Golden Skeleton King Dolu's thoughts are very simple.

Thanks to Lu Feng's reward, he has gained a vast territory in the Lesser Underworld, which is enough for him to build his own undead city in the Lesser Underworld and become an undead monarch.

The strength of the Undead Lord is basically comparable to that of lower gods and Morning Star Wizards.

What the current Aoki Paradise and the Golden Skeleton King Dolu need is not the godhead of the God of Warriors. To reach the sky in one step, all it needs is some accumulation of time and waiting.

Give him some time, Golden Skeleton King Doru, like Licoris, Elio and others, can break through on his own and become a powerful being of the fourth level.

Each of his subordinates is so confident, thinking that with their own efforts, they can become a fourth-level powerhouse.

Lu Feng's eyes swept across their faces, and he turned to the last of his men present, Fan Changqing, somewhat speechlessly.

Fan Changqing, what do you think?

Lu Feng stared at Fan Changqing and said with a faint smile.

Master, I am willing to accept the godhead of this warrior god and become a god to share my worries!

Fan Changqing's eyes fell on him. Fan Changqing did not shake his head and refuse like Li Kelis and others. Instead, he took a step forward with a smile and said solemnly.

Fan Changqing is now in charge of millions of residents in Qingmu Paradise, similar to the emperor, regent and other positions in other alien planes.

His own status is almost below that of one person under Lu Feng, but above ten thousand people.

However, despite holding a high position, Fan Changqing has never been complacent because of this. He is always open to learning and is dedicated to the management of Qingmu Paradise.

With Fan Changqing around, Lu Feng almost never worried about the millions of residents in Qingmu Blessed Land.

Fan Changqing took care of everything in an orderly manner. Fan Changqing could perfectly execute all Lu Feng's orders and needs in accordance with Lu Feng's requirements.

Although Lu Feng could ignore the millions of residents in the Aoki Paradise, these millions of residents were not only living beings living in the hinterland of the Aoki Forest, but also a group of migrant workers who contributed their share to the Aoki Paradise.

If they live a good life and complete the cycle of life and death, they can bring a steady stream of income from the source of heaven and earth to the Aoki Blessed Zone.

The creatures in the Aoki Blessed Land are closely related to Lu Feng, and with Fan Changqing here and the other millions of residents of the Aoki Blessed Land managing these millions of people, it saves Lu Feng countless efforts to worry about this.

In this regard, Lu Feng could only say that the divinity of the nobility and the god of rituals that he gave to Fan Changqing was not in vain, and it was considered to be well worth the money.

However, Fan Changqing replaced Lu Feng to manage the millions of residents in the Qingmu Blessed Land, which also consumed a lot of Fan Changqing's energy and energy, so that after so many years, his fused aristocratic and ritual god's divinity has lost any strength at all. progress.

If he hadn't merged with divinity and become a divine creature, subordinates like Fan Changqing who worked conscientiously for Lu Feng would have died of mental exhaustion and overwork.

Therefore, after Lu Feng took out the Godhead of Warriors, Fan Changqing was very excited.

It just so happened that Likolis and others looked down upon the god of warriors, so Fan Changqing did not have any pressure from competition.

No one wants the god of warriors, but Fan Changqing is disrespectful.

After understanding Fan Changqing's needs, Li Kelis and others had no objection at all, and Lu Feng settled the matter.

With a casual throw, the Godhead of the Warrior God flew directly in front of Fan Changqing, fell down, and was firmly caught in Fan Changqing's hand.

Just from the moment of contact, Fan Changqing felt a high-spirited fighting spirit from this godhead. He wished he could put on armor and go into battle to fight in all directions.

You get ready. When you are ready, I will assist you in refining the godhead of this warrior god. I wish you to become a lower god and help you build the Kingdom of God!

Lu Feng shouted softly, calling Fan Changqing back to reality who was influenced by the god of spiritual warriors, and reminded him smoothly.

Just by being in contact with the godhead of the Warrior God, Fan Changqing's spirit can be affected by the godhead. In Lu Feng's opinion, Fan Changqing's strength is really weak.

If he were allowed to fuse the Godhead on his own, Lu Feng was afraid that if he couldn't sustain the Godhead fusion and ignite the divine fire, he would be overwhelmed by the huge law information in the Godhead of the Warrior God and become a fool.

Not to mention the loss and waste of divine power, at the same time, one of his generals has no one to help him manage the millions of residents in the Aoki Blessed Land. This is a first-class trouble.

I understand, sir!

Fan Changqing put away the Godhead of the Warrior God with some shame. He understood that this was due to his lack of strength, and he was inevitably worried.

Lu Feng saw Fan Changqing's worries and gave him a few words of relief. He said that with his presence, he could ensure that he could successfully integrate the godhead of the Warrior God and reach the sky in one step, becoming a fourth-level powerhouse.

Under Lu Feng's guidance, Fan Changqing stopped worrying and hurried back with a little excitement to adjust his energy and spirit in preparation for the integration of the godhead.

Three days and three nights later, Fan Changqing returned with a stable mood, full of energy, and fully prepared for the unfused godhead.

Master, my subordinates are ready!

A faint smile appeared on Fan Changqing's face and he said with a relaxed expression.

In the surrounding area, Liklis, Elio and others were also in place, standing in the distance, watching Fan Changqing standing in the center from a distance.

Although Fan Changqing only fused a godhead and did not naturally become a god through his own efforts, this process of becoming a god is still rare.

The gods in the alien plane of the God-given continent are all hidden when they become gods, and few are willing to let outsiders stop to watch and absorb the experience.

After all, when a god becomes a god, it is when they are at their weakest. If they have not established a kingdom of god, they have no safe place to stand. If they are not yet familiar with their strength, they are definitely the weakest beings at their level.

If some top powerhouses in the late third level were holding divine weapons, they might kill the gods who had just become gods and were in a weak state.

Some low-level gods who have been in the fourth level for a long time like to attack these weak new gods and rob them of their godhood and divinity.

Lu Feng gestured to Fan Changqing, who nodded. When he turned his hand, the god of warriors appeared in his hand.

Fan Changqing pressed the godhead of the warrior god towards his eyebrows, and a bright yellow light flashed. The godhead of the warrior god Nuer merged into the center of Fan Changqing's eyebrows, melted into a pool of liquid, and merged with Fan Changqing's soul. together.

Suddenly, countless laws about warriors emerged from the godhead of Banur, the god of warriors, and poured into Fan Changqing's spiritual soul.

In a daze, Fan Changqing felt like he had become a thin man named Banur, studying an ancient book and exploring step by step the extraordinary path to becoming a warrior.

From fighting ordinary people, fighting beasts, fighting aliens, fighting soldiers, fighting God-given lords, to fighting the gods...

Banur fought countless battles throughout his life, earning his reputation as the God of Warriors, resounding throughout the world and awe-inspiring to the continent.

Fight, fight, fight!

Immersed in countless battles in the life of the warrior god Banur, Fan Changqing's mind was filled with the high-spirited fighting spirit.

His eyes glowed with scarlet light, and his body moved unconsciously, as if he wanted to compete with the people around him and fight to the death.

wake up!

Lu Feng shouted, awakening Fan Changqing again, and then waved his hand, and the power of the entire Aoki Blessed Land was blessed on Fan Changqing's body and soul.

Suddenly, Fan Changqing's mind seemed to have suddenly enlightened, and endless light of wisdom emerged in his eyes. The numerous laws and knowledge from the god of warriors, Banur, and the thousands of years of understanding of the extraordinary profession of warriors were all absorbed by Fan Changqing. Familiar, everything is clear.

Under the blessing of Qingmu Paradise, Fan Changqing possessed extraordinary understanding ability. Almost instantly, he learned the minimum knowledge of laws required to integrate the godhead of the warrior god Banur.

A pale yellow warrior realm emerged around Fan Changqing, making his figure look like a god of war descending to earth.

With the knowledge of these laws that Fan Changqing has mastered, Fan Changqing can then ignite the divine fire needed to integrate the godhead, and everything will fall into place.

At the same time, in Qingmu Paradise, a group of residents of Qingmu Paradise who loved and respected Fan Changqing were praying devoutly for Fan Changqing under the guidance of officials from the Qingmu Paradise Religious Administration Bureau.

My great lord Fan Changqing, the leader of Qingmu civilization, you are the manager of the civilized order, you are the supreme follower of the world...

Praise be to our great Lord!

My great lord Fan Changqing, you are the creator of the warrior profession, you are the invincible god of battle, your power is unmatched...

Praise our great lord Fan Changqing!

We dedicate our most devout faith to you. From now on, after death, we will return to your kingdom of God, become your shield, resist all harm for you, and become your sword, crushing all enemies!

My great lord Fan Changqing, may you lift up the Kingdom of God and turn it into a star in the sky!

In many places in Qingmu Blessed Land, uniform voices of prayer sounded, which were sacred and solemn.

Fan Changqing stood in the void with a solemn expression. His body was covered with light yellow and solid fighting spirit, forming a warrior field surrounding him.

Countless power of faith escaped from the bodies of the residents of Qingmu Blessed Land who prayed for him sincerely, turning into little bits of pale golden starlight, surrounding Fan Changqing and pouring into his body.

The divinity related to the warrior law condensed in Fan Changqing's soul. In an instant, a powerful aura like Li Kelis and the others spread from Fan Changqing's body.

The realm that Licolis, Elio and the others were still striving for was easily achieved by Fan Changqing, becoming the most powerful level before the fourth level.

Lu Feng stretched out his hand and held it. The rest of the power of faith that had been collected over the years in the Aoki Blessed Land, the Subcontinent and other places was taken out by Lu Feng all at once.

Under the influence of the power of Qingmu Paradise, these chaotic powers of faith were instantly compressed and condensed by Lu Feng, purified, and turned into crystal clear crystals of divine power.

These crystallizations of divine power contain a pure and powerful power of faith. They are so pure that they are directly refined into divine power by the gods. They are also the best-selling common currency among the gods.

With a push, Lu Feng pushed the crystallization of his newly condensed divine power towards Fan Changqing, who was undergoing transformation.

Thousands of divine power crystals shattered.

Wave after wave of pure divine power poured into Fan Changqing's eyebrows. With the assistance of this pure divine power,


A bit of fire bloomed in Fan Changqing's soul, and the last burst was out of control, turning into a ball of golden divine fire, burning and scorching every fiber of divinity in Fan Changqing's soul.

Fan Changqing's eyes shone with the light of wisdom, and the warrior laws he understood shone in his soul, turning into strips of divinity and submerging into his divine fire.

Strands of pure divine power were absorbed by Fan Changqing, and the divine fire in his soul became stronger and stronger.

A large number of residents in Qingmu Blessed Land are praying devoutly, and the power of faith they contribute is continuously integrated into Fan Changqing's body.

About, five hours later.

In the divine fire in Fan Changqing's soul, a godhead finally condensed out. As the golden divine fire burned blazingly, it was completely absorbed by the new godhead.

A terrifying divine pressure suddenly erupted from Fan Changqing's body and spread throughout the Aoki Blessed Land at the moment the divine personality was condensed.

Not far from Fan Changqing, a wide eye was staring at Fan Changqing. Even though Li Kelis and others who were about to learn from him were unwilling to do so, they were forced by the divine coercion that erupted from Fan Changqing's body. Backing away continuously.

Li Kelis and others who were about to raise their heads and look at Fan Changqing suddenly discovered that Fan Changqing in front of them turned out to be so dazzling after being promoted to a god.

Mortals cannot look directly into the glory of gods.

Even though Lycoris and the others were close to the fourth level and were about to become gods, they still lowered their heads under the disparity between gods and mortals.

However, to Lu Feng, Fan Changqing's coercion was like a breeze blowing against his face, not worth mentioning.

A new god and his own subordinate, Lu Feng had complete control over everything about Fan Changqing.

No matter how strong Fan Changqing is now, he is still harmless to humans and animals in front of Lu Feng.

But this was not the moment when Fan Changqing was overjoyed. At the moment when his godhead had just condensed, all the divinity and laws of the godhead of the warrior god Banur that he had merged emerged and were stuffed into Fan Changqing's soul. The new godhead in.

Suddenly, Fan Changqing's new godhead expanded suddenly, from the size of a pigeon egg to the size of a chicken egg.

Although he is still at the level of a lower god, the divinity and laws in his godhead are indeed far beyond the limits that Fan Changqing can master.

A trace of pain flashed in Fan Changqing's eyes, and he was suddenly troubled by the large number of uncomprehended laws and knowledge in his godhead.

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