Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1058

In the heart of the lava, Luo asked the black cat to take out ten Kakuzu.

He thinks about it, and thinks that the only safe way is to use [Wither] to kill all kinds of creatures in Lava Lake.

Although for the moment, the creatures below have not threatened him, but he is very clear that once it goes down, it will inevitably cause an 8-party attack.

If it was just a group of more than ten species, Luo could not be confident, but he would not be empty.

But if there are more life forms of elements and the dozens of waterfalls lava, then he must weigh carefully.

The final decision is to use [Wither] to restrict the elemental life form and this group of creatures.

This can be considered a kind of luck. If it was n’t for the gatekeepers who sent [Withered] and [Shi Kakuzu], even if they can penetrate into the lava geocentric area, they can only enter Baoshan and return. It must be an uncomfortable experience.

The black cat glanced at the ten Kakuzu that Luo was holding in his hand, and said anxiously: “Luo, you have to be merciful, I think those ducks, mice, etc. should be very good.”

“Otherwise you come?”


The black cat’s smoked body shrank into a small briquette.

Luo shook his head slightly, staring at the red light shimmering lava lake below, condensing: “Hold up.”

Before the words fell, they jumped forward and jumped to the lava lake below.

Dozens of lava waterfalls interspersed in the air are like a life-threatening ring of fire, emitting high-temperature fire.

Luo used the field to adjust the trajectory at any time, avoiding the lava waterfalls, and finally suspended above the lava lake.

The smoked black cat also passed dangerously and dangerously, came to Luo’s side, and sighed in his heart: This is really not a broken place for people to come.

The arrival of Luo and the black cat naturally attracted the attention of the lava creatures.

That split second, the same camp that was originally in harmony, immediately divided into 2 different positions.

The elemental life form, which can freely change its form, shows a fierce offensive posture as if being stimulated.

It has the same performance, including chickens, dogs, birds, horses and other lava creatures.

They are all hostile towards Luo and the Black Cat.

As for the other creatures, it was just a casual glance at Luo and the black cat, and then he continued to take a lava bath.

The lava creatures are not at all in the same faction, but Luo is a bit surprised. Relatively, the stress and risk will be less.

This is a good thing.

There was a smile on Luo’s face, and he immediately ignored the hostility released by the elemental life form, and rushed to the nearest burning grass.

There is a rock protruding from the lake in Lava, which can withstand the high temperature of Lava.

If it is an ordinary stone, it has long been melted away.

The surrounding rock walls that can withstand lava flow not just are also extraordinary.

Luo’s actions directly caused a violent reaction from the hostile lava creatures.

Among them, the response of the elemental life form was the strongest, and the whole number of ten clustered together, setting off a 4-meter-high wave in the lava lake, paving towards Luo.

Other lava creatures, including turkeys, are close behind.

They can live peacefully in the lava area because they feed on lava, and therefore, they have no motivation or reason to kill each other.

Skimming out food needs does not prevent them from taking the initiative to expel Outsiders.

In their opinion, Luo was an uninvited and hard-hitting territories, so it was necessary to turn him into ashes.

The actions of the elemental life body and the lava creature, not at all, made Luo’s movements stagnate in any way, but his body quickly passed through the air, but it was a forerunner to reach the rock where the fairy grass was growing.

As soon as it landed, even if there was the dual protection of burning grass and the field, Luo could feel the horror Energy scattered from the rocks within the body.

“Is this … Froststone?”

Luo immediately startedled. Didn’t expect such a large rock under the foot would be a flint-by-fire stone. To what extent did the energy density contained in unimaginable reach.

In this case, if we use brute force to pull out the burning grass, it is estimated that it will immediately cause a super big explosion.

Are all the rocks that can be seen with naked eyes all around … ?

Due to anxiety in his heart, he did not immediately pull out the burning grass.

At the same time, the gently flowing lava lake surrounding the rocks suddenly exploded several waves.

Five tentacle-like lavas flew into the air, stabbed from 5 directions towards Luo on the rock.

Luo’s attention quickly moved from the teleportation on the burning fairy grass, and he tilted his head to look at the lava tentacles coming in, and the bright red light filled his eyes instantly.

That is one of the transformed forms of the elemental life form, which should be sneaked from elsewhere.


Luo’s circle of thoughts wrapped around his body was like a balloon blowing in vain, expanding outwards quickly.

The lava tentacle strikes are on the smooth surface of the circle, like a slam of water slammed onto the sphere, bouncing and rebounding into the air, turning into sporadic residues, falling on the lava lake, and gradually spraying water.

At the same time, Luo’s skin gradually became rosy, and a stream of black smoke erupted from the soles of his feet on the rocks.

After shattering the incoming elemental life form, Luo without the slightest hesitation shrinks the scope of the field, and the body wrapped around the body seems to be an all-round protective armor.

Then, he looked towards the cluster of elemental beings and lava creatures, and quickly raised the right hand holding [Shikakuzu] as if pulling the trigger. Press his fingertips at the center of [Shikakuzu]. Protrusions.

No sound came out, and a black drop of ink, like this, emerged from [Ten Kakuzu] within the body and flew into the lava wave composed of dozens of elemental life forms.

As if dripping into the sea, there were not even a few ripples, and the lava wave rushed towards Luo unabated.

This was enough to scare any human, but Luo didn’t panic at all.

He serene stood on the rock, staring calmly at the imminent danger.

Withering, at this moment, the branches and leaves were opened, and it was cut off from the lava wave without any sign. It was also unreasonable to tear the lava wave apart in just a few breaths.

Each branch, from thin lines to thick arms, is a blink of an eye, and the side also plans dozens of elemental life forms. The energy density is high enough to make [withered] open in a short time. Out of ink flowers.

As a result, under the calm gaze of Luo, the wave of lava that had previously been astonishingly powerful immediately collapsed and became the nourishment.

In order to reduce the risk, Luo not at all allowed the excited [Wither] to further devour the creatures following the lava wave, but threw away [Ten Kakuzu], returned [Wither] to the furnace to rebuild, and let it Change back to seed form.

And the work of recycling [Shi Kakuzu] was given to the smoked black cat.

Looks at lava creatures who are also some distance away from themselves, Luo’s attention once again falls on the burning fairy grass.


Luo whispered to himself, waved his hand to cut the burning fairy grass and cut it into a bag.

If you pull it hard, it is estimated that a big bang will occur. If there is a chain reaction at that time, even if it is withered, it will not work well.

In desperation, we can only choose to cut back.

In this way, it is equivalent to abandoning part of the burning fairy grass.

Unfortunately, Luo had no choice.

Outside the entrance to the lava area, everyone looked at Luo and got a 10000-point thrilling burning grass.

“He’s playing with fire, that thing … too dangerous!”

Skeletons couldn’t hide their fear.

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