Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 320 The battle for the god of warriors!

If the emerald green wooden staff that Lu Feng picked up by chance ended up in an alien plane like the God-given Continent, it would definitely cause the strong men on the entire continent to go crazy, and the gods would send down projection clones to fight for it.

After all, such fourth-level witchcraft secret treasures, in the hands of the gods of Godsend Continent, can often change the outcome of a war.

It even affects the battle and division of interests between the two pantheons.

Lu Feng took the emerald green wooden staff in his hand and poured his spiritual power into it. The emerald green wooden staff flashed with light, and a emerald green light of life enveloped the wooden staff, exuding terrifying power fluctuations.

The little strength of the Fire Dragon Taoist Soldier is not even enough to activate this witchcraft secret treasure. At most, it can use the essence of the emerald green wooden staff to play some insignificant role.

Despite this, the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers can still experience the extraordinary powerful ability of the emerald green wooden staff, which is worthy of the name of the fourth-level witchcraft secret treasure.

In the hands of Lu Feng, who has the strength of the Morning Star Wizard, this emerald-green wooden staff can exert its original power and greatly enhance Lu Feng's combat ability. Moreover, the emerald-green wooden staff is a witchcraft secret treasure that does not need to be recognized by anyone. It can be used in the hand, which is perfect for Lu Feng.

Lu Feng stroked the emerald green wooden staff and touched a raised inscription on the head of the staff, which was the text of two wizard civilizations.

Cui Xing, Cui Xing Staff, what a good name! Lu Feng said to himself with a smile.

However, this green star staff is good, but logically speaking, it is also a witchcraft secret treasure with an owner. The powerful wizard who knocked the warrior god down into the starry sky is probably reluctant to give up this powerful fourth-level staff at will. Secret treasure of witchcraft.

If you have a chance, you can return this Jade Star Staff to the wizard when you meet him! But you have to explain how you got it, otherwise it will only cause more trouble!

Although Lu Feng likes this Jade Star Staff, a gentleman loves money in a wise way.

He could not do the shameless thing of taking the treasures of friendly wizards as his own at will.

Besides, he doesn't really need this fourth-level witchcraft secret treasure that improves his combat effectiveness when he is nestled in a green tower. On the contrary, the powerful wizard who fights against the forces of gods and civilizations in the starry sky of the alien plane of the God-given Continent is the most powerful. Anyone who needs this magical treasure.

If because of his greed, the wizards are civilized and the [Botanical Garden] loses a powerful wizard, this is what Lu Feng does not want to see.

Putting down the Staff of the Emerald Star for the time being, Lu Feng summoned the breathing energy ancient tree saplings to evacuate the remaining remnants of the warrior god Banur's kingdom, and then used the power of the Aoki Blessed Land to pull the remnants of the kingdom of the god into the Aoki Blessed Land. To become the resources and food for upgrading and cultivating in Aoki Blessed Land.

For wizards who have internal plane space, gods are full of treasures.

The Kingdom of God is a special space created by the gods who collected a large amount of precious resources in the starry sky. These resources are also precious resources for the wizard's internal plane space.

Lu Feng moved with all his strength, and the fallen kingdom of God on the God's Gift Continent quickly disappeared into the void.

The various god-given lord forces watching nearby were surprised to find that the energy storm that had originally violently blocked the entry of the weak quickly disappeared. In less than two or three days, the energy storm that hindered their progress disappeared.

They happily rushed into the huge circular pit created by the fall of the Kingdom of God to explore, but were surprised to find that there was nothing at the bottom of the pit.

What about such a big kingdom of gods descending from the sky?

How could he disappear right in front of their eyes?

All the God-given lords and forces were a little suspicious of their own eyes for a while. Who in the world could have such strength and steal this Kingdom of God under their noses?

Another problem that followed frightened them even more.

They discovered that after the Kingdom of God disappeared, those gold-level powerhouses who rushed into the Kingdom of God to explore together when the energy storm outside the Kingdom weakened disappeared one by one along with the Kingdom of God.

The gold-level God-given lords and gold-grade soldiers are the foundation for these forces to maintain their status in the God-given continent. Now the pillars of these forces have disappeared without a trace along with the Kingdom of God. They are gone. With these pillars, everyone present could not imagine what the next God-given continent would be like.

God, the God-given continent is about to change!

No one among these forces on the God-given Continent could have imagined that Lu Feng was the culprit that caused all the changes in the God-given Continent. Lu Feng didn't care at all about the worries of these little people.

No matter how the situation changes in the God-given Continent, it won't affect Lu Feng anyway, so why bother.

On the other hand, Licoris and Elio under Lu Feng were very happy when they learned about the fall of the Kingdom of God, which suddenly buried the golden lords and golden soldiers of many forces on the God-given continent. .

Without these unsightly strong men, their forces will be able to absorb more benefits and resources from the changes in the God-given Continent.

The various lucky Chosen Ones obviously feel that the pressure from the enemy has been reduced a lot.

These top forces have lost their backbone, and everyone is in danger. In a series of power struggles, they have no time to take care of themselves. Naturally, the suppression and care of these chosen ones have been relaxed a lot.

Without a large number of threats and restrictions, the development and upgrade speed of these Chosen Ones with low-end versions of the system has soared, and the benefits gained by Licoris and Elio have also increased sharply.

Thanks for the gift, sir!

Naturally, Licolis and the others also knew that all of this was a series of influences brought about by Lu Feng after he conquered the Kingdom of the Warrior God.

Lu Feng didn't try to win the championship for these trivial matters, Licoris and the others had their own sense of proportion.

Lu Feng was now looking into the Aoki Spiritual Realm, looking at the remnants of the divine kingdom of the warrior god Banur and his godhead.

The kingdom of gods is similar to the internal plane space of the wizard civilization Morning Star Wizard. However, unlike the Morning Star Wizard, the establishment of the Kingdom of God is not as easy as the internal plane space of the Morning Star Wizard.

As long as the third-level wizards of the wizarding civilization practice step by step and complete the understanding of a law, and use the method of breakthrough in the wizarding world, they can open up a weak plane space in the body when they advance.

Although the new plane space is weak, it will be cultivated and developed to a large enough level as the Morning Star wizard grows, providing unlimited assistance to powerful wizards after the fourth level.

As for the true god of the civilization of the gods, if he wants to unite the kingdom of god, in addition to gathering his own godhead, he also needs to collect some precious materials to build his own kingdom of god.

One of the precious materials is a demiplane in a new state.

However, the demiplane is extremely difficult to find. You need to go to dangerous places in the starry sky to find it. It all depends on luck. God has given many gods on the continent, and many living beings do not have their own divine kingdom.

The Kingdom of God is the lair and base camp of the gods, and it is also the most powerful artifact of the gods. Only the gods who own the Kingdom of God can receive the souls of believers and allow their believers to be reborn in the Kingdom of God and become petitioners for annexation for a long time. The earth provides the power of faith to the gods.

In that divine kingdom, various laws mastered by the gods can also be incorporated into it to create the most powerful fighting environment. In a sufficiently powerful divine kingdom, a lower-level god can even compete with a mid-level god. .

On the God-gifted Continent, there are many weak gods among the sacred gods, beast gods, and ocean gods who do not have their own kingdoms. They can only live in the kingdoms of other gods. In the kingdoms of other gods, , divide an area to receive his followers.

Everyone knows the feeling of being under someone else's roof. Being restricted everywhere and having to bow down and pay tribute to your subjects brings many inconveniences.

Demiplanes that are not new enough are hard to find. Many gods in the planes of gods are looking for substitutes. In today's starry sky, the easiest substitute for new demiplanes is the plane space in the body of the Morning Star wizard. .

Most of the new demiplanes are in dangerous places in the starry sky. Finding them is not easy and depends entirely on luck. However, the civilization of gods and wizards have been fighting for a long time, and the wizards killed are much easier to find than the new demiplanes.

Even the gods on the God-given Continent, as long as they have a little strength, some connections, and pay some price, it is not very difficult to get the corpse of a Morning Star wizard and use the plane space in their bodies to build their own kingdom. thing.

Because at this time, the civilization of the gods and the civilization of wizards is destined to be a life-and-death hunting relationship. Accumulating hatred will only lead to endless death.

From the foundation of the divine kingdom of the warrior god, Lu Feng clearly discovered that this divine kingdom was also created using the plane space within the wizard's body.

Now that Lu Feng has killed the warrior god Banur, he has avenged his unlucky colleague.

After all, there is no killing without buying and selling.

After settling the kingdom of the warrior god Banur on the continent of Qingmu Paradise, Lu Feng took out the godhead of the warrior god Banur and thought about what to do with it.

Lu Feng has integrated the way of the wizard and the way of the earthly immortal, but Lu Feng does not intend to involve the way of the gods.

The way of the gods needs to be placed on the alien plane. The gods who become gods in the alien plane of the God-given Continent will be bound by the God-given Continent for life. Their kingdom of gods can rely on the power of the alien plane of the God-given Continent. Hidden in the starry sky near the alien plane of the God-given continent, making it difficult for the enemy to find it.

However, their true self can only move freely in the alien plane and starry sky of the God-given Continent. Once they go to other planes, their strength will plummet. Only the condensed incarnations or the legions of gods under their command have no restrictions.

The wizarding world prohibits becoming a god. If Lu Feng chooses the path of a god, he will not be able to return to the wizarding world in the future.

If the [Botanical Garden] organization discovers that he has chosen to become a god, it will reduce many of his benefits, ban him from using many public facilities of the [Botanical Garden] organization, and marginalize him.

If Lu Feng could create a clone, he might be able to practice the Way of the Gods at the same time, but currently there is no treasure that can bear the divine power and not affect the original body, so he does not plan to study the Way of the Gods in depth.

However, Lu Feng's subordinates who are not prepared to become gods in the Aoki Paradise can choose one or two to inherit the godhead of the warrior god Banur, become gods directly in the Aoki Paradise, possess the power of lower gods, and become the Aoki Paradise. of attachment.

As for who would use this godhead, Lu Feng summoned many of his subordinates from the Aoki Blessed Land to discuss it together.

The three succubus sisters Licolis, the three sisters Elio, Sulis, and Greda, the Golden Skeleton King Doru, Fan Changqing. There are also some new faces who have just competed among the residents of Aoki Paradise.

Likoris heard Lu Feng's inquiry, looked at the divine power in Lu Feng's hand, thought about it and refused decisively:

Thank you sir, but I already have my own endless abyss. I am destined to become a fourth-level demon lord in the future. I have recently studied the system and gained a lot of insights. I have slowly found myself on the path of the demon lord. In the direction, I guess it won’t be long before I can break through on my own! The Godhead of the Warrior God is not in line with my path, and I don’t need this Godhead!”

When Lycoris spoke, she revealed a look of confidence that she had found the way forward. The change in her temperament made Lu Feng slightly moved.

Lu Feng was so pleased to see Licoris's appearance that he almost said that Licoris had fourth-level qualifications and a promising future.

It is naturally best to become a fourth-level person and be able to find your own path, which means that you will have the opportunity to become a more powerful existence in the future.

Although the godhead of the Warrior God is good, it is just the godhead of a lower god. Once integrated into the soul, although he will become a god immediately, he will also be affected by the laws understood by Banur. In the case of being unable to fully understand these laws Under such circumstances, it is difficult to get promotion opportunities.

The future is limited, and perhaps he will remain a lower-level god throughout his life.

Although this kind of quick success is good, it also comes at a cost.

For Licoris, who had unlimited future prospects, Lu Feng did not want her to use this godhead.

Sir, I, Elio, do not need this warrior god. As a veteran of Aoki Blessed Land, I have enjoyed many resources and benefits given by you along the way. With the assistance of the Earth Immortal Magic, If I still can’t break through the fourth level on my own, then I might as well drown myself in water!”

Elio refused with the same words, and glanced at Licoris provocatively as he spoke.

Elio has been practicing the Earth Immortal Law for a long time. Although she has been focusing on the cultivation and understanding of the Law of the Ocean and is not as greedy as Lu Feng, after so many years, she has still gone a long way on the path of the Law of the Ocean.

With his understanding of the laws of the ocean, he has been able to condense the realm of the ocean, and there is only one opportunity left for Elio to be promoted to the fourth level of true god.

Therefore, Elio also has sufficient confidence in the future.

The leaders of Lu Feng's two small forces both showed their leadership as leaders, which made Lu Feng even more happy.

The succubi sisters and goddess sisters under them also stood firmly with their boss, and none of them raised the idea of ​​needing the godhead of the warrior god.

The Golden Skeleton King Dolu on the other side didn't speak either. He just shook his golden skull, obviously refusing Lu Feng's kindness.

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