Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1098

Panoramic view of the field, Luo has a panoramic view when he is in the air.

It is needless to say that the fierce fighting situation on the side of the Association is like a street lamp in the night, and the sense of existence of the masked human body is full.

However, what made Luo care more was the three Phoenix butterflies and the core energy body.

As a result, after he landed, his eyes only stayed for a while on the mask man body, and it was teleportation that reached the butterfly and the core energy body.

This is an inertial instinct that has been on the dark continent for a long time.

Strange creatures, as well as strange items.

Both of them have the highest concern of adventurer. As for mask people, in Luo’s view, they are equivalent to the stronger Demon Beast family.

After all, the amount of apparent energy is not a joke, and like the Demon Beast family, it is far better than the upper limit of humans.

The whole process happened quickly from the time Luo released the field to kill the copper mechanical lifeforms in the outer circle of the team, and landed in vain in front of the masked man.


Or just blurt out, or meditate on the name in your heart.

When the team’s defensive pressure plummeted, the members of the Association who met Luo at the scene showed a complex look of mixed emotions.

In particular, the many people behind the association team focused on Luo’s back.

They were surprised by Luo’s arrival, and they were also surprised by Luo’s arrival.

Under such circumstances, even provide timely help cannot be used to describe their mood at the moment.

Even though Menchi and Sambika, who are familiar with each other, are here, after Luo landed, not at all greeted them, but focused on the enemy body in front.

Although the eyes are on the butterfly and the core energy body, the peripheral vision is to include mask people in the end.

The strength of the masked person can be seen only from the apparent strength and the tragic situation of the members of the on-site association, so it is necessary to have respect.

The masked man looked towards Luo’s eyes, which contained a bit of jealousy.

There are many styles that he uses to judge enemy strength. Groups such as humans can be identified by their strength.

Like members of the Yinda Association, in his opinion, it is just a hard roadblock without any threat.

That’s why he is so confident, let Fengdie guard the core energy.

You know, without Fengdie’s assistance, his strength can only be 50%.

From the point of view of the life strength of the body, the man who suddenly appeared was indeed much stronger than the enemies just now, but compared to himself, there was still a large gap.

However, he felt danger from Luo’s body.

It was a little magical to him.

It’s like watching the ants crawling on the ground, and then the ants suddenly become very dangerous.

Although Luo gave the masker a very unusual feeling, that’s all.

In order to get the dead lines as soon as possible, the masked man took the lead in launching an attack.

He stretched his arms to the left and right, and his ten pointed nails fell on two sides of his body, like a pair of steel wings.


The masked man stepped on his feet and rushed towards Luo.

“Luo, watch out for him”

Between the electric light and flint, Qiduo wants to give Luo, who has just arrived, some information about the capabilities of the masked man.

But when it comes to half, it comes to an abrupt end.

In the field, facing the nails of the masked man, Luo only took a step back and found out the double-handed, which accurately pinched the masked man’s wrist.

Immediately after, Luo pulled back sharply, causing the masked man to lose his balance and leaning forward.

Then Luo raised his right knee and slammed into the mask’s face fiercely.


A dull, loud noise.

The masked man flew out like an arrow, flew out of the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye, and went straight into the darkness.

A moment later, another dull noise came from the darkness.

Qi Duo looks at this scene, and when it comes to half the words, it is impossible to catch up.

In the team, Yinda and Da Baboon are both Strength Mind Power players.

However, even if the two of them work together, let alone cause harm, they will not be able to hit the masked person.

Because the masked man is not only amazing in defense, but also Strong is terrifying. In addition to the obvious strength that is stronger than normal, it is basically a unimaginable thing to want to fight the masked man.

But Luo did it, and it seemed not at all laborious.

looks at this scene, Menci and Sambica relax completely.

From tight to slack, he almost fell to the ground with his legs weak.

Menqi’s stamina and mental strength are fairly good, that is, the injury of the right hand arm is relatively serious, but Sambica’s stamina and mental strength are almost bottomed out, and they are basically strong.

If Luo didn’t come at this time and face the attack of the masked men, they would be helpless.

“Luo, your run is too fast!”

At this time, the voice of the black cat came from the air.

I saw a plume of black smoke coming from the air, and it turned into a black Cat Form in the blink of an eye, and immediately fell on Luo’s shoulder.

“You are too slow.”

Luo raised his right hand and motioned for the black cat to roll.

The black cat curl one’s lip, turned into black smoke again, and got into Luo’s hand.

He knew Luo was going to fight next, so he needed to use his space extraction capabilities.

With the black cat shrinking his back, Luo hurriedly walked towards them.


Sambica welcomed him, glittering in her eyes.

Not far away, Menqi opened his mouth and shut up.


Luo had no time to tell the old, and saw that Sambika was exhausting his mental ability, he took out a piece of lichen and said, “Eat.”

Sambica took the lichen and swallowed it without asking.

The effect of the lichen evaporated immediately, as if there was a warm current flowing within the body, which gave a surprised look on her face.

“Qi is recovering?”

Sambika couldn’t help looking up, surprised at Luo who was near.

Facing Zambia’s surprised gaze, Luo explained with a smile: “This thing is called lichen. After swallowing, you can recover your mind and stamina in a short time.”

“Such a magical thing!” Sambika was even more surprised.


Luo nodded No more words, first a quick glance at the movements of the mask man, and then quickly walked past Sambica and came to Menki.

“do not move.”

Use a command tone to keep Menqi from moving.

And Men Qi is also obedient, but is just looking at Luo with an undisguised look.

Luo selectively ignored Menqi’s gaze and connected Menqi’s bones in just a few seconds, and then merged into a small piece of burning fairy grass.

Immediately after that was Pyeon, who was unconscious, and then Yinda, whose consciousness was a little fuzzy.

What Luo can do is integrate the burning grass into them within the body.

As for Saqiu

“he died.”

Looking at the situation of Xia Saqiu, Luo got up and looked at the mask man who came out of the darkness.

Qi Duo followed Luo behind, and silently looked at Sa Qiu, who lost his interest, sighed in his heart, and thought of the two unknown things that Luo had just used.

She was curious and doubtful, but at this moment, it was not appropriate to ask more, and she could only suppress the mood of wanting to get the answer as soon as possible.

“Luo, I’ll tell you the enemy’s information now.” Qi Duo said.

Luo glanced at Qi Duo, gently nodded, and did not reject Qi Duo’s kindness.

Qi Duo immediately talked about the mask man’s ability information, while Luo listened quietly while looking at the mask man coming out of the darkness.

Everyone present was very clear, and now there is no time to talk about the old and to chat.

What should be done is to eliminate the threat from mask people.

The masked person stepped into the range of light, and the mask on his face cracked several obvious cracks.

Had it not been covered by a mask, I’m afraid Luo would have seen the masked man’s face unbelievable at the moment.

“The mask was broken”

The masked man whispered in that unique language, and then came to the core energy guarded by Papilio.

Seeing the obvious rift in the mask, Qi Duo’s voice of information suddenly stopped.

The indestructible mask that had been attacked by Yin Da and Da Baboon for at least 5 times was hit by Luo’s knee.

If it is Luo, maybe

Quite a few spiritual tremors suddenly speeded up speech.

The nails are sharp, Strength is strong, and the defense is amazing.

From Qiduo’s story, these are the basic points.

Luo had fought with the gatekeepers, but he didn’t feel anything.

More curious, it may be the race of the mask person.

In terms of body shape, it is no different from humans.

However, human beings are confined to the race Innate Skill, impossible has such a strong apparent energy, from this point of view, it is not like humans.

Looks at reorganizing the masked man, Luo is considering whether to catch it alive.

If Qi Duo and Zambia knew Luo’s thoughts at the moment, they would definitely think that Luo was crazy.

Strikes to kill are already super a level, let alone catch alive.

“Don’t shoot, it will affect me.”

Luo left the next sentence and rushed towards the mask man.

Hearing Luo’s words made Qiduo’s expression complicated.

The meaning of that sentence is self-evident, but they can only pin the hope of defeating the masked man on Luo body.

If Luo can’t solve the masked person, the entire team will be slowly eaten away by the copper mechanical life form and the masked person over time.

Seeing Luo rushing over, the mask man made a low, angry roar.

He originally wanted to bring Papilio to help combat, but because of the safety of core energy, he eventually gave up.

Without Phoenix’s linear attack, all he can rely on is sharp nails and strong offense and defense.

On the way to Luo, the masker threw away ten nails.

This is the information provided by Qiduo.

Luo knows in advance that not at all uses nails to fight back.

Judging from the existing information, the nails counterattacked will not hurt the mask person, so there is no need to waste thoughts.

However, in order to avoid the accidental accident of stray bullets, Luo still chose to nail down.

The method he used was also very simple. He took a piece of palm-shaped sea mirror from the black cat space, knocked his nails one after another, and then stuffed the sea mirror into the black cat space.

Luo’s technique was hidden and fast, and they fell into Qiduo’s eyes. Only when they saw Luo’s palm reflected a white light, they heard the crisp sound of nails hitting Luo’s palms, and then the nails were hit to the ground. .

The nails shot at the mask human eyes were easily blocked, but did not give up, but threw away the newly regenerated nails in an attempt to affect Luo.

However, such a move is meaningless.

Luo didn’t bother at all, and he broke through the nails of the mask man one after another.

The distance between the two sides narrowed after a few waves of nail offensive.

After getting close enough, Luo suddenly used a moment, and his figure disappeared into the vision of the masked man.

Inertial vision makes the mask person lost a moment.

His resilience, honed in the environment, now turned into a sinking stone that bound his four limbs.

Originally adapted to Luo’s sprint Speed, but Luo suddenly disappeared, making him unable to process the information in a short time.

Luo went around the mask man behind, raised his hand, and took out Allah from the black cat space, and then chopped it towards the mask man’s neck.

The moment the Luo appeared and started, the masked man noticed that his apes-like arms were swiftly raked back, relying on pointed nails, he set up a defense in behind.


The long knife covered in rust and other stains was cut over the nails.

The expected sound, not at all, was heard, and Allah’s blade cut his nails directly, then chopped to the mask’s neck unabated.

Without feeling the point of stress, the masked person was acutely aware of the danger, and ample thoughts erupted at the soles of his feet.


The burst of thought, like rocket fuel, pushed his body forward.

When the cracked nails made a noise, it was when Luo’s sword was cut, and when the masked man pulled away.

The masked man thought he had barely escaped the attack, but the white light scattered from the front wave drowned his eyes.


That’s one of Luo’s skills.

One move to attack, one move to stealth.

The long-bladed slash is a clear attack, while General White Jade who cut off the rear is a stealth attack.

In the white light, General White Jade showed up, and in the gap where the Masked Man failed to react, he slashed across the Masked Man’s body.


The masked man was directly cut to the ground, shattering the solid floor tiles into countless fine marks.

Compared to the sharpness that Allah sacrificed for his lethality, the sharpness of General White Jade is still lacking.

This knife goes on like a stick, but it smashes the masked person to the ground.

But that’s enough.

Luo blinked and came to the mask man behind.

The masked man was aware of the danger, and his body energy burst out, forcibly shattering General White Jade.

Seeing this scene, a surprised look flashed in Luo’s eyes.

However, he did not miss this opportunity. In the gap after the Masked Man broke out, He drove Allah to draw 4 knives in the Masked Man body who had just stood up.

Left hand, right hand.

Left and right legs.

The masked person’s 4 limbs are separated from the torso.

Although there was no pain, he was keenly aware of it.

In amazement, a force hit the back.

It was Luo. After closing the sword, he kicked himself on the back of the masked man.

This foot directly flew the masked person into the air, and the four limbs that were cut off remained in place.

After Fei Fei masked man, Luo followed closely, a flashing body, came over the masked man who vacated, and stepped on the masked man’s back.

In this way, the masked person stepped directly on the ground, then he held Allah with his backhand, and nailed it to the back of the masked person.


Luo’s right hand left the hilt, and his index finger dangled his mind, drawing a series of obscure characters quickly in the air.

After drawing, slap backhand to slap the characters to the ground, centering on the human body of the mask to form a black character similar to the formation.

Cut off the four limbs, nail them with Allah, and suppress them with the character of Manipulator.

Luo felt that in this way, he could already control the masked person, and he caught the masked person alive as he planned.

In this case, maybe I can get some information from the mask man.

Off the field, Qi Duo, Men Qi, Sambika, and even healed, and Pioune who woke up from a coma, and Yin Da, who was fully integrated into a piece of burning fairy grass, all saw Luo’s one move the process of.

“Just, is that over?”

Qi Duo subconsciously clasped the double-handed wearing white gloves, even if she saw it with her own eyes, it was incredible.

She felt that Luo had the possibility to defeat the masked man, but didn’t expect the whole process to be so simple.

In contrast, what they have just experienced is a fierce battle!

Not to mention so many, all members of the association who noticed the results felt incredible.

That made Yinda entire group hard to fight, and sacrificed several elite enemies.

However, Luo used only a few faces to suppress the mask man?

There is a kind of what I thought was the king, but the result was Bronze’s sense of sight.

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