Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1029

Luo’s words surprised everyone.

Not to mention the strange thing, there are instruments and equipment in the remains of ancient humans?

“is it possible?”

Sheila looks at the glooming uncertain Luo.

Anyone with basic common sense will feel impossible.

But before seeing the ancient labyrinthine city, would anyone believe that it was built by ancient humans?

It can only be said that on a dark continent that is in crisis, there may be only a slight difference from impossible.

“Although it is incredible, the person who uses the circle is Luo.” Nobu has unreserved trust in Luo, and he is willing to believe even if it is not realistic.

“So in other words, did modern humans have a modern level of technology?”

“It’s too early to conclude.”

“Indeed, but these lights are very convincing.”

“Just go in and see?”

Everyone 7 spoke 8 tongues.

“Strange thing?” Tonpa looked towards Luo.

At this moment, Luo was staring at the doors and windows exuding a little light. After hearing Tonpa’s words, his eyes were deflected, and Tonpa’s inquiring gaze came.

“Well, it was the human figure you detected in the ruins, but the human figure looked like a string of sarcoma on the waist.”


Everyone heard the words for a moment.

“You have to see for yourself what exactly it is.” Luo’s eyes appeared to be thinking. He actually had some guesses, but he wasn’t sure.

“So I said, just go in and see.” The black cat pouted.

Kim glanced at the black cat and asked, “Luo, are the dead things inside?”

“Yes, no moving objects have been detected for the time being.”

“Would you like to go in?”

Luo thought for a moment, looked around the teammates present, and finally faced Jin Nodded.

It was an inevitable decision to go in and explore, but he was just wondering whether to let non-combatants go to the 4D apartment first.

However, considering that Yuan did not explore living things, I felt that the danger inside the building should not be high, so I felt that it was not necessary to avoid non-combatants.

Seeing Luo’s decision, the black cat became the size of a domestic cat, otherwise it could not get through the narrow building windows and doors.

Luo walked ahead, with non-combatants in the middle, and gold at the end of the team to guard.

In this way, the team passed through Small Sect and entered the building.

The first thing that caught the eye was the light strip on the wall, which looked like a crack in an egg, emitting a dim light, reflecting everything inside the building.

The ground was messy, broken vessels and items were visible, and even paper objects were faintly visible.

A set of tables and chairs covered with dust, either upside down or standing, scattered around the room at will.

And at the end of the room, there were more than 50 standing glass containers, each of which was filled with unknown liquid, and a human body standing on a metal sphere stood in the liquid.

“GuLu sigh.”

A small string of air bubbles occasionally rose from the bottom of the container, over the human body of the gold and silver ingot parasite.

Everyone was amazed by the light on the glass container and the many embryos on the lumbar side of the gold and silver ingot parasite.

That’s what Luo called a sarcoma!

Everyone’s attention was completely attracted by various biological embryos in glass containers.

As a result, no one paid attention to a piece of equipment placed against the wall in a short period of time, just like the current snowflakes flashing from time to time on the many screens in the monitoring room.

The wall building entered by Luo entire group is rectangular, the instrument containers are placed at the other end of after entering Sect, and the floor of the room is more than 5 meters high from the ceiling, and at the place where the equipment is placed on the Kakuzu wall, there is Stairs to the Second Layer.

“Did you see that? Human embryos”

There was a ghostly expression on Lao Bai’s face, and there were no less than 5 types of embryos derived from the waist side of the gold and silver ingot parasites, including humans.

“Not just human embryos!”

“Does it mean that gold and silver ingots have evolved to reproduce after parasitizing?”

“So the parasitic target will not rot? But the gold and silver ingots we met outside did not produce so many embryos!”

“What is the situation?”

It was hard to hide the surprise.

Luo was silent for a while, saying nothing, but taking a step forward slowly.

The force of the soles to step on the ground is not great, even weak, but it still raises a cloud of dust.

I don’t know how long it has been silent, even if the attributes of walls and ceilings tend to be metal, thick dust is accumulated.

Everyone just walked in lightly and watched all around the environment while being vigilant.

Except for the gold and silver ingot parasites at the other end of the room, no threat was found for the time being.

Luo walked in front of the team. The pace of the march was not large and light.

While walking, his eyes were always locked on the container holding the gold and silver ingot parasites.

As the distance approached, he saw an eye slit in the sphere head of the gold and silver ingots in the container, and his heart suddenly jumped.

Just then, he stepped on a piece of paper, stopped suddenly, and raised his hand to signal the team to stop.

Looking away from the container, he looked at the ground.

I saw a sheet of Kakuzu showing the edge of the thick dust.

Luo immediately crouched down, removed the dust, and pulled the paper out.


Dust dropped from the paper.

Luo took the paper and shook it slightly. A small amount of dust fell from the paper and slowly drifted to the ground.

“Sister Ling, it’s ancient writing.”

Luo looked at the crescent-shaped graphic text on the paper, released the field to cover the paper, and threw it to Saling, who was in the middle of the team.

After receiving the paper that Luo had thrown away, Saling concentratedly looked at the graphic text on the paper.

“I don’t think it’s the so-called super-ancient human relics here,” Old Bai Nana said.

No one objected to his statement. If they did n’t come here step by step, if someone told them that this is just an abandoned research institute in a modern country on the six continents, they would believe it.

Luo glanced at his teammates and said, “Don’t bother, I’ll clean up the scene.”

“it is good.”

Later, Luo released the realm, covering more than half of the room.


Luo’s right hand stretched straight forward, and if he was manipulating the puppet, the five hands were shaking with extreme melody, as if playing the strings of a harp.

At the same time, all dead objects within the realm drift slowly into the air, including every grain of sand.

Si Yanji was not far from Luo behind, and she looked at Luo’s jittery not just hand, and there was a gleam in her eyes.

She guessed that Luo had integrated the skill of playing the harp into the field.

So much

She shifted her gaze and looked at all the debris floating in the air.

The heavy dust that had originally accumulated on the ground gradually faded from the debris under the control of Luo, and seemed to be attracted to the place where Kakuzu fell, as if attracted by magnets.

“Delicate to horrible control.”

Everyone looks silently at the operation of removing all the dust in the field, in addition to admiring, how can you feel?

In this way, Luo quickly sorted the debris in front of everyone.

Utensils, paper, rags, metal fragments

The things were so many and complicated that they were sorted by Luo one by one and placed on the ground.

In this way, there are fewer and fewer debris floating in the air.

Everyone saw many olive-sized silver metal objects in the air, with pleasing spiral patterns engraved on the surface.

Luo looks at the metal object of Bullets, and unconsciously thought of the seeds that could be used to suck blood and flesh from Alcatraz Island.

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