Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1035

The Hunters Association’s mission is to arrest Bijand or strike to kill in place.

They first came to the dark continent, chose to camp in the forest not far from the coastline, and then waited for work, waiting for the arrival of Beyondet’s team.

Because there is the ability of [Destination of the Letter] of the 2-branch Rooster Crook, as long as Yang De’s team enters a specific range, the effect of [Positioning Ability] can be triggered.

If you’re lucky, you might be able to meet the landed Bijand team in the camp.

In that case, the Hunters Association will be able to master the time and place, and the odds of solving the team better than Yang De will be greatly improved.

It is a pity that the dark continent is too large, and the chance of trying to block the coastline to Yang De’s team is not high.

The result was no surprise, 2 teams missed.

But the good news is that according to Crook ’s ability feedback, it shows that the landing site of the team is not too far away, at least not to the north or south.

As a result, the Hunters Association is ready to go through the forest at the fastest speed, and wants to detour Biyang De’s team in a roundabout way.

This will be an unprecedented fierce battle.

Every member of the Hunters Association knows this.

Then, the Hunters Association’s team crossed various dangerous areas to a huge underground ruin.

The ruins are located in the middle of a sea of ​​trees, occupying a large area. There are only a few layers of buildings exposed on the ground, and there are ruins everywhere. It is strange that no plants can be seen in the area of ​​the broken ruins on the ground.

The buildings built under the ground are covered with plants.

In addition, the structure of the ruined building seems to be comparable to that of an anthill, and it is unknown how many floors downward, and the terrain is intricate.

When the Hunters Association came to this site, Crook’s [letter] also flew into the site, showing that Beyond’s team was at the site of the site.

Although the [letter] of Crook can guide the team to find the location of Beyond’s team, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, to let Beyond’s team know their arrival.

As a result, the two sides had already prepared for the battle in advance before they had formally contacted each other.

However, the two sides have been wandering in the huge ruins for more than a month.

The only large-scale frontal battle was not able to fight in the end.

Because, [copper mechanical life body] living in the ruins launched an attack on both sides of the battle.

Not only that, but the uninvited [Void Life Form] stepped into the battle.

After the intervention of two essentially near disasters, the Hunters Association and Bijande’s team resigned decisively, quickly withdrew from the battle circle, and then hid in the huge underground ruins.

The Younger team moved faster than the Hunters Association, took the lead in entering the underground ruins, and did not choose to stay in the negative floor, and continued to go down.

The Hunters Association took into account the familiarity of Beyond’s team with the ruins, so he only chose to play in the negative layer, and did not rush to pursue the team.

There are many reasons for this choice, because the number of copper mechanical life forms in the ruins is too horrible, and the ground is covered with a thick defensive cordon, trapping Bejande’s team and the hunter team in the underground ruins.

Moreover, in addition to the copper mechanical life forms, there are also Void life forms that follow the hunter team.

It is a living body without a concrete form, similar to the virtual on Alcatraz Island, but the virtual will wrap a white bandage on the body, and the Void living body that can come to the ruins is [rag] and [hay branch] Pad several parts of the body.

Compared to the emptiness with many gaps in the body, the Void life form that came to the ruins is more complete and looks like a scarecrow on the edge of the field can be seen everywhere.

Therefore, the Hunters Association uses the name [Scarecrow] to refer to the Void life form that came to the ruins.

Not only because that Void’s life-like body looks like a scarecrow, but also because of the information the Hunters Association got from [Gnome] a month ago.

All in all, the Hunters Association and Bijande’s team only experienced a burst of sparks, and before the fire ignited, they were interrupted by the copper mechanical lifeforms in the ruins and the scarecrow chased by them.

Although both parties have entered the underground ruins, it is already difficult to fight again, because there are many wandering copper mechanical lifeforms in the underground ruins, just like guards, always fulfilling the mission of clearing the outsider.

That’s why the goalkeepers not at all shot at Beyondet and the Hunters Association.

And the copper mechanical life forms guarding the underground ruins are not the same as Luo they had encountered before.

Luo The copper mechanical life form they encountered in a relic somewhere was a kind of electricity-sensitive existence, which suddenly appeared at that time, and then attacked Luo’s body phone.

It was quite thrilling at that time, and the whole phone was almost rusty.

The copper mechanical lifeforms left here are not interested in electrical energy, but rather sensitive to Incursio’s life.

Perhaps the Scarecrow is special, so the remains of the copper mechanical life will not attack the Scarecrow, and the Scarecrow will not actively provoke the Copper Mechanical life in the ruins.

Therefore, the Scarecrow only wandered in the ruins on the ground, and even though Beyond’s team and the Hunters Association entered the underground ruins, he did not chase them in.

The main activity area of ​​the Hunters Association is the negative layer of the underground ruins.

This is a more patient game. Whoever operates more patiently will have a greater winning percentage.

For more than a month, the Hunters Association has only explored more than half of the ruins on the negative layer.

Today, a sudden attack by a large number of copper mechanical life forms disrupted the position of the Hunters Association.

Ge Er was forced to be out of touch. Because of the pursuit of copper mechanical life, she could only avoid the edge.

The negative space of the ruins is the only place in the whole underground ruins that has source of light, and it is also the least dangerous area.

Relying on the source of light of the channel space drilled into the gap of the broken building on the ground, Ge Er, who chose to avoid the sharp edge, kept avoiding the copper mechanical life forms that were moving around all around.

Although she didn’t have to take the initiative to pick up this battle, the biggest problem she faced was how to merge with the team.

“ka ka.”

In the darkness without a source of light, the sound of gear rotation becomes more apparent.

Ge Er focused his gaze on the copper mechanical life form that showed the silhouette from the darkness.

It was a spiral stitching of more than a dozen face-sized gears, which looked extremely messy, but the gears fit seamlessly, giving people a weird look.

In the body of the cobbled gear, there is an unidentified spar that emits a glimmer of light, which seems to be the source of power.

Moreover, the copper mechanical life forms are floating in the air, and a stream of thoughts swirling from the spar, circling around, holding up the seemingly heavy body.

After the copper mechanical life form stepped out of the dark area, it lost the trace of Ge Er, so it stopped in place and seemed to be thinking.

“It’s a different piece of torn copper!”

Ge Er looked dignified after seeing the nearby copper mechanical life forms.

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