Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1097

Everyone in the team saw the iconic golden Avalokitesvara.

“Come on.”

Luo first calmly glanced into the dark depths of all around, and then headed towards golden Avalokitesvara.

Light algae has a limited range of illumination, so Luo can’t see too far.

But although you can’t see it, you can hear frequent movements from all around the darkness.

He knew that the life form of the copper machinery, like the goods on the assembly line, was coming here at a slow speed.

He headed for Golden Avalokitesvara, behind, the gold entire group kept pace.

“It’s President them,” Bi Siji’s eyes narrowed.

“It should be surrounded, but” Jin glanced at Bi Siji, and only said half.

He was thinking that the initial sound seemed to have nothing to do with the copper mechanical life forms.

Just thinking about it now seems a bit redundant.

At this moment, Netero was distracted, carrying an attack from a copper mechanical lifeform.

Behind the team, the situation is tight.

The masked man stood unscathed, and Yin Da was half-knelt on the ground not far away, looking extremely miserable.

His huge fist, at this time, the flesh was blurred, and the broken finger bone was faintly visible.

A puddle of blood was dripping from the bear’s chest. I don’t know where the blood came from, and a large pool of blood gathered under the feet.

Yinda’s pupils were a little bit dilated, and it was a miracle that this injury could not fall.

Earlier, he had hit the mask number of times, including the one that hit the back of the mask man’s head, with no good results.

After several successive attacks, the masked man caught an opportunity because the wound was cracked, and the whole battle suddenly collapsed.

Not far from Yinda, Saqiu fell to the ground, his back sunken, like a basin, his right leg was folded into three sections, barely stuck to the shredded pork, and his breath was weak. Maybe he might breathe in the next second.

Pioyne also lay down on the ground. The flesh on the left cheek was torn off, revealing clearly visible tooth cavities, and several ribs were broken and fell into a coma.

Qi Duo of complexion pale is guarding her and Saqiu while undergoing treatment.

On the field, the Da Baboon was also bathing in blood at this time. The abdomen, butt, and waist were all taken away by the mask man.

Although injured, there is still a battle.

It’s just that the situation is not optimistic right now.

Beside him, Menqi single-handed holding a kitchen knife, his body was wet with sweat, mixed with blood, and dripped on his feet.

Not far from them, Sambika’s chest was undulating, the mask was already wet, and the face that could be seen was a little bloody.

That is a sign of stamina and mental exhaustion.

In this battle with the Masked Man, their offense had no effect. No matter how they cooperated, they were all pressed by the Masked Man.

Can’t break the defense, anyone will despair.

The only thing that can be done is to restrain and then restrain.

As a result, they paid a terrible price over time.

Saqiu died, Pyoern was seriously injured and unconscious, Yinda could get unconscious at any time when her injuries worsened, Menchi had a severe fracture of her right hand, and Sambica and Qiduo were exhausted


Qitou looked towards the front of the team, and it was seen that golden Avalokitesvara was struggling to kill the enemy, while other team members were also tired of resisting the copper mechanical life form from the upper level.

“Go on like this”

Despair appeared in Qiduo’s eyes.

The battle strength assigned to the rear is already top-notch, but it is still broken by the mask man.

The masked man stood quietly in place, intact, as if ridiculing Qiduo.

“Dead lines.”

The masker glanced at Sambica, and immediately looked towards the baboon who was bathing in blood.

After so much entanglement, the mask man understands one thing even if he doesn’t think about it.

If he doesn’t clear the obstacle first, he will have a hard time approaching Sambica.

Now, the obstacles are almost cleared.

The mask man thought so, then rushed to the injured baboon.

Looks at the mask man rushing in, Da Baboon quickly checked the situation under Yin Da, his heart sank immediately.

I ca n鈥檛 count on Yinda 鈥檚 support.

Da Baboon’s heart fell to the bottom of the valley, but he could only meet the masked man.

Lack of support, the face of several baboons was severed by maskers under several faces.

Then, the masked man drew his fingers together, pierced the baboon’s belly, and immediately threw it away.

Like a rag bag, the baboon was thrown to the ground outside several dozen meters, and rolled out a blood red carpet.

Such an injury, for the Enhancer, would not kill him on the spot, but also completely lost the battle strength.

He lay on the ground and lifted the head, struggling to look at the masked man moved towards Zambia and Qiduo.

“What about others?”

He turned his gaze and saw only the members of the team entangled in the copper mechanical life form, suddenly desperate.

In front of the team, Netero seemed to notice something.

A brief loss caused the copper mechanical lifeform to break into a gap, and then affected the defense lines on the left and right sides of the team.

Under a chain reaction, one member immediately fell.

This phenomenon caused Netero’s facial expression grave to burst into distraction, trying to pull the defense line.

However, the gap has already been created and it will be difficult to fill it again.

The players, including Morel, were also aware of the crisis.

“Rear, huh?”

Morel split his spare time, followed the situation behind the team, and his face suddenly changed.

Damn, what happened next?

“Morel, what are you doing !?”

The eager voice of the teammates beside him pulled Morel’s thoughts.


Morel quickly controlled the smokers, making up for the gap that was almost opened.

Anyone present can clearly see the disadvantages of the situation.

As if stepping into the abyss!

Soon, not just Morel noticed the situation in the rear, and the person responsible for the left and right sides of the team also noticed.

Although nobody said anything, the seeds of despair quietly germinated in everyone’s heart.

They can feel that the number of copper mechanical life forms is steadily increasing.

Not only must we resist the attack of copper mechanical life forms, but we also waste energy and effort to sweep away the remains of copper mechanical life forms.

This continued entanglement, let alone breakout, I am afraid that the entire team will be swallowed up by the rear changes.

At this moment, a silhouette dazzling with white light came from the air in front of the team.

Netero was the first to notice that silhouette, first in surprise, then in surprise.


He couldn’t even believe his eyes, he didn’t understand why Luo appeared here.

But that’s a good thing!

He looked away, intertwined with Luo’s eyes.

Luo glanced at Netero nodded, grasping everything on the field.

Seeing the situation behind the Netero team, Luo’s eyes changed slightly.

Luo stepped in from the air, and the copper mechanical lifeform had the ability to fly in the air.

Seeing Luo’s arrival, there were hundreds of copper mechanical life-forms tweaking into the room, and Luo moved towards the air to slap away.

Luo looked indifferently towards the incoming copper mechanical life form, full of thoughts, releasing the realm of the field, and including the entire team of Netero in a blink of an eye.

Mind circles pass through the bodies of every Mind Power person, so that their bodies are lightly startled.

Even the masked man couldn’t help but stop, looking towards Luo who was full of danger in the air.

This was the first time he felt dangerous after meeting the Netero team.

The unique thought circle in the field also includes the copper mechanical life forms around the Netero team.

“Get out.”

Luo extended his index finger towards the copper mechanical life below, and then pressed down.

The copper mechanical lifeforms that were included in the scope of the field almost cracked like fireworks at the same time. With the crystal, they were all turned into fragments under the attention of the Netero entire group.


The members of the association who are not familiar with Luo’s strength are all looking at this scene.

Is n鈥檛 that aperture round?

But what happened just now?

Suddenly, more than 1000 copper mechanical life forms were destroyed?

Netero looked silently at this scene, but it was sighed in relief.

Destroyed all the copper mechanical lifeforms on the outer circle of the Netero team by area, greatly reducing the defensive pressure of the Netero team.

However, Luo not at all came directly to Netero, and there was no effort to explain to Netero.

He went straight to the back of the team, and immediately fell straight down, in a simple and rough style, broke into the sight of Zambia.


Luo looks at the mask man, but his eyes crossed, falling on the core energy and the three swallowtail butterfly bodies that interweave the thought lines.

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