Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1036

The bronze mechanical life forms in the ruins are numerous and come in many forms.

The copper mechanical life form that appeared in front of Ge’er’s eyes was a new form she had not seen this month.

However, the copper mechanical life forms encountered so far, despite their different forms, are not at all different in the degree of danger. They all have the ability to [rust] the target.

Even if the ability of the copper mechanical life body is probably figured out, the Hunters Association has always chosen to avoid war during this period of time, and play hide and seek with the copper mechanical life body wandering on the negative layer.

Because the copper mechanical life forms seem to maintain a certain connection within a certain [plane range]. If you touch a certain copper mechanical life form, then other surrounding copper mechanical life forms will come at the fastest speed. .

Therefore, Ge Er was limited to observation, and he did not take any action at all.

“It looks different, but there should be no difference in mobility and capability characteristics.”

Ge Er thought silently, then immediately retracted the wall Kakuzu and looked at the surrounding environment.

The underground remains are large, and although the terrain is complex, the interior is full of space.

For example, the channel where Ge’er is located has a single width of up to 8 meters and a height of about 4 meters.

The abundance of space, on the contrary, avoids the disadvantages of one side.

However, hunters who come to the Dark Continent are professional and can overcome this terrain disadvantage.

“How to join the team?”

Ge Er Brows tightly knit, convergent breath runs along the wall, avoiding the new copper mechanical life body nearby.

In my mind, at least ten areas where the team resides emerged.

The Hunters Association hasn’t done nothing for more than a month in the negative ground floor.

While figuring out the terrain of the ruins, they will also remember the range of movement of the copper mechanical life forms in their minds.

Although the negative layer has not been penetrated, many patrol ranges of copper mechanical life bodies can be easily avoided, and more than a dozen safer places have been found.

But those safety points are not Safety Sector in the sense, they are just a little safer than other locations.

After disconnecting from the team, the meeting point considered by Ge Er is these safety points.

She believes that the idea of ​​the large army should be consistent with her, after all, she is not sure if she is the only one out of touch with the team.

“The closer security point is also a distance from here.”

Ge’s brain turned quickly, and the sweat beads slid down her wheat-colored smooth forehead to the pointed chin.

It is not easy to calculate the complex map information stored in the head, and it is quite brain cell-consuming.

In a situation where one step mistake may fall into the abyss, in order to improve the fault tolerance rate, she can only be meticulous and meticulous, careful and careful.

“One main route and two alternative routes.”

Ge Er calculated the course, and then long put out a breath, using the ability to soften the right hand arm, the entire right hand palm became a snake head with a bow on the neck and 4 loving hearts on the forehead.

As the soft serpentine arm becomes longer, it follows Energy conservation principles, and the arm becomes thinner accordingly.

Ge Er controlled the snake head with spirituality, extended it, climbed along the wall, poked his head in the dark, and investigated the situation in the Kakuzu channel.

After confirming that there is no copper mechanical life body in the passage that must pass, the snake head directly feeds information into Ge Er’s mind.

Later, Ge Er crossed Kakuzu, still walking along the wall Kakuzu, very carefully.

The copper mechanical life forms in the ruins have night vision capabilities, but the special thing is that the source of light and darkness are the same in their eyes.

Only the Hunters Association did not realize this, and only knew that the copper mechanical lifeforms had night vision capabilities, so the negative layer of the remains drilled in by the source of light is a relatively favorable environment for humans.

The snake head transformed by Ge Er’s right hand arm has heat source induction, and can see the power source spar of the copper mechanical life body hidden within the body in the dark environment.

Therefore, as long as she is careful, she can basically avoid all copper mechanical life forms encountered along the way.

Ge Er stepped on this step, walked along the wall, and gradually walked towards the nearest safe point.

If there are no copper mechanical living objects nearby, there will be no sound in the entire passage or room.

The flowing breeze fluttered on his face, carrying a hint of coldness.

If there is no source of light that is dropped from the ground to this place, plus a person alone, it will be difficult to persist in this environment.

To date, the only human being who has overcome loneliness and persisted is only Dong Fuli.

Ge Erfang walked lightly, and when he approached an embedded “u” -shaped small hole, he fixed his eyes slightly.

Inside the pothole, a rusty body that could not see any creature was lying, leaving less than 20% of the body structure.

Obviously, this is the handwriting of a copper mechanical life form.

Ge Er’s gloomy glance swept past the broken rusty body, crossed the embedded pothole, and continued along the wall.

After walking a certain distance, raise the other hand, cut off a section of rhizome plant growing on the wall, and then bite it with a small mouth, supplementing within the body Energy.

These edible plants are everywhere in the ruins.

Therefore, no matter how long the Hunters Association and Beyond team stay here, they don’t have to worry about food.

After swallowing a section of rhizome plants, Ge’er continued to move forward, his slender figure constantly appeared between light and shadow, and the snake head turned by the palm constantly found out the road ahead.

When he came to Kakuzu, a point not far from the safety point, Ge Er held his breath, and leaned his back on the edge of the wall.

Inside the Kakuzu aisle, there are three bronze mechanical life forms of different shapes.

They stand still, like sculptures.

“This road won’t pass unless there is something that can lead them away.”

Ge Er bit his lip Kakuzu, focusing on the three stationary mechanical bodies of copper in the passage for a short time.

She didn’t notice at all that a hand-unknown object was swimming slowly among the dense plants on the wall, coming towards her left shoulder.

Vaguely, the unidentified object reveals its body. It is a bar-shaped object connected in series by 7 marble-shaped diamond-shaped copper blocks. A small piece of spar exuding a weak source of light is engraved in the center.

The tips of the diamond-shaped copper blocks are against each other, and the joint is like a strong adhesive, so that the 7 copper blocks become a seamless whole, like an Insect.

The copper worm came silently above Ge Er’s shoulder, and the sharp copper Kakuzu on the diamond-shaped copper block on the head suddenly pierced Ge Er’s shoulder on the outside.


Acupuncture-like pain quickly came, and Ge’er’s body suddenly trembled. Regardless of the current situation, he rushed forward a few steps.

A few drops of blood flew from the wound on Ge Er’s shoulder, and when it splashed to the ground, it had turned into a circle of rust.

The copper bug that attacked Geer arched his body and stood on the wall vine, like a cobra in an offensive posture.

Ge Er looks at the copper bug that attacked him, and there was a panic in the bottom of his eyes.

The left shoulder suddenly became extremely heavy. Even if I didn’t have to look, I knew that part of the body was rusted by the attack of the copper bug in front of me.

“Why is there such a thing …!”

Ge Er had no intention to fight back, without the slightest hesitation, he turned and ran.

In this place, human beings lose the right to attack.

Unless, has the ability to completely destroy the copper mechanical life forms in the ruins.

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