Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1057

Some people can’t stop once they open the conversation box.

Skeletons are obviously this type.

The evil star he raised suddenly made everyone’s heart.

“What’s that?” Someone asked.

The Skeleton thought about it and said, “It should be a door panel.”


“At that time, I was far away, and I felt that the thing was very dangerous. How could I take the initiative to approach it, just looking at at like a door panel, but a bit like a slate.”

“Be more specific.”

“Isn’t this difficult for strong men?” The skeleton murmured, and then seriously thought back to the scene he saw at that time. After a pause of about ten seconds, he opened the mouth and said: “The door is black, and the thickness is about the same. The hand is so long, then it’s about the same height as me, and it’s about three times as tall. “

Everyone heard that the subconscious brain supplemented the evil star appearance described by the skeleton.

Assuming that this evil star is a stone plate, the actual area is actually not large, so the skeleton person at first used the door panel to describe it, but it was close.

“It’s just a slab, how can it be a star?” Buha said doubtfully.

The red light in the eyes of the skeleton was always bright and dark, in a dignified tone: “I saw that it absorbed all life encountered along the way, including the bones, but there was not even a scum left, you said it Isn’t it evil? “

Upon hearing this, Bu Hayi looked dignified, and quite agreed with the skeleton man’s statement.

Looking at other people, they also show more or less look of dreading.

King suppressed his doubts and asked, “How long have you been here?”

“It’s been almost 3 years.”

“Really, then you should know that in the underground world, in addition to the largest number of bones and some dangerous creatures, there are also other humans who build settlements here.”

“You say humans?” The Skeleton tone was slightly surprised.

“Why, haven’t you seen it?” Golden Eyes looked puzzled.

The skeletons thought about it, and then said: “Yes, but strictly speaking, they can no longer be considered humans.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you know what a hybrid Bloodline is?” The Skeleton asked.

“Just half-breed?”

“Well, that’s all right.” The skeleton was nodded, and then a finger bone protruded from the gap in the Nian Net, pointing up: “Now, only a handful of humans are still struggling to survive on the surface. Assimilated human beings can no longer be regarded as human beings in the strict sense. “

“Including several tribal lands in the underground world, I usually call them humanoids, such as me. Although I can’t coexist with the bone tribe here, I can no longer be called a human, but rather a human being. Bone race. “

“Humanoid …” Kim touched the chin, and after thinking for a moment, he asked the question that he was most concerned about: “Did the Saturn you said attack the humanoid’s residence?”

“I don’t know.” The skeleton said solemnly: “I don’t even know where it came from. When I saw it at first, I thought it was Demon Lord, so I followed for a while, and felt later It’s too dangerous, so give up tracking and hide from the wind. “

“If it hadn’t left the underground world, I wouldn’t have swayed around simply, more …”

Speaking of which, the skeleton man suddenly shut up.

His next sentence is: not to meet you so bad luck.

“That evil star is a lot like Demon Lord?”

“It’s not like images, mainly because they are all square-shaped.”

“So it turns out, then, how did Saturn absorb the bones?”

“If it weren’t for my night vision ability, I really couldn’t answer this question.” The skeleton’s tone was a little proud.

Turned into a skeleton by the Demon Lord song, lost something, and got something, such as a steel-like body, such as night vision ability …

“Speak less nonsense, ask what you ask, you will answer whatever.” Tonpa hit the Skeleton Man appropriately, and the consequence was to get the Skeleton Man’s eye attack.

“Come on,” King urged.

The skeleton spit Tonpa with a spiritual spit, and then said: “The black door panel can float in flight, its moving trajectory is very strange, and the speed is not slow. The intelligent bones with high intelligence can feel the danger of the door panel, so they will hide far away. The door. “

“But those bones with lower intelligence are bad luck. They seem to not see the black door panels, and even if the black door panels are close to them, they are unresponsive.”

“The door panels just touched them lightly. As a result, they fell into the abyss without any struggle. They were sucked into the ripples on the surface of the door panel. No matter how big the volume was, they were not immune.

After listening to the words of the skeleton people, including gold, it is difficult for everyone to hide the grave expression.

The most terrifying existences on the dark continent are, for example, the black shadows that Luo once encountered that can devour 10000 things, as well as the Demon Lord tune and black slate that the skeleton people now call.

“Are there any intelligent bones absorbed by the slate?”


“Did not resist?”

“No, I resisted, but it was useless. Any attack fell on the slate, let alone damage. There was no sound.”


The skeleton said with emotion: “That’s why I say you’re lucky. If you come over 2 months in advance, you will meet you sooner or later at the speed of the slate, and you know nothing about the slate, and you will definitely suffer.”

No one disputed the skeleton’s remarks, and had linked the killer who destroyed the dwelling to the black slate that the skeleton said.

Seeing the silence of the group of humans in front of them, the skeleton thought to himself that he had said that many, shouldn’t he let himself go.

Thinking of this, he probed: “Well, the question was asked, and I answered and answered, can I …”

“No no no, I also didn’t ask many questions.” Kim smiled.

“You … wouldn’t you want to play a word game?” The skeleton warned.

“Oh? You even know the term?” Kim was surprised.

“What about it? Is it weird?”

Skeletons have lived for a long time, and what they saw, encountered, and heard, even Jin’s group of people could not compare with him.

“Not surprising, anyway, you can rest assured that we won’t treat you like anything.” Kim laughed, and immediately looked towards the picture of the fox beast reflected on the rock wall, saying, “When we Captain come back, let’s have a good chat . “


Only then did the skeleton man pay attention to the picture on the rock wall. When he saw what Luo was holding in his hands, the red light in his eye sockets waved up and down, shocked: “How can you have that kind of thing?”

Kim looks at that thing, thought about it, said with a smile: “A group of guys brought it over.”

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