don’t worry, we have our own points.” Luo shook his back at the black cat.

The black cat sighed and turned back into the back of Luo’s hand into black smoke.

Then Luo and Jin walked into the channel.

Only after walking a distance, they smelled a faint bloody smell in the air.

Since the relevant information had been learned from the black cat, the two were not surprised at all.

They all closed their fine pores and proceeded with caution to ensure that the noise was kept to a minimum.

After a while, they came to the entrance of the passage, their bodies were hidden in the darkness, and they quietly peered at the situation outside.

What they saw was the scene that the black cat just saw.

The difference is that they get more information.

Lying on the ground, there were people from the association and people from the team of Beyond.

Farther away…

At the same time, Luo and Jin Jie released their thoughts, condensed on the eyes.


2 People look different.

Bi Yangde’s team and the association’s team were actually forced to hold together, just to resist the existence of a black panther?

Also, I didn’t see the silhouette of Netero, and the two teams each lost a lot of staff.

Are all the bodies lying on the ground killed by that silhouette?

Or is it that the team of the association and the team of Biyangde originally played here, and then that silhouette suddenly inserted into the battle?

Whatever the possibility, it doesn’t seem to make sense at this moment.

“Qiduo, Morel, Menqi, Da Baboon, Yin Da …”

Luo glanced over the members of the association who were avoiding the attack, and frowned.

Netero wasn’t here, and it was downsized to no more than ten.

In contrast, Yang De’s side is also a bit tragic.

According to the information provided by Netero, Biyangde’s team should be a 20-strong team of elites, but now there are less than ten left.

Finally, the sight of Luo and Jin converged on that silhouette.

It is a creature similar to the black panther form of the black cat. The difference is that there are many silver thorns in the ears and the back, and it is these silver thorns that have imprisoned the people of the Biande team and the association team here.

Judging from the scene alone, the two teams that were forced to hold the group were still too pressured to lift their heads.

Intuitively, the black panther-like creature did show great strength.

But strong, strong, and strong, she should not be enough to kill those many Mind Power masters, right?

Luo had this doubt, but it was because he hadn’t seen the unparalleled skills that Gu started.

Based on the visual first impression, Gou’s sense of threat was not so high.

But if you only experience the breath from Goo, it will still be the ultimate sense of threat.

Not to mention that Luo has changed, Jin saw that he was at war with the two teams. The original judgment based on the perception of breath, at this moment not at all changed.

2 people not at all hurriedly reached out to help, but calmly observed the situation in the war circle, so as to roughly judge the strength of Gu.

But the two of them had to use [Ning] on their eyes to see the situation clearly, and it was precisely because of [Ning] that Go could detect their arrival.

Within the circle of war, Gu stopped suddenly, ignored the threat from all Mind Power in front of him, and turned his head, looking towards Luo and Jin hidden in the darkness.


A little sheen flashed in the vertical pupil, and in the darkness, he could clearly see the appearance of Luo and Jin.

Found it …

Ok? Another human …

There was a little doubt in his eyes.

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