Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1028

The source of light emerging on the wall is a strip of light as thin as chopsticks, with canine teeth staggered over the entire wall.

Maybe the surface of the wall has been split by lightning, so the rays of light are very weak, just like the dying firefly Fire Insect.

Even though the rays of light are faint, due to the sudden arrival, so that everyone’s response is slightly larger, open the fine holes almost at the same time, and watch out for the source of light that appears on the wall surface.

Not only one wall, but all walls that can be seen in the field of vision, a source of light emerges.

“what’s the situation?”

Everyone is afraid to act blindly without thinking, just watch and watch.

“Tonpa, have any enemies been detected?” Luo stared at Tonpa while gazing at the shimmering light stubbornly revealed from the scorching black.

“No,” Tonpa replied quickly.

“Including the building?” Luo confirmed again.

“Yes, no living things have been found inside the building for the time being.”

“Will we go in and see?” Nob asked.

The timing of the light is too weird, and is this a source of light that is powered by electricity?

So, to what extent did the ancient human science and technology level reach?

“Watch for a while before making a decision,” Luo said.

“Luo, my detection circle …” Tonpa was trying to explain something, and suddenly realized that Giles was present, he stopped at half of what he said, and said, “Maybe you can detect it with a circle.”

Luo looked towards Tonpa, noticing Tonpa’s glance at Giles, but he didn’t make a circle in front of Giles, but faced Tonpa nodded.

Everyone wondered why the walls suddenly glowed.

Among them, Saling gazed at the streaks of lights on the wall.

The area that the source of light flows through seems to be those unknown indentations on the original wall.

If you remember correctly, those nicks are zigzag and have no connection with the text.

At first, at the time of discovery, no one knew the motive of ancient humans to score on the walls.

But now, the answer seems to be coming out.

“Remember the nicks that were left on the wall?” Saling pointed to the source of light on the wall.

Upon hearing Salin’s reminder, everyone remembered, and began to compare the memories left in their heads.

The source of light on that wall overlaps highly with the score lines in the impression.

In other words, those nicks work like electric lights?

Jin Shen said, “If these lights are transformed by electricity, the culprit may be the lightning released by the mountain ship.”

Luo said: “actually this possibility, but if it is true, the level of science and technology of ancient humans would be too advanced.”

King took a look at him and said seriously: “But on this continent, what is also impossible?”


“So, how long are we going to observe here?” The black cat asked out of place.

Hearing the words of the black cat, everyone looked towards Luo.

Facing everyone’s eyes, Luo thought for a moment and said, “For the moment.”

Speaking, he looked at the ruins again, then looked in the direction of the mountain boat, and said, “First confirm the life and death of that Demon Beast.”

Eliminate potential hazards before identifying the cause.

This is a decision made by Luo.

Everyone jumped on the back of the black cat, only Giles stood still.

“I want to confirm what’s going on in the rubble.”

Looks at the people on the back of the black cat, and Giles looks indifferent.

Luo they have something to confirm, and Giles has something to confirm.


Luo retracted his gaze to Giles, and gave the black cat a slight back motion to signal that the black cat began to lift off.

The black cat stepped on his feet and jumped up.

Giles watched the black cat rise into the air, and suddenly said, “Thank you, I have written down this kindness.”

Luo didn’t go to see Giles again.

He is unkind, he never cared.

Under the watch of Giles, the black cat led the crowd out of the aisle, ascended to the top of the building, and then along the direction of the mountain boat leaving, Tonpa’s detection circle searched the whereabouts of Ting Bi.

On the way, everyone found that the buildings that glow on the walls were not just a few buildings in the ruins, but every building seen along the way would glow.

What exactly caused the buildings in the ancient labyrinth city to suddenly emit lights?

Is it really because of the thunder current that the mountain boat cut down?

After guessing, Tonpa’s investigation circle quickly found Ding Bi’s whereabouts.

It seems that Ding Bi not at all escaped too far when the shadow shrouded by the mountain boat came over.

Under Tonpa’s guidance, the black cat carried the crowd to Ding Bi’s body.

A body similar to coke lay straight on the ground. Of the three long tails, two were broken in half.

“Demon Beast with such a thick skin has been split into this ghost …” Nobunaga is hard to hide his surprise. Among the people here, only he has a deep knowledge of Demon Beast’s skin thickness.

From this we can see how strong the formidable power of lightning is.

“Here are other bodies.”

Machi came to a corpse of gold and silver ingots that had also been split into coke, threw away a thought line and lightly clicked on the corpse, but the charred corpse turned into a pool of black ash.

“These bodies are gold and silver ingots that parasitize humans.”

“Surely, that tumbling head is too recognizable.”

There are dozens of corpses in the passage. Except for Ding Bi’s corpse, the other corpses are all ashes.

After identifying Ding No’s body, Luo immediately looked towards the lights on the wall of the passage.

not just There are lights on the walls, and the small number of Small Sect windows also exuded faint rays of light. Originally … it was as dark as choosing people.

Came here just to rule out the potential threat of Ding Bi.

Now that Ding Bi’s death has been confirmed, there is nothing to worry about.

However, the coke corpses in the passage made everyone feel a little heavy.

Even Demon Beast couldn’t resist, and the coverage of the mountain boat thunder was so comprehensive. Most of the herbs that were waiting for them to be picked were also suffered.

“Tonpa, what did you just say?” Luo asked.

“It’s nothing, I just don’t want Giles to hear my principle of competence.” Tonpa explained, and then said, “The small and small number of windows and doors in the building will also affect the clarity of my detection, so I recommend You use circles. “

Luo nodded, immediately went to the bottom of a wall building.

“The information that Yuan can get is also quite limited.”

Luo said, and immediately released the circle, seeping through the wall in front and entering the building.

The crowd looked at Luo attentively, waiting for the results to come out.

The circular aperture slowly swept over everything inside the building, and only gradually narrowed back after the extreme distance.

Looks at Luo closed the circle, Jin immediately asked: “How?”

Looking at other people, it is also curious looks at Luo.

Luo didn’t immediately answer, but quickly sorted out the information passed back by Yuan.

If it is for the detection of a single target, it is very simple to process the information fed back by the circle. On the contrary, if it is for everything in the detection range, it is not so simple to process.

However, Luo’s accomplishments on Yuan are not weak, only Tonpa is present, so he rarely uses them.

It didn’t take long for him to process the information passed back by Yuan.

“There are a lot of instruments and equipment, and … also something weird.”

Luo eyes glittering.

Not to mention those strange things, the instruments and equipment inside the building alone gave Luo a super-technical look.

But here is … the site of ancient humans.

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