God's blessing, God's gift to the lord? Your words are very informative!

Lu Feng, who was looking through the Water Mirror Technique, had a smile on his face.

In a world where gods exist, the level of danger will never be lower.

Besides, looking at the appearance of this [Warrior Guild], it doesn’t look like it could be created by ordinary third-level divine creatures.

Anyway, Lu Feng thought that he would never be able to do it at the third level.

A building that can directly transform living beings into extraordinary professionals. Looking at this style, I am afraid it involves some rules of the gods. Behind this, at least the fourth-level true gods are involved, and there may even be higher-level beings involved.

If this is the case, this alien plane may not look dangerous on the surface, but there should be a powerful mastermind behind it.

A small fight is probably okay, but if the commotion is bigger, the powerful gods behind the curtain will probably impose divine punishment and end up personally.

Lu Feng thought, and Licoris immediately understood.

Then with a wave of her hand, a second-level succubus swayed out of her flesh and blood warship.

After Lu Feng was promoted to Morning Star, a wizard organization saw that Lu Feng had raised succubi, so they played to their liking and sent some beauties from other races, including a team of twelve succubi.

These succubi who were sent as slaves are not very strong. Only the captain is a second-level succubus, and the others are first-level.

Lu Feng had eaten well and had little interest in these ordinary succubi.

So he threw them all to the three sisters of Licoris, and became their subordinates to facilitate the management of Licoris's demon territory.

As for the other alien slaves Lu Feng received, after Lu Feng looked at them, he kept them all in the Aoki Blessed Land to enrich the species diversity of the Aoki Blessed Land. These slaves were of low strength, and Lu Feng really did not like them.

The second-level succubus held a leather whip, swaying, and stepped into the silver-white portal in the Aoki Paradise.

Using the Fire Dragon Taoist as an anchor, the second-level succubus entered the alien plane and appeared directly next to the Fire Dragon Taoist.

The Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers are very powerful and can attack tough situations in battles, but their brains are not very bright and they are not proficient in interrogation.

When the second-level succubus arrived, the fire dragon Taoist soldiers had already occupied the Lord's Mansion of Lord Dunes, brought Dunes to an empty house, and cleared the surrounding people to facilitate the succubus' interrogation.

Professional matters should be left to professionals.

The second-level succubus captain studied under the succubus shadow heart and is proficient in whip interrogation and torture.

Lu Feng believed that she would be able to dig out all the information in Lord Dunes' mind.

A crackling sound of whipping, accompanied by Dunes's miserable howling like a slaughtered pig, came from the house. The soldiers in the city who were stopped a hundred meters outside the house were all frightened when they heard it.

What kind of torture and abuse did their lord suffer, to howl so miserably?

However, why were they still a little excited and happy when they listened to Dunes's screams?

Could it be that Dunes, the useless lord, squeezed them too hard in the past?

Fearing the powerful strength of the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers, warrior captain Les and his soldiers stared at the room where the lord's screams came from from a distance, with very complicated emotions in his heart.

But if they were asked to step forward to rescue the lord, they would never dare.

The men who had impulsively offended the majesty of the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers just now have turned into ashes and scattered in the air, everywhere.

Although the warrior captain Les finally took over Dunes, he did not want to follow in the footsteps of those unlucky ones and make unnecessary sacrifices.

After a while, the screams in the room gradually stopped.

Dunes, a short, fat middle-aged man, was covered in whip marks, lying on the ground with dull eyes, and drooling from the corners of his mouth, looking like a broken man.

The second-level succubus captain stood aside with a whip, looking satisfied.

Under her severe torture, Lord Dunes had revealed everything he could say. He even recalled his experiences such as setting fire to an ant hole when he was three years old, and stealing steamed buns from the maid when he was five years old. Not falling to the ground confided it out.

On Lu Feng's side, beside the Water Mirror Technique, there were already Lu Feng's men, who had recorded all the information Dunes had revealed.

Lu Feng, who watched the entire interrogation, had a general understanding of this alien plane.

Lord Dunes called the continent they were on, the God-given Continent.

It is said that this is a continent favored by many gods. After the intelligent creatures on the continent mature mentally, they have a chance to be favored by the gods and become special god-given lords.

Have the ability to command troops and build special buildings.

It can also turn gathering places of intelligent creatures into territories blessed with special attributes.

Increase grain yields, increase material production, and improve residents’ physical quality

In Lu Feng's opinion, various lord talents have a regular flavor and are extremely magical.

On the God-given Continent, the God-given Lord can almost be said to be God's favorite. With his powerful power, he has undoubtedly crushed many races and has become the most powerful existence.

However, there are rich and diverse races of intelligent beings on the God-given continent, including humans, orcs, beasts, demons, and sea tribes. As far as Dunes knows, he has seen more than ten races.

As long as they are intelligent creatures, creatures of all races have the opportunity to become lords.

It is not limited to one race, so each race has its own lord, who suppresses one party with its powerful power.

There are many races and powerful lords. There are endless wars on the God-given Continent. Countless battles take place almost every day. In this endless war, the God-given lords of each race stick together to survive.

Humans gave birth to a powerful holy empire, the orcs gave birth to a wild empire of beasts, and the sea people were said to have given birth to a huge ocean empire. However, after the sea people came ashore, their strength weakened, and there were only human beings and the holy empire on land. The orcs' empires of beasts are facing each other tit for tat, while other weak races are struggling to survive in the cracks between the two empires.

On the God-given continent, the main combat forces are divided into lords and soldiers, with a unified division of strength. Black iron, bronze, silver, and gold correspond in turn to the apprentices of the wizard civilization, the first, second, and third levels.

Dunes is relatively useless, just an ordinary branch of the Crazy Lion family. His awakened lord talent is not very good. He can only make the air in the territory cleaner, but has no practical use, so he was sent to the territory of the Holy Crazy Lion family. On the edge, as a dispensable little city lord.

Now he is almost thirty years old, and he is still just a Black Iron-level lord, with basically no potential for advancement. His strongest warrior captain, Les, is also a soldier given to him by the Mad Lion family.

There is only a warrior guild under his control, which supports a dozen black iron warriors and barely maintains the stability of the territory.

Actually, the fire dragon Taoist soldiers are quite lucky. They just happened to arrive in the useless territory of Dunes. If they go to other places, they might attract the attention of some powerful people on the God-given Continent. When the conflict breaks out, there will probably be trouble. On and on!

Lu Feng summarized the information and secretly said good luck.

And according to Dunes, there are many true God churches on the God-given Continent. The Holy Empire alone has nine true gods, which are enough to form a small god system.

There are a similar number in the orc empire of beasts, as well as the ocean empire, and some true gods of small races. Counting together, there are quite a lot of gods behind this world.

Lu Feng's [Space Gate] is so powerful that he can sneak back and forth silently. If he follows Blanco and Evelyn's idea of ​​using the plane gate to explore the world, I'm afraid that the moment the plane gate opens, it will be hidden in the sky above the God-given Continent. The gods among the stars are probably going to send down their mighty power to surround and suppress them.

Being surrounded by dozens of powerful gods, even the Morning Star Wizard, who was famous for his combat prowess, could not hope to get a good deal in the territory of the gods. The end would probably be extremely miserable.

It's a pity that Blanco and Evelyn are destined to be disappointed. In this alien world, it's okay for people like me to develop secretly and steal chickens, and I can also get some benefits. It would be difficult if I were like them! After two days, it's okay. God, I refused their invitation directly, even Teacher Dia, lest he want to wander around before the plane space in his body is stable.

After understanding the combat power behind God's Gift Continent, Lu Feng calculated.

The master had to hold on, and Blanco and Evelyn had to rely on their luck. The two of them were extremely eager for the Starry Sky Source Crystal. If he made empty promises, Lu Feng estimated that he would not be able to influence their decisions.

If there is a chance, Lu Feng still needs to persuade him. After all, he prostituted their extradimensional coordinates for nothing.

The specific situation will be discussed in detail later when the decision is made in a few days.

After Lu Feng obtained the basic information about the God-given Continent from Lord Dunes, he began to think about how to deal with this alien plane.

First of all, he himself will definitely not go to the God-given Continent.

There are dozens of true gods hidden behind God's Gift Continent. Looking at the unconventional military structures and territories on God's Gift Continent, Lu Feng can hardly imagine how many tricks these true gods have deployed on God's Gift Continent when they have nothing to do.

A gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall. Lu Feng did not want to touch such a dangerous place.

He has just been promoted to the Morning Star Wizard, and the Aoki Paradise is almost brand new. There are still many things that he needs to delve into and explore. His combat power has not reached its peak. Going to the enemy's lair to play, it is really too long.

Forget it, let's leave this god-given plane to the men like Elio and Lycoris for the time being to plan and plunder! What they can accomplish depends on their abilities. Even if something goes wrong, At most, I will lose a few inconsequential soldiers, and I won’t be able to cause any trouble at all!”

Looking at the silver-white space portal in the Aoki Paradise, and carefully observing the Water Mirror Technique Likoris and others, Lu Feng made a final decision in his heart.

After calling Elio, Licoris and others and briefly explaining his thoughts to them, Lu Feng asked for their opinions.

Elio looked at the silver-white portal in the blessed land, his eyes flashed, and he was the first to express his opinion:

Thank you for your trust, sir. With your treasure here, I believe that we can send some ordinary soldiers as vanguards to do something on the God-given continent, disguised as lords and powerful soldiers, and serve for our Aoki Blessed Land plunders resources.

As long as we don't go there by ourselves, even if ordinary soldiers die, the damage will be controlled within a small range. With one-way contact and the master's treasure, our existence will not be exposed. There is a lot to do!

Elio agreed very much with Lu Feng's idea, and when explaining his point of view, he also enriched the specific details.

Others thought about it and agreed with this idea, which was not dangerous.

In addition, Licoris thought for a while and added something:

Sir, I have been reading the biographies and secret histories of wizard civilization recently, and I have seen a lot of stories about demons disguised as portable treasures, or accompanying spirits to deceive the indigenous people. I think we can use your treasures, master, to learn from the gods of the continent. Choose some lucky people among the natives and train some local leaders, fat sheep!

Licolis was born as a succubus, and her suggestions were very vicious.

Lu Feng thought about it for a while and found that this proposal was very feasible.

In his previous life, he had also read a lot of system literature, such as grandfather-like novels. The protagonists were all workers, mindless walking zombies. If he cultivated the natives of the God-given Continent in this way, he might actually be able to cultivate them. Some useful protagonists to come.

The key is that the natives trained by these local natives are more in line with the local characteristics of the God-given continent than Lu Feng's soldiers, reducing the risk of exposure and making them safer.

Licoris's method is great, and Elio's suggestion is also very good. Let's work together on both sides. Each of you will organize your manpower and conquer the God-given Continent together! Within one year, which of you will obtain more resources and have higher value? Who will receive my award!

Lu Feng commented on the two people's proposals and directly divided them into two rows, cultivating their sense of competition.

I will obey my master's instructions!

Elio and Lycoris led their respective partners into two teams and replied in unison, looking at each other with a burning desire to fight.

Appropriate competition can increase the activity of your subordinates.

Lu Feng did not want Elio and the others to become mere vases in the Aoki Blessed Land, but rather hoped that they could act independently and contribute to the growth of the Aoki Blessed Land.

Let's work together to move towards a better future.

After the meeting,

The teams of Elio and Lycoris split up, each selected their own men, and began to plan for the God-given continent.

In the God-gifted Continent, in the small town of Lord Duens, the Fire Dragon Taoist soldiers have arrived under Elio's orders.

The second-level succubus captain dragged Lord Duens with a whip and stepped on his head under his feet. With infinite charm, the second-level succubus captain lifted Duens' fat chin with his toes and licked his lips. Slowly he said:

Dear Lord, do you want to be my dog?

Think, think, from now on, I, Dunes, will be Lady Lysa's dog!

Under the ferocious charm of the succubus, Dunes felt as if he was in love. He was addicted to the beauty of the second-level succubus captain Lysa. He listened to the voice of the succubus Lysa and stuck out his tongue. Like a licking dog.

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